Chapter 247 Mu Lingyu

Fully doubled, Tang Tian has more confidence in killing Francis later.

Although Francis was able to send out more than a dozen SSS-level mechanical variants just to find some trouble for Tang Tian.

In the number of strong, Francis occupies an absolute advantage.

Even Tang Tian guessed that the guy could produce SSS-level mechanical variants.

I have observed those mutants that were sent to death at the gate of Miston City, and those things gave Tang Tian the feeling that there is only one word: weak!

It’s too weak, it seems that it was only made for self-destruction, and it doesn’t take into account other performances, combat power or something.

There is only one function, and the frying is over.

But anyway, that’s eleven SSS-class bombs.

Especially in the extremely barren wasteland like Mizhou, it would be good to have a local SSS-level power user within a radius of ten thousand miles, which makes the SSS-level powerhouse more precious.

At this time, in an extremely luxurious room in Miston City, Chu Xingyun was talking to the woman named Lingyu.

“Mr. Chu, what is the supernatural power used by the human who has more than a dozen SSS-level mutants around you? 35

Lingyu really came to Mizhou to relax and take a vacation, but after he came, he became interested when he heard Chu Xingyun’s description of the battle outside the city.

She felt that the Tang Tian that Chu Xingyun said was very interesting, reminded her of some interesting things, and wanted to know more clearly.

Seeing Lingyu’s appearance, Chu Xingyun was a little unsteady about the attitude of the super strong above the SSS level in front of him towards Tang Tian.

He himself has no disgust towards Tang Tian, ​​although Tang Tian is surrounded by mutants, Chu Xingyun can see clearly, Tang Tian can manage those mutants.

I didn’t take action on Miston City, I just wanted to leave the killing blood jade. In Chu Xingyun’s view, the killing blood jade is a reward for someone who helped kill the baby ghost king and arrest the blood ghost king. Things, nothing bad.

However, Lingyu had already asked, and he couldn’t help but say it.

After deliberation, he said: “Mr. Mu, I have seen the power Tang Tian used, but I can’t recognize it. I will describe to you the scene after he sold it.””

“Well, well, think about it slowly! Speak more carefully! Mu Lingyu is obviously really interested in Tang Tian.

Picking up the tea on the table and taking a sip, Chu Xingyun said: “He only shot once after he arrived, and the other party is a strange mechanical transformation person.”

Hearing the mechanized man, Mu Lingyu interrupted: “Is that a mechanized man who acts uniformly and has the same expression on his face? 35

“It’s the same with the other ten people, and from what I’ve observed, they all walk at the same height when they lift their legs.

“But the man in the middle is not, he has a clear expression, I didn’t hear the conversation between them, but I understand lip language, I read the name from Tang Tian’s lip language, the other party’s name is Francis !35

As soon as the words Francis came out, Mu Lingyu’s calm expression instantly became gloomy, but he didn’t make a sound, and waved to Chu Xingyun to continue.

“That Francis and the ten SSS-level metal transformants around him were instantly killed by Tang Tian with one move. 35

Chu Xingyun recalled the scene at that time.

“The shot was very sudden, and there was no sign, but in an instant, there were eleven maddened purple lightning bolts that were exactly the same as those in the Sky Tower, killing Francis and his group instantly! I was very shocked at the time, and tried to sense the energy around me , but feel nothing.

After listening to Chu Xingyun’s description, Mu Lingyu leaned up and closed his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Seeing that Mu Lingyu started to think, Chu Xingyun walked out of the room silently.

“Purple Lightning Crazy Thunder? It’s not like the ability I know, but it seems that there is only that ability that can analyze and deconstruct Purple Lightning Crazy Thunder. It’s a pity that there is too little information to analyze it.”

Mu Lingyu muttered to herself, the water in the teacup automatically flew up and condensed around her mouth, took a sip and returned to the teacup.

“Forget it, let’s do this first, if it’s the kind of ability I’m looking for, then let him grow up first, otherwise it’s useless to find it.

As one of the most peak combat powers in the Central Imperial Capital, and one of the ultimate weapons of the Power User Alliance, Mu Lingyu never worried that he could not find what he wanted.

“However, it’s strange that my lovely sister would leave a confession chip on the continent of Mizhou.”

The moment Mu Lingyu first set foot on the Mizhou Continent, she sensed the confession chip that her sister gave to Zhao Jingwei.

This kind of thing is very precious even in the central imperial capital, it is very rare, and only the Mu family can make it, other forces have no way of knowing this kind of thing.


“Generally, the people who use the confession chip are mostly guilty of heinous crimes, but they can’t let them die and waste their ability. Is there such a strong person in this continent that has the potential to make my Tsundere sister like me?”

Mu Lingyu was very curious about this, but she didn’t know that Zhao Jingwei, the user of the confession chip, was with Tang Tian, ​​who was interested in her, otherwise she would definitely go to see it in person.

With the current Tang Tian’s strength, even if all the boosts were used up, all the members had given up without any reservations, and it would last for less than a minute in Mu Lingyu’s hands.

The gap is too big, Mu Lingyu, as one of the ultimate weapons in the central imperial capital, has already reached the highest level in the eyes of the world, the highest level of SSS level, there are four ranks, which is an existence that the current Tang Tian can’t even imagine.

If Mu Lingyu used his full power to activate his abilities, it would be an easy task to destroy the entire Mizhou Continent.


The current Tang Tian is still far from this realm.

After promoting Zi Ziyun, Tang Tian himself completely absorbed the killing blood jade from Miston City.

His spiritual power increased from 200 million to more than 530 million.


“Speed ​​up the progress, and find two or three pieces of killing blood jade the same size as Miston City, I will be able to surpass the SSS level, go and see the scenery after the sss level!

On Feng Snake’s head, Zhao Jingwei was fighting with Wu Yi, who had suppressed his own strength, with punches and kicks.

After Tang Tian finished looking forward to the future, he turned his head to watch the fight between the two, watching with relish.

I even recalled those action movies I watched in my previous life.

“Hey, Lao Zhao, you can’t do it, you’re putting him on a monkey! Tsk, really, you’re too honest!

Listening to Tang Tian’s blind command, Zhao Jingwei’s head was full of black lines.

Wu is even more confused.

What do you mean by trapping him as a monkey? He is a monkey himself. What’s wrong with trapping him?

The moment Zhao Jingwei caught Wu Fa in a daze, an old fist hit Wu’s nose.

Originally thought that at least some blood would be seen, but the next moment Zhao Jingwei clenched his bloody fist and threw it.

“I’m grass! Do you have any hard spots all over your body?

He punched Wu’s nose hard, but before Wu Du could respond, Zhao Jingwei’s own hand was broken and blood flowed.

The Tang Tian who looked at laughs like a fool again.

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