Chapter 246

Inside the spire of Miston City, the teleportation array lights up from time to time.

Every time it flickers, an SSS-level powerhouse in a special uniform emerges from inside.

The hall was already full, and a hundred SSS-level powerhouses were sent from the Power User Alliance, which was too shocking.

Even Tang Tian will be shocked when he sees it.

After the hundredth SSS rank ability user walked out of the teleportation array, the teleportation array suddenly darkened and began to twist.

A click sounded, and a graceful figure suddenly appeared in the hall.

If Zhao Jingwei was here, he would be able to recognize this woman at a glance, because the appearance of this woman was exactly the same as the woman who easily injured the head of the Baiguiyuan, but the height was very different.

“Welcome Lord Lingyu!”


The woman’s flowing fiery red hair was the same color as blood, but it looked very sacred.

She was wearing a green dress and no shoes, but no one in the room dared to look at her jade feet.

The whole body exudes a rich green light, standing in the air.

“This time I came to Mizhou as a vacation. You can move forward with the encirclement and suppression operation slowly, and come back and tell me when you encounter an opponent you can’t match!”9


After the woman said a word, it disappeared out of thin air, and the huge sense of oppression like a continuous mountain range also disappeared.

“Phew! Scared me to death! I didn’t expect 997 to be led by Master Lingyu this time!”

“Looking at your potential, it scared you to death, if you saw Lord Lingyu’s sister, wouldn’t you cry?

“Hey! Are you dying? Dare to mention her taboos in front of Lord Lingyu?

“Damn it! If you want to die, don’t implicate us!

Qi Ziyun released a small field that could only accommodate two people, Tang Tian took a deep breath and stepped into it.

As soon as I entered, I felt very uncomfortable, as if all the cells in my body were hissing.

However, Tang Tian can still bear this sin, enduring the discomfort all over his body, trying to mobilize the energy to control the supernatural power.

“Fortunately, as long as the ability is activated, the discomfort will disappear!”

In the field of silence, the energy control of the super-high-risk ability is not affected and can be mobilized at will.

As long as the super-high-risk power is used in the silent field, the discomfort in the body will disappear.

But it still has an impact. When he first entered the silent field, even if it was a super high-risk ability, it was very difficult to mobilize.

After the experience, Tang Tian came to a conclusion.

The restrictions on non-super-high-risk ability owners in this silent field are very terrifying. At the same level, as long as they fall into this field, they will lose their combat effectiveness in an instant.

Even people with super high-risk abilities will lose their combat effectiveness the moment they enter, but this time is very short, only less than a second.

But this is enough, stronger than expected.

“Ziyun, can you control the target of this silent field?

This question is also critical.

If it can’t be controlled, then as long as Qi Ziyun opens up the domain, it will hurt both sides, which is too tasteless.

“It can be controlled, but I’m still inaccurate, and it will be fine after I get used to it.

“That’s good, that’s good!

After getting the answer he wanted, Tang Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Tang Tian, ​​who was idle, thought that the system finally updated the intimacy again.

Open the small bone panel and take a look.

Contract Variant: Bone Girl

Title: Bone

Grade: SSS Grade

Intimacy: 301 (300 intimacy points are not unlocked) (…)

This, this situation is completely unexpected by Tang Tian.

Originally, I thought that Qi Ziyun had more than 500 intimacy and unlocked new functions, so it should have been unlocked along with his own bones.

“How can intimacy still be sealed? Funny, right?”

After reading Xiao Gu, Tang Tian checked the panels of other contract variants one after another, and found that in addition to the newly conquered Wu, the intimacy of the other variants has a sealed value, and Xiao Gu has the most, which has been sealed at three hundred.

“System, why is this? How to unlock the seal of intimacy?

Full of anticipation, a basin of ice water was splashed by an intimacy seal in the system, and Tang Tian couldn’t accept it.

If all the intimacy seals of the mutants are unlocked, then the combat power of Tang Tian and other mutants will soar to a very terrifying realm.

In particular, the small bone was sealed (cjcc) for 300, adding up to 600, what would the intimacy look like if it reached 600?

400 can unlock symbiosis, 500 is the fetter function that can double the combat power, what does 600 look like?

The uncontrollable curiosity made Tang Tian scratch like a cat’s paw in his heart, and it was so itchy.

When anxious Tang Tian was about to smash something, the sound of the system’s lack of beating sounded.

“This can’t be blamed on the system. It’s the host that made the contract mutants advance too quickly. The realm above the SSS level is a big threshold. As long as the host can make the mutants advance to the SSS level, the sealed intimacy will come back.” 5

Hearing the answer of the system, although Tang Tian is still dissatisfied, it can only be like this.

As long as the seal can be unlocked, it is strong enough now anyway.

After Qi Ziyun was promoted, Tang Tian’s subordinates were all SSS-level powerhouses, Bai Yiyi was not counted as subordinates, Tang Tian regarded her as his younger sister.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder welfare, like playing a card game, the sense of accomplishment of raising all the cards to the highest level is really wonderful.

Especially that fetter function in intimacy, let Tang Tian put it down.

Although this function is very powerful, Tang Tian can’t make good use of it now, especially his current ability is too single, and he can only form a bond with Qi Ziyun’s ultra-high-risk ability.

And there is only a double increase. When Tang Tian saw this fetter, he wondered if the more super-high-risk ability users would be subdued, the more the increase would be?

Will taking another one triple? Five times?

This has yet to be verified.

What Tang Tian wants most now is to find a way to expand the number of his own abilities, such as random bone-type abilities and fire-type abilities.

You can form a bond with Xiaogu and Lan, and enjoy a two-way increase. This is too tempting.

Tang Tian is imagining that he will collect various abilities in the future, and form a bond with the contract mutants under him. How many times can his own strength be increased?

Hundred times? Thousand times?

Just thinking about it makes me invincible.

Not to mention that mutants can also form various bonds.

Thinking of this, Tang Tian opened the panel that he had not seen for a long time, to see his strength after the increase.

Host: Tang Tian

Title: Emperor

Face value: 99999 (full level)

Strength: 2.4 million

Agility: 2.6 million

Mental strength: 200 million

Zombie fans: 2217899 (only ordinary zombies are counted)

Has variants: 298888

【Unparalleled Domain】

The energy control system ability, the ability person in the unparalleled realm can freely control all the energy that does not exceed their own level!

Current level: SSS level (upgradable, with the increase of the host’s mental power, the next level requires one billion mental power points)

Current range: 200,000 meters (upgradable, with the increase of the host’s mental power, the next level requires one billion mental power points)

Covenant Variants: 14

The unparalleled domain range of a full 200 kilometers, a full strength and agility of more than two million.

It’s so scary!.

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