Chapter 245 [Title・Forbidden Magic]

Since Zhao Jingwei is so confident, Tang Tian will naturally not refuse.

Anyway, I still have two first-generation bodies to form a lineup, unless the Power User Alliance sends more than five strong men above the SSS level in order to hunt down Zhao Jingwei.

But this is impossible, that level of powerhouse is not Chinese cabbage, how could it be possible to dispatch so many just to chase one person.

More than an hour later, Feng Snake and a group of people found the place where the Blood Ghost King hid the killing blood jade.

Without encountering any obstacles, it was easy to find the killing blood jade the size of a human head in Kuran City.

In addition to the piece of Miston City just now, Tang Tian’s stock of killing blood jade finally increased again.

The piece of Miston City is very large, almost three times the size of a human head. If Tang Tian absorbed it directly, it would be able to increase his mental power by more than three hundred million.

But now is not the time, Tang Tian wants to raise Qi Ziyun’s level first.

Although her super-high-risk ability, super-silence, is not strong in attack power, the restraint effect on the ability user is too obvious.

Even those body-enhancing abilities that are attacked by Qi Ziyun will lose the boost to the body and become an ordinary person with a little more strength.

He found a quiet place and directly started to help Qi Ziyun advance.

“Ziyun, you adjust your state first, and you will be directly promoted to SSS level later!

Although Qi Ziyun, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground and making preparations, did not speak, the gratitude in his eyes was about to overflow.

After the preparations were done, Tang Tian took out the small piece of blood-killing jade, opened the system interface, and chose to upgrade.

[The system prompts that the killing blood jade required for evolution has been prepared! Is it evolving?]

Choose OK!


Qi Ziyun, who was sitting cross-legged on the side, slowly floated into the air and began to rotate, while the killing blood jade in Tang Tian’s hand also began to consume rapidly.

“This consumption?!”

Soon, Tang Tian exclaimed.

The killing blood jade of the size of the head of Kuran City that was hidden by the Blood Ghost King was completely consumed with Qi Ziyun’s faster and faster rotation.

The whole killing blood jade was used up in the blink of an eye.


This situation is something Tang Tian never expected, other mutants can only use half of the blood-killing jade to advance from S rank to SSS rank at most.

Is it because of super high-risk abilities?

Seeing that Qi Ziyun’s body exudes a very unpleasant, powerful field that seems to be leaving the body, Tang Tian guessed.

In this kind of field, Tang Tian couldn’t even release his abilities just now, let alone other mutants.

This made Tang Tian very shocked, how could he be so strong? How could he be so strong?

His energy control is also a super high-risk ability, why is it also restricted?

Zhao Jingwei also hurriedly avoided the field of Qi Ziyun, and at the same time asked a question that Tang Tian also wanted to ask.

“Wu, how are you feeling? Do you feel any discomfort?”

But he knew the answer just after the question, because Wu was one step away from Qi Ziyun faster than them.

“Yes, and it’s very uncomfortable! But it’s not that my ability can’t be used, but it’s very limited, and my physical strength is even affected! What kind of ability is this?”

Zhao Jingwei is also very curious about this question. He originally thought that Qi Ziyun was a vase-like character, but it was not until this moment that he understood that this is a vase, this TM is a humanoid self-propelled EMP bomb!

“Super high-risk ability: super power is silent!” Tang Tian replied word by word.

At this moment, Tang Tian is dying of acidity. It must be known that when he was promoted to SSS level, there was no such effect, and the energy control ability did not change qualitatively, but only expanded the scope.

“Super high-risk ability?! I rely on it!”

Wu and Zhao Jingwei exclaimed at the same time, they both knew this kind of thing.

Even in Wu’s memory, he once saw a scene where the owner of a super-high-risk ability fought an enemy.

“Don’t talk, Ziyun is about to be promoted! I’m really looking forward to it, how strong is she?”

As soon as the voice fell, along with a huge burst of energy, there were originally many mutants within a hundred miles that made sounds from time to time, and all fell silent.

If it weren’t for Tang Tian’s quick eyes and hands to protect Bai Yiyi in a hurry, only S-rank Bai Yiyi would definitely die directly because the ability was stripped away.

After the promotion, Qi Ziyun did not wake up, his face was blue and red, as if he was experiencing some catastrophe.

Not caring so much, Tang Tian directly clicked on the Qi Ziyun panel to check.

Variant: Qi Ziyun

Title: Forbidden Demon

Grade: SSS Grade

Intimacy: 501 (when the intimacy reaches 100, you can use the idea of ​​communication, and when the intimacy reaches 200, you can unlock the evolution function! When the intimacy reaches 300, you can perform soul transmission, and when the other party encounters danger, you can sense the other party’s location in both directions! The intimacy reaches 400 Symbiosis can be unlocked, as long as the host does not die, the mutant will not die, unless it is obliterated by the information state, the mutant will not die, and the host will not die! When the intimacy reaches 500, the bond function will be unlocked, and the mutants of the same ability will interact with each other. Increase the combat power, you can also form a bond with the host! The current bond: double super-high-risk abilities, all-round increase the host and the mutant twice the strength!)

Current Status: Excited

Innate ability: super-high-risk ability: super-silence (this ability is one of the super-high-risk abilities in the current world, and is the nemesis of all power users. Within the power range of super-silence, all power users’ attacks will It will be wiped out! And it can deprive the abilities of the same level and below!)

Innate ability: powerful silence (can interrupt the caster of the ability, let his ability backfire on himself, causing unstoppable damage!)

Innate ability: Silence Domain (The first person in history who has advanced to the SSS level of super silent ability can open this domain. Open this domain, the same level of ability will be limited by 90% of the power for ten seconds. It is lower than the use of The level of the ability user will be forcibly deprived of the ability! The field range is controllable, with a maximum radius of 200,000 meters

(bond boost))

I rely on rely on!!!

After reading it, Tang Tian felt like he was blown away, what kind of thing is this!

This is too strong. In the silent field with a radius of 200 kilometers, the power of the same level will be limited by 90%. Is this a joke?

Although it is only ten seconds, but at the level of SSS level, ten seconds can do a lot of things, right?

But Tang Tian still feels a little unreal, this is really too strong.

“”||Thanks master!”

After Qi Ziyun was promoted, he knelt down on one knee and respectfully said the bottom line to Tang Tian who was stunned.

“Cough, hurry up, hurry up!

“Ziyun, you show me your silent field, and I can feel it!”

Although Qi Ziyun was very worried, she would not ignore Tang Tian’s words.

“it is good!

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