Chapter 236 Ghost King Harris

“You’re missing a possibility! There’s another situation that I’m most worried about!

Zhao Jingwei came over and added after listening to Tang Tian’s analysis.

“That is, someone in Miston City colluded with the people from the Hundred Ghosts Academy, and other conspiracies were brewing! If this situation is not handled well, the calm lake in Mizhou will have huge waves! 39

Tang Tian nodded thoughtfully, he really did not expect this.

“Since there is no choice, then speed up, if we can solve it before the worst situation occurs, we don’t have to face the siege of the power user alliance, and we don’t have to flee in embarrassment.

With an order, everyone looked stern and rushed to Miston City at the fastest speed.

At this time, in the tavern in Miston City, Francis put down his glass and looked at the solid people wrapped in black robes in the corner of the tavern.

Ever since he took over the mission of the winner of the system, Francis put down everything in his hand and made every effort to break through the SSS level.

Until yesterday, I finally succeeded in breaking through.

In order to relax, he specially came to Miston, the most famous city in Mizhou.

At the same time, he also observed the deconstruction and scale of Miston City, so that he could use the system to assimilate this city with a population of over 9.83 million.

Just today, I just wanted to drink some alcohol to relieve my boredom, so I came to the tavern to enjoy the few forehead = leisure time.

But the sneaky black-robed men in the corner of the tavern made him very concerned.

Those people in black robes gave him a very strange feeling, and Francis used the miniature flying insect camera to silently monitor this group of people.

“Interesting, this group of people doesn’t have a pinky finger, what is this strange feature?”

Francis had never met anyone in the Hundred Ghosts Courtyard, so he didn’t know what this feature represented.

But he had actually heard of the Hundred Ghosts Academy, but he had never come into contact with it before. This was the first time that he had observed the Hundred Ghosts Academy up close.

“What is the mission that the Ghost King sent us here? You said it!

“Yes, Marcus, if we don’t need our help, we will go back. Several of our mutant coffins were destroyed in the last battle, and they have not been repaired!

Marcus, who had a penetrating ghoul tattoo on his head, squinted at the members of the Hundred Ghosts who wanted to lick the ghost king but were afraid of loss.

“It’s natural to have a task for you to come here, just wait with peace of mind!

“And your garbage coffins don’t need to be repaired. As long as you complete the tasks given to you by the Ghost King, let alone coffins, it is a small problem to give you one of the first-class mutants.””

“If you want good things, you have to do your best to complete the task!”


Hearing Marcus’ words, the members of the Hundred Ghosts Academy were pleasantly surprised.

“Captain Marcus, what you said is true? Complete the task and give each of us a superior mutant? Then I want a ghoul of the same quality as yours!

“I’m going to binge eat!”

“I want Roshan!”

These people have already begun to fantasize about killing the Quartet after getting the superior mutant.

“Shit! Shut up Laozi!” Marcus roared in a low voice, and after roaring, he hurriedly looked around for fear of being discovered.

“What are you arguing about? Why don’t you call your mother if you haven’t finished the task? If you quarrel again, Laozi ate you raw!”

Little did he know that all of this was seen in Francis’ eyes and heard in his ears.

“Mission? Lord Ghost King? Could it be the horse boy from the Hundred Ghost Courtyard?”

Francis muttered to himself, let the two flying insect monitors attached to Marcus, put down the glass and left the tavern.

He felt that he might be able to use the Hundred Ghosts Academy to help him achieve his goals without knowing it. Wouldn’t it be beautiful?

The ghost king of the Hundred Ghost Academy was being warmly received in the Alliance Spire at this time.

The Ghost King changed his attire and packaged himself as an SSS-level folk powerhouse who wanted to join the Power User Alliance.

For this kind of thing, the people of the Alliance Spire naturally welcome it with both hands.

(cjcc) The Guardian of the Spire is an SS-level fire-type power user.

He poured a cup of tea for the ghost king, and said enthusiastically, “Mr. Harris, you said that you have been cultivating in the Mangwai Mountains before, and have not asked about world affairs for hundreds of years. Do you now know about our power user alliance?

Harris put on a look of admiration and said, “You are too polite, I wanted to join the Alliance of Abilities a long time ago and contribute light and heat to the great cause of the rise of mankind, but at that time I was still I was too weak. I was worried that you would not like it, so I kept practicing hard, and finally broke through to the SSS level some time ago. I hurriedly came to Miston City and wanted to join the Power User Alliance through you!””

After speaking, you can also release a slightly vain breath, this kind of breath is often displayed by ability users who have just broken through the realm.

Harris didn’t expect only the SS-level spire guardians to notice, he was made for the SSS-level guardians who were hiding in the dark.

Because he wanted to attack Miston City, but he was not sure how many SSS-level people were guarding it, and he was not sure what kind of capable people were guarding it. .

The Hundred Ghost Academy scoundrels sent to the city were used by him to make a certificate when necessary, including the team captains such as Marcus, all of which were Harris’ certificate materials.

As long as the SSS-level guards can get close when they are slack, Harris is sure to kill one blow. After killing one, his pressure will be reduced a lot.

Although he is very sure to kill four or five SSS-level guardians of the alliance, he remains at his peak. He has used nearly two million people from the two cities of Curran City and Miston City to open a Hundred Ghost Court so far. The biggest ghost king feast, and then use the power of millions of dead souls and flesh and blood to try to break through to the SSS level.

“Master Harris, please wait a moment. Our Master Chu Xingyun of Miston City wants to meet you. After you negotiate with him, you can become a part of our power user alliance!”

The voice transmission of Chu Xingyun resounded in the mind of the Alliance Defender who received Harris and said to Harris.

“Master Chu Xingyun? Is it the Master Chu who killed several ghost kings in the Hundred Ghost Academy hundreds of years ago?” Harris’ surprised expression was not pretending.

“Yes, it’s the Master Chu who holds the mountains and rivers with an iron sword!” After saying that, the guard bowed his hands and left.

After watching the guards who received him leave, Harris’ face sank.

“Why is Chu Xingyun here? Didn’t it mean that he was seriously injured by the poisonous ghost king in that war? Why hasn’t he died?”

After thinking about it, Harris felt that he might be seen through this time, and hurriedly issued a ghost king order to notify the descendants of those ghost kings who were killed by Chu Xingyun.

Many of those descendants are now at the level of ghost kings.

If you can assemble more than three ghost kings, and have your own battle, Chu Xingyun will surely die.

Harris thought to himself.

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