Chapter 241 Message Return

The Blood Ghost King and the Infant Ghost King saw Zhao Jingwei’s slowly raised hands, as if they were facing a great enemy, their expressions changed greatly.

They all assumed the strongest defensive posture, while roaring in their mouths.

“You really want to kill us? I just sent a letter to the dean, stop!

Harris’ eyes widened and he was extremely frightened. Before Zhao Jingwei could use his abilities, he was so scared that he slumped on the ground.

Although he said it nicely, it doesn’t matter if he sacrificed his life for the Hundred Ghost Academy. It was really at the last moment of his life that Harris realized that his loyalty to the organization is bullshit, and nothing can compare to himself. Live well.

Although the Infant Ghost King seemed to be extremely hard-hearted, wriggling his lips to scold the boneless Blood Ghost King Harris, but in the end he didn’t say a word.

Only then did they discover that even an undead body that could not be beaten to death would be extremely afraid of death.

“You guys think the dean will save you? Don’t you think why the dean hasn’t shown up for so many years? What a waste!

Hearing Zhao Jingwei’s words, Harris was stunned for a moment.

It’s not that they never thought that something went wrong with the dean, but they just didn’t dare to imagine that a strong person above the SSS level would be injured.

However, after Zhao Jing990wei’s reminder, these ghost kings realized that they had been given a psychological suggestion the last time they saw the dean, telling them not to think about the dean.

But Zhao Jingwei is an exception. In the plan of the head of the Hundred Ghost Academy, Zhao Jingwei, the inheritor of the bone dragon, will not have any problems, so there is no need to do it.

Who knows that people are not as good as God, it really happened by accident.

Zhao Jingwei didn’t say anything nonsense to these ghost kings.

His primary goal this time was to catch the Blood Ghost King, because the two strange dolls on Zhao Jingwei’s body were all pointing to the Blood Ghost King Harris.

That means that the people of Kuran City were taken away by the Blood Ghost King to prepare the Ghost King Banquet.

As long as he was forced to ask Harris where he hid the people of Kuran City from the mouth of the blood ghost king, and then rescued those people, it would not attract the siege and suppression of the Alliance of Powers.

But whether it is Zhao Jingwei or Tang Tian, ​​a problem has been ignored.

That is Chu Xingyun once experienced the ghost king banquet last time, and he has some understanding of the ghost king banquet in the Baiguiyuan.

They did not consider that Chu Xingyun had a bad premonition from the moment he recognized the Blood Ghost King, and had already sent the (cjcc) guardians of the Alliance Spire to investigate in Kuran City.

If Chu Xingyun knew that Kuran City was empty, then this matter would definitely be a big deal, and it would definitely attract a large number of experts from the Power User Alliance to clear it up.

It is a pity that although Tang Tian has a system, he is not omniscient.

The guardian of the minaret has finished investigating the city of Kuran, and is rushing back at all costs, and then let Chu Xingyun decide what to do.

Due to the great movement caused by the aftermath of the battle outside the city, Francis, who was eating and drinking in Miston City, was also alerted and rushed to the city gate to fight outside the city.

“Huh?! This is?” Tang Tian, ​​who was about to see Zhao Jing’s great power, and Francis, who rushed out of the city gate, were taken aback at the same time.

Both of their systems had issued an early warning, and the winner-take-all mission was glittering on the system interface.

“Auto-tracking is on! You must successfully hunt down another system within ten days from now, or there will be penalties!” X2

Tang Tian and Francis looked at the words on the system interface that were only five hundred meters away from the other system, and both began to prepare to face each other.

“Old Zhao, solve it quickly! A strong enemy is coming!”

“Xiaogu, Yue, Lan, Yang, Fei, and Dracula and Kur, line up to fight! 99

“Wu Sweeping Array, see the opportunity and go again!”

“Yiyi, Ziyun, Su Mei, your three levels are not enough, go back to the wasteland to hide first! The war later may not have time to take care of you! 99

After quickly arranging, Tang Tian suddenly opened the unparalleled domain and slowly rose to mid-air, with a solemn expression, waiting for him.

Chu Xingyun, who was standing on the side, didn’t understand what was going on, and saw that Zhao Jingwei had taken a shot.

It is definitely not easy to deal with the enemy that Tang Tian can list such a lineup to deal with, he has to fight quickly and then support Tang Tian.

“I’m sorry, I originally planned to play with you for a while, but I’m in a hurry, so I’ll give you three a treat!

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and shook it in the void.

The faces of the three SSS-rank Infant Ghost Kings were ashes, unable to resist even the slightest bit, and their bodies trembled like chaff.

Then the three of them were like rags that had been wrung out of water, all the blood inside the body was grabbed by Zhao Jingwei, and then gradually evaporated, and the white light spots contained in the blood of the three people slowly condensed into a crystal clear bone.

The immortal attribute of the Infant Ghost King was achieved by using the most precious bones of the bone dragon. Zhao Jingwei’s main consciousness was clearly seen when the head of the Hundred Ghost Academy was smashing his bones.

If there is one person in this world who can easily kill the baby ghost king in seconds, then this person must be Zhao Jingwei.

Even the head of the Hundred Ghost Academy, who had created the Baby Ghost King with his bones at the time, could not do it. Only the master of the bone dragon, who was also an undead race, could instantly kill the Baby Ghost King.

After killing the Infant Ghost King, Zhao Jingwei appeared beside the Blood Ghost King in a flash, and before Harris could react, he took the blood from Harris’ body.

Then a few strange seals were formed with one hand, and a black void suddenly appeared in the space in front of him.

“Don’t!! Leave me alone!!

Zhao Jingwei sent his drop of blood into the black hole in the desperate cry of the Blood Ghost King.

“Harris, from now on, your life is under my control, you should understand my ability, in front of me, your blood sea resurrection has no effect at all!

The Blood Ghost King nodded numbly, feeling that he was really at home.

A city of Kuran with a population of several hundred thousand is enough to provide him with the life energy he needs to break through.

Tang Tian and Chu Xingyun, who were paying attention to Zhao Jingwei, did not understand how the Infant Ghost King died and how the Blood Ghost King was frightened like this.

Especially Chu Xingyun, he just didn’t know how many swords he cut the baby ghost king, the blood splashed by the baby ghost king was much more than the rag he just twisted out.

But he couldn’t kill the Infant Ghost King directly. How did Zhao Jingwei do it? Chu Xingyun was very puzzled in his heart.


Tang Tian didn’t need to look at the system, and saw a handsome Caucasian man with blond hair and golden eyes walking towards the gate of the city.

“That’s you? The owner of another system! 35

Aware of Tang Tian’s gaze, Francis smiled gracefully.

The minaret guards who were sent to Kuran City also rushed back in a hurry, and even because they had been running out of energy, they were almost exhausted and died.

“Chu…cough…Master Chu, Kuran City, gone! There is no one left!”

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