Chapter 242 Three Days

The Spire Guardian was exhausted and passed out as soon as he finished reporting.

Hearing the contents of the guardian’s report, Chu Xingyun’s face was extremely gloomy, and he stretched out his hand to give the guardian some energy, so that he would not leave an irreversible root cause.

At the same time, I was thinking about what to do about it.

Under normal circumstances, you don’t need to consider it, just report it directly to the headquarters of the alliance, and then gang up to attack it.

But that was under the circumstance that the culprit of the Ghost King’s Banquet had not been put to death. Now that the Infant Ghost King was killed, the Blood Ghost King was sitting on the ground with both eyes slumped.

It is equivalent to saying that the initiator of the Ghost King Banquet has been caught.

But it didn’t take long for Chu Xingyun to make up his mind.

“Don’t stay here, go back to the minaret to inform the headquarters, and inform the central imperial capital of the ghost king banquet! Let them make a decision! 35

Tang Tian’s group originally wanted to block Chu Xingyun’s report, but Francis’s gradually rising momentum~ made Tang Tian unable to take action.

Because there are more than a dozen mechanical mutants that are not inferior to those of Tang Tian’s contract mutants – mutants around Francis.

Under the circumstance that the advanced combat power around him could not act rashly, Tang Tian did not send other men to block the guardian of the minaret who reported the news.

That is simply useless work. When things develop to this point, the Alliance of Powers will definitely know. Even if the guardians don’t report, can’t Chu Xingyun himself? And it’s hard to say whether Chu Xingyun has prepared other back-ups.


The guardian got up and quickly returned to Miston City to inform the Alliance Headquarters, Chu Xingyun’s iron sword was unsheathed, and he watched the guardian pass by Tang Tian and Francis, and then returned to the city safe and sound, only to put away the momentum that had just been condensed.

If anyone dared to block the guardian just now, Chu Xingyun would take action without reservation.

Even Chu Xingyun was ready to die today.

Eleven SSS-level powerhouses on France’s side, plus thirteen SSS-level powerhouses on Tang Tian’s side, including Tang Tian himself.

Twenty-four SSS-level powerhouses gathered at the gate of Miston City. You must know that the entire Miston City was not even guarded by SSS powerhouses before Chu Xingyun came over, although it was Miston on the surface. There must be one or two 3S-level people guarding a large main city like the city, but in Mizhou, many powerful powerhouses are simply unwilling to come.

A few years ago, several SSS-level powerhouses who were on the verge of breakthrough had come to retreat in Miston City, and they all left when they sensed that the breakthrough was coming.

Although there are many people in Miston City, it is of no use to those strong people except for the fact that there are few quiet things.

Moreover, in recent years, the Power User Alliance is also intending to reduce the dispatch of SSS-level powerhouses in those large main cities.

On the contrary, those ordinary cities without spires, as long as they have a population of more than 500,000, basically have SSS-level towns.

Chu Xingyun discovered this kind of clue a long time ago, but he didn’t know what the Power User Alliance wanted to do and what purpose it had.

Where did the Tang Tian in front of him and Francis, whose momentum climbed to the extreme, came out, this Chu Xingyun is more curious.

“It really doesn’t take much effort to find a place to break through the iron shoes! I am about to find you, you will bring it to the door yourself!” Tang Tian floated in the air, the unparalleled domain has been opened to the maximum extent, ready to shoot at any time.

Those contract mutants also pinpointed their targets, staring at the mechanical mutants rushing in front of them.

“Octopus boy, you stay still, let the monkey me move my muscles and bones, if any of you can’t hold on, don’t be shy, call the monkey me, I’ll be there whenever you call!” Braving the blazing white steam, if it hadn’t been loyal to Tang Tian, ​​it would have rushed up to fight.

Hearing the monkey’s words, the other mutants didn’t say anything, they all know that the monkey is strong, and people are qualified to say such words.

Tang Tian focused on the strength of the golden-haired white man in the middle, so he was relieved to know that he was also at the SSS level. He had never been afraid of anyone at the same level.

However, there was something wrong in his perception. The white man in the middle looked like an ordinary Caucasian, but except for the white skin on the body, his body was all metal.

Recently, in his spare time, Tang Tian has been pondering how to use the power of energy control, and he has tried all the things around him that can be deconstructed and analyzed, including metals.

Tang Tian remembers the unique fluctuations of metals in the unparalleled domain, and will never admit it wrong.

“My name is Francis, the king of metal in this world, and what you have on you belongs to me!”

Francis’ voice with the unique tones of a robot came out, making Tang Tian frown tightly, he already felt that the thing with electronic silver in the speech in front of him was not a real person, but a fake.

………. asking for flowers

“Tang Tian! You are the king of metals, then I am the king of this planet! The deadline is only ten days, you are not planning to show up yet? Where is your real body?”

Chu Xingyun on the side listened to the clouds and fog, what kind of metal king, king of the planet, why is it so second?

Although both sides seem to be very strong, but the strongest is only SSS, so dare to be the king?

Francis’ fake avatar smiled weirdly, “Ten days is enough, after three days we will fight to the death in this place! If you lose, not only do you have to hand over what I want, but you also have to be turned into a mechanical mutant by me.


After speaking, he threw out a thing like a mobile phone with a specific location on it.

“You think too much, you have no chance in front of me, you will only become the nourishment for me to become stronger, and there will be no other results! 35 Tang Tian said coldly after taking the locator.

“Hahaha, let’s see what happens in three days!”

Fake Francis’s electronic sound of laughter is very strange, and then he said: “Oh, by the way, there are a total of eleven SSS-level mechanical variants, I will give you as a gift to celebrate our first meeting. !

“Then I’ll take it!”

With a cold snort, Tang Tian stopped speaking, directly mobilized the energy in his body, and countless purple lightning mad thunders with the will of destruction struck the position where Francis’ eleven people stood.

He smashed the eleven SSS-level mechanical transformation variants, including Francis’ fake body, into shards, and then said: “Just your trick, Laozi has already guessed it! Thinking of Laozi here to play self-destruction? You white skins are also That’s it! Playing this game in front of me, you are still tens of thousands of years away!””

Tang Tian knew that the surface of these mechanical variants was covered with the kind of plasma shield that could isolate the unparalleled realm seen in the main vampire city, so he directly destroyed them with purple lightning.

The main body did not show up, and sent this kind of fake to test it.

After seeing the weapons with extremely high technology content in the vampire main city, it is impossible for Tang Tian to let these things have a chance to react.

Who knows if Francis will make these mutants into nuclear bombs? Knife.

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