Chapter 248 The woman who defeated the dean

“Hey, you still can’t do it. Other people’s martial arts are the first generation of martial arts. How can you be a big-headed soldier who has studied military boxing for a few years to get a bargain?”

Tang Tian recognized the set of punches that Zhao Jingwei played just now without even looking at it.

Too familiar, that is the teaching content of the military training of Tang Tian University before crossing, when the instructor was teaching Tang Tian as the teaching material.

It is said that Tang Tian is like this, he should practice boxing, he should go to the army to exercise, Tang Tian who said at that time was very itchy, and almost immediately dropped out of school to become a soldier.

Due to the personal experience, I am very familiar with this set of military boxing.

“This is another world. You have to keep pace with the times and learn more local tactics.”

If it hadn’t just absorbed the killing blood jade, he would have gained more than three hundred million mental power in a short period of time, causing Tang Tian’s body to be vain and need to rest “Zero Zero”, he would have to get up and do two moves with martial arts.


Feng Snake doesn’t know this idea of ​​Tang Tian, ​​if he knew, he would have to kneel down to thank that piece of killing blood jade for saving one of them.

Good guy, Tang Tian has never exercised his body since he met the zombie system and never learned how to control his own power.

After the system has given the power, it only has the control power that can guarantee that it will not affect the normal life of Tang Tian.

But if he fights melee, that little bit of control is simply not enough.

With a strength of more than two million, if it really fights on the top of the wind snake, stepping on it with one foot will not make a hole for the wind snake who has been working hard.

“By the way, Lao Zhao, you said last time that the head of the Hundred Ghost Academy was defeated by a woman? You haven’t told me what the woman’s abilities are and what does she look like?”

If he can defeat the head of the Hundred Ghost Academy above the SSSS level with three punches and two feet, he must be a super strong person above the SSSS level.

I’ve been running around looking for the blood-killing jade, not just to reach the realm of SSS-level supremacy as soon as possible.

Tang Tian has been very curious about that realm for a long time, because until now, he doesn’t know what the realm above the sss level is called, even if it is mysterious, it should reveal some rumors, but it has never been.

“That can’t be said to be a woman, it looks like a little girl, a very Tsundere little Loli, green hair, green skirt, no shoes! 35

After a while, the wound on Zhao Jingwei’s hand had recovered as before, and he sat down and answered while drinking.

“How should I put it, because I hadn’t regained control of my body at that time, so I couldn’t feel the oppression brought by the girl. But I could feel the girl’s strength, and I couldn’t stand up, my body He was pressed to the ground, unable to move.

Zhao Jingwei still feels heart palpitations when he recalls the scene at that time. He was as strong as he is now, but he couldn’t even move a finger in front of that girl. It was hard to imagine how strong he was.

“And it wasn’t just a few tricks to defeat the dean, it just stretched out his hand and shook it. The dean was like being smashed by a hammer, and his bones were all crushed. I thought he was dead at the time. It wasn’t until the next day that he dared to use his strength to restore his body.”

“I could tell that the dean was frightened, and after recovering, he got into the base like a mouse played by a cat and disappeared directly.

“If he hadn’t forgotten about me when he ran, I probably wouldn’t have regained control of my body!”

After listening to Zhao Jingwei’s description, Tang Tian had a hard time imagining what kind of scene it was. He was as strong as the head of the Hundred Ghost Academy, and the girl couldn’t beat him. What would happen if he met him?

Will it be directly crushed to death?

“Then why did she give you a chip? Are you sure she gave it to you? I mean she could see your main consciousness that was hidden deep in consciousness at the time?

Tang Tian asked in addition to this key question.

If Zhao Jingwei, who is in the depths of his consciousness, can see it when he pays attention, will the system in his consciousness be seen at a glance when he meets that girl?

This problem is really deadly, all the current Tang Tian’s strength is given by the system, not a single bit is obtained by his own efforts.

If his system was directly pulled out of his consciousness or destroyed by that girl, he would simply quit.

Hearing Tang Tian’s question, Zhao Jingwei didn’t even think about it and replied directly: “Nonsense, of course it was given directly to me, before the girl flew away, her eyes were obviously looking at me in the depths of my consciousness! That’s why I know that girl What’s it like? Didn’t I tell you all about it, when I was pressed to the ground by her momentum at the beginning, I didn’t dare to move?

After getting this unreasonable and unexpected answer, Tang Tian only said one word…

“Grass! 99

After asking, Tang Tian’s head rested on the smooth thigh of the small bone and closed his eyes, thinking about how to go in the future.

I originally thought that I had obtained the system, and I was still a transmigrator. No matter what, I had to be the son of destiny in this world, and I could become the strongest in the world at any time.

Unexpectedly, there are so many powerful existences beyond Tang Tian’s imagination.

Every time he thinks of this, he is extremely grateful to the old man who used his life to transfer himself to the Mi Continent.

If that old man is still alive and standing in front of Tang Tian.

The grateful Tang Tian would probably invite him to a drink and thank him before killing him.

Just when Tang Tian and his party rushed to the decisive position set by Francis.

Hundreds of SSSS-level powerhouses that had been rectified in Miston City were dispatched one after another to start cleaning up the forces of the Hundred Ghosts Academy in the Mizhou Continent.

Mu Lingyu, on the other hand, was elusive, picking two fruits in the depths of the Mangku Mountains, and basking in the sun with bare feet on the beach thousands of miles away.

Francis, who arrived at the predetermined location early, was madly rioting, and one by one, SSSS-class humanoid self-propelled bombs were made in a string like dumplings.

One mind and three uses, and at the same time, it also takes into account the creation of a real combat-type sss-level pure metal machine with 2.3 people, and a series of laser cannons, particle cannons, light shields, and even high-frequency vibration lasers that can only be seen in sci-fi movies. sword.

While making things, he also imagined that he would not kill Tang Tian after catching Tang Tian, ​​and after swallowing the Tang system, he would make Tang Tian a mechanical variant to follow him, so that he could see his great achievements all the time.

Just thinking about his fantasy, he didn’t realize that Mu Lingyu was staring at him from a height of 10,000 meters above where he was.

“For the sake of the first-generation president, I won’t shoot you, but if your achievements fail to meet the requirements within the specified time, I will let you know what despair is, and no one can save you!

Mu Lingyu had planned to stay and see what Francis wanted to do with so many things.

Suddenly received a summons, the siege team encountered someone who couldn’t handle it, and asked her to hurry up and help.

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