Chapter 243 Hole Cards

Treating the enemy is as cruel as the autumn wind sweeping the leaves, especially the Gold Finger advancement that Tang Tian can’t suppress his desires because of such interests.

As long as Francis is killed and his system is taken away, Tang Tian’s apocalyptic appearance system can definitely be greatly improved, and even advancing to evolution is not a problem.

Now only the system with the appearance function can make Tang Tian so strong, how much can it improve if it devours Francis’ system?

The power user alliance is imminent to encircle and suppress Mi Zhou. Tang Tian deeply feels that his current strength is not enough. At least if he fights alone now, he is not sure to win Wu, or even Chu Xingyun.

Don’t look at Chu Xingyun, who only plays with swords, but he does not rely on external energy, and most of the time he uses physical strength.

Although the Peerless Domain has deconstructed and analyzed the Purple Lightning Crazy Thunder and can release the “Nine Nine Zeros” at will in the domain, in essence, Tang Tian’s understanding of the ability to control energy has not improved, and the use is also very rough. Energy is indeed invincible.

But to deal with those top pure physique masters, they are stretched thin. After all, Tang Tian’s energy control ability has not been developed to interfere with muscle strength.

Peak physique experts, no matter what kind of world they are in, are unique.

People who exercise their bodies to the peak usually have extremely strong willpower and strong self-confidence. Sometimes they also bring their own buffs that make them more courageous. certainty.

The current Tang Tian’s physique is also the peak, with a strength of more than 1.2 million and a speed of more than 1.3 million.

But it is a pity, Tang Tian does not have the ability to fully use the power contained in these bodies now, he has always been relying too much on energy to control this invincible ability, neglecting his own training, and he can’t show his strength when he has one.

Tang Tian was thinking about this question when he saw Wu, but he has never been able to start. After all, physical training is not something that can be accomplished overnight, and it takes a lot of time to achieve something.

But now there are only less than three days, and he is not ready to start with physical techniques.

All along, Tang Tian’s most crucial hole card has not had the chance to be used.

That is Tang Tian’s current strongest support player Bai Yiyi, the owner of the augmentation ability, this treasure girl who increases her strength by percentage, Tang Tian has never neglected her training.

For Bai Yiyi, Tang Tian didn’t think about turning her into a mutant, and then directly used the killing blood jade to forcibly advance.

But Bai Yiyi is not asking for Tang Tian, ​​she just admires Tang Tian because Tang Tian saved her and treats her well, that’s all.

Ask yourself, although 99% of the people around you are mutants or zombies, there are still human beings, such as Su Mei, such as himself.

But fortunately, under the guidance of Su Mei, and with Tang Tian’s investment at all costs, Bai Yiyi improved rapidly and was quickly promoted to S rank.

What is genius, this is genius!

When she met Bai Yiyi, she was only F-rank, and at that time she was able to increase her strength by 10%. Tang Tian also experienced it personally.

In just a few short months, he has jumped from F rank to S rank by five consecutive jumps. Although there is a big reason for Tang Tian’s investment at all costs, Bai Yiyi’s own talent is the key.

Anyway, if there is no system, Tang Tian himself is not sure to advance to S rank in such a short time, even if he is given more resources.

After being promoted to S rank, Bai Yiyi can already increase by 100%, and the increase target has also been increased to five people.

She will become Tang Tian’s strongest trump card against thorny enemies.

You don’t need to increase five people, just use your full power against Tang Tian, ​​Wu and Huang, how strong can you be?

Scary to think about.

Especially Wu, he himself is getting more and more fierce, and he is even more fierce after bleeding, and he can double his strength by himself.

If Bai Yiyi uses his ability increase after his own strength has risen to the peak, it will be a fourfold increase in combat power.

Wu itself is very strong, it is the first generation body born for battle, if it is increased by four times how strong Tang Tian does not know, he only knows that Wu in that state can definitely duel the peak powerhouse above the SSS level.

Since discovering Bai Yiyi’s ability, Tang Tian has made her the top priority of his future development, and has protected her very well.

And she is also very obedient. If there is a favorability panel, the number on it should be full.

Francis never thought that Tang Tian would shoot so decisively, and he also thought that eleven SSS power users would self-destruct, even if Tang Tian could not be blown up, at least those mutants around him could be blown up, but he did not expect to be treated as such. It exploded like fireworks.

But before that fake body was dying, he still said something that shocked Tang Tian.

“So that’s the case, is the energy control integrated with the purple lightning and thunder? No wonder the alliance has been unable to find you!””

This sentence made Tang Tian startled.

Francis has a relationship with the Alliance of Abilities? What kind of relationship?

And “energy control is integrated with purple lightning and thunder, no wonder I can’t find it!”” This sentence is very subtle.

There are several meanings behind it.

The first layer is that the Power User Alliance has never stopped searching for the owner of the energy control power, but what Tang Tian can’t figure out is why he has just obtained the power control and has not yet merged with the purple lightning and thunder, why the power user alliance of people didn’t find it?

There is another layer of meaning, Tang Tian guessed that even if it integrates the purple lightning and thunder, the power user alliance has a way to find the owner of the energy control power.

Of course, this is only what Tang Tian speculated based on Francis’ words, and what the specific situation is, is still unknown.

After Francis’s disguise finished speaking, it exploded completely, leaving a metal residue on the ground, sizzling with electric light.

“It’s really quick, save me one!” Wu and Fei shouted at the same time.

After killing the Infant Ghost King, Zhao Jingwei, who rushed over with the Blood Ghost King in his hand, looked at Tang Tian speechlessly for a dozen SSS levels.

He heard Tang Tian’s urging just now and thought that some unstoppable formidable enemy was chasing after him.

“I just had a friendly conversation with the King of Blood Ghosts. He really did what happened to Kuran City. What should I do now?” Zhao Jingwei threw Harris aside and asked.

“Give the Blood Ghost King to Lord Chu! Let him exchange the killing blood jade of Miston City!” Tang Tian said directly.

The mastermind who helped the Alliance of Powers to catch the Ghost King Banquet has done his best, and Tang Tian will not participate in the follow-up rescue.

As long as he can get the killing blood jade, he doesn’t care about anything else.

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