Chapter 244

Zhao Jingwei nodded, made a handprint, and the small bottle containing the blood of the Blood Ghost King appeared out of thin air in front of Chu Xingyun.

The meaning is obvious, you have to agree if you agree, and you have to agree if you don’t agree, and the blood-killing jade must be handed over.

Chu Xingyun didn’t want to refuse this request. Compared with such a big event as the ghost king banquet, killing the blood jade together is nothing.

Besides, he himself is not a full-time guardian of the spire of the Alliance. His main duty in Miston City is to defend the entire city and find opportunities to break through the realm by the way.

The big deal is that after the ghost king banquet is over, let the central imperial capital send another piece over and it will be over.

Anyway, Chu Xingyun thinks so.

Originally, he had made plans to die in battle, but now he just gave a piece of blood jade, so why not do it.

“Yes! No problem, I promise you! But you can’t take action against Miston City! Chu Xingyun reached out and grabbed the small bottle that controlled the Blood Ghost King, and agreed unequivocally.

“You wait for me for a while, and I’ll get you the blood-killing jade now!”

Worrying about Tang Tian’s repentance, Chu Xingyun’s figure flashed, and he rushed back to the minaret to take the killing blood jade.

At this time, Francis, who had set up detectors around Miston City, watched Chu Xingyun go back to take the bloody jade, and muttered to himself: “I’ll leave this to you, Tang Tian!

Francis originally planned to shoot directly, but the existence of Chu Xingyun made him avoid the mouse.

He has a close relationship with the Power User Alliance, but only one person in the entire alliance knows this secret so far.

In order not to expose his relationship with the alliance so early, Francis temporarily switched to a fake body, and was unwilling to expose his real body under the eyes of Chu Xingyun.

Francis guessed right, if he had just come in the real body, Tang Tian would have immediately started, and he would not have more BB with him at all, how could he wait until three days later.

After reading the whole story, Francis put away the detector and set off for the decisive battle position to make arrangements in advance.

This decisive battle is different from those cities he has captured in the past. They are also system owners, and he will not underestimate Tang Tian.

Not long after Francis left, the thief-nosed wolf king Kuer twitched his nose to find the position he had just lurked, and squinted at the direction Francis left.

In less than three minutes, Chu Xingyun handed the killing blood jade to Tang Tian.

Seeing this piece of Killing Blood Jade, Tang Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then he would find the piece of the Blood Ghost King’s possession and it would be over.

“Oh, by the way, you’d better not disclose the matter of my Ziyun after the power user alliance comes, you should understand!” Tang Tian, ​​who was just about to leave, remembered this and turned back and said to Chu Xingyun.

“Don’t worry about it, the Qi family is kind to me, although I don’t have the ability to avenge them, but protecting Ziyun is no problem, I haven’t been so rude!

After speaking, Chu Xingyun stared at Tang Tian, ​​as if asking why you didn’t leave.

“You don’t invite us to sit in the city, have a meal, drink a drink or something? Just drive us away in such a hurry?” Tang Tian saw Chu Xingyun’s look like you hurry up and leave you alone, and wanted to make fun of it tease him.

“Forget it, there are more than a dozen of you in your group, and thirteen of them are SSS-level mutants. I really dare not let you enter the city! I know how much I have.

Chu Xingyun didn’t care about Tang Tian’s words, and he directly clarified the truth.

And this is really what he thought. If he is confident that he can kill more than a dozen SSS-level mutants, it doesn’t matter if he invites him into the city, but he thinks that he doesn’t have that strength, so he won’t ask for trouble.

“Sorry, let’s go!”

Calling out the wind snake, a group of more than a dozen people sat on the wind snake’s head and walked away.

“Who is this guy, the mutants around him are all loyal to him, how did they do it!” Chu Xingyun saw that Tang Tian and his party finally left, he was relieved, and secretly guessed at the same time.

Originally he thought that it might be Tang Tian subdued and then subdued, but the monkey that brought him an extremely dangerous feeling beside Tang Tian dispelled his idea.

He didn’t think Tang Tian could beat that monkey.

“I found the person with the smell of the robot that you blew up, but the person had already slipped away when I arrived, heading in that direction!”

Wolf King Kuer raised his finger to report to Tang Tian in the direction that Francis left just now.

“Well, it’s been hard work, but we are not moral models. Whoever waits with him until three days later, and finds another piece of blood-killing jade, just chase after him. The sooner the better! Tang Tian patted the wind snake’s smooth head and injected it into the A trace of the energy of killing the blood jade supplements its consumption.

This time, Zhao Jingwei did not summon the bone dragon as a mount, and sat directly beside Tang Tian, ​​drinking with two bottles of white wine in his hand.

“Since you want to kill the blood jade so much, then we can grab it again after the Miston City is replenished, right?

Zhao Jingwei, who suppressed the energy in his body and drank his face flushed and drunk, said with a burp.

Tang Tian squinted at Zhao Jingwei, who was drinking like a drunkard, “Your brain is turning quite fast, I thought you were really drunk!

“You don’t need to say, I will definitely visit Miston City again, but that will not happen until all the main cities in Mizhou have been completely swept away.

“I don’t want to touch the people from the Power User Alliance now!”

“And it is estimated that today they will start the blood ghost king after interrogating the blood ghost king. We must get the killing blood jade piece of the blood ghost king as soon as possible, and then stay away from here! 35

After listening to Tang Tian’s words, Zhao Jingwei put down the wine bottle in his hand and said with some worry: “I am very worried about one thing, the Blood Ghost King will 100% confess my previous 990 identity, I am the bone dragon of the Hundred Ghost Academy. Bearer, the power user alliance will definitely send a large number of masters to chase me!””

“Fuck! How could I forget this! At that time, the Blood Ghost King should have been killed and then handed over to Chu Xingyun!” Tang Tian felt regretful when he heard Zhao Jingwei’s words.

However, Zhao Jingwei didn’t react, as if he had expected this result.

“No way, the hundreds of thousands of people in Kuran City who killed the blood ghost king will not be saved, you should understand! 35

Zhao Jingwei’s words reminded Tang Tian of his identity, a human being.

For those people in Kuran City, Tang Tian actually doesn’t feel anything, it doesn’t matter if he dies or not, but there is one thing Tang Tian doesn’t want to see, that is, the lives of those hundreds of thousands of people cannot die because of him.

Although this is the end of the world, it is still necessary to maintain a minimum of humanity, otherwise why not become zombies?

“I understand, but we are not afraid, even if the power user alliance sends people above SSS level to chase us, it doesn’t matter! We have Yiyi!””

Tang Tian touched the head of Bai Yiyi who was eating mutton skewers next to him and said.

“If you really get to that point and let Yiyi boost me with all my strength, you still don’t know my abilities, so I won’t let you down! As long as I can double the increase, I can kill you for SSS and above!

Zhao Jingwei, who finished a bottle of high-grade wine in one breath, threw the bottle back and said casually.

“it is good!”

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