Chapter 237

Tang Tian and his party encountered a lot of obstacles on the way to the city of Miston at high speed.

All were attracted by the news sent by the three mercenary union mercenaries when they were in Kaya City.

If Tang Tian is not in a hurry, he may also let his mutants slowly play with these mercenaries who have been deceived.

But things in Miston City are so urgent, there is no time to waste time on these mercenaries who are seeking their own way.

He didn’t even ask Xiao Gu to give injections to those who were blocking his way, and directly opened up the Unparalleled Realm, killing all those who showed hostility to him within a radius of 100 kilometers.

But Tang Tian killed Zhao-Jingwei too quickly instead.

“You shoot slowly, kill so fast, save some for me! I haven’t killed anyone for more than ten years, save some for me to find out!”5

Tang Tian, ​​who originally thought that Zhao Jingwei might have a Virgin tendency, finally felt relieved.

Gu Zhao Jingwei himself said that his justice and protection are aimed at the people of his own country. He will not take action against innocent people, that’s all, he will not save others for no reason. He is a soldier and a soldier. , not a charitable organization.

This is the end of the world, and being able to control yourself and not take action against innocent people is already very benevolent and righteous.

In Zhao Jingwei’s words, there is only one Tang Tian in this world worthy of his protection.

No matter how strong Tang Tian became, in Zhao Jingwei’s view, he was a Chinese, and he was the one he should guard as a soldier.

On this distant planet that is not many light-years away from the earth, Zhao Jingwei wants to live as a Chinese soldier again.

Only when he remembers that he is a soldier can he burn up the power to fight against the idea of ​​death, which is his last persistence.

Hearing that Zhao Jingwei wanted to make a move, Tang Tian slowed down the killing speed, and he no longer took care of the mercenaries in front of Zhao Jingwei.

Tang Tian also wanted to see what Zhao Jingwei’s ability was.

But what surprised Tang Tian was that Zhao Jingwei actually took out a gun from the bone dragon’s body, used his mental power to make bullets, and the gun shot his head.

No matter what abilities the mercenaries used to block, the bullets attached to their spiritual power would always penetrate their brows at an incredible angle.

“Your efficiency is too low, don’t tell me this is your ability!” Tang Tian complained.

A shot blew the mercenary who was ambushed in the dark three kilometers away, and Zhao Jingwei blew the smoke that did not exist at the muzzle.

“What do you know, it’s cool to kill people like this! If I wasn’t in a hurry, I’d even be ready to go down and fight these people hand-to-hand!

“If I use abilities, my efficiency will be lower, and my abilities focus more on lethality, not efficiency! You will see!

Hearing Zhao Jingwei’s words, Tang Tian was very speechless. He really doesn’t understand how soldiers feel about firearms.

In this way, they quickly approached the city of Miston along with the bloody storm.

Miston City, inside the Union Spire.

Harris reluctantly took out a silver-white pill and swallowed it with a ruthless heart.

“Chu Xingyun, Laozi even took the personality pill that the dean gave you in order to kill you. You have to die today no matter what!”

This silver-white pill is a personality pill specially made by the head of the Hundred Ghost Academy for the major ghost kings with his own abilities.

After eating it, you can decide the character of this blank personality by yourself, and it is the most powerful disguise item.

Just after eating and getting used to it for a while, Chu Xingyun, who was naturally suspending an iron sword around him, walked in with a long and fierce pace.

“I heard that you are a folk powerhouse who has been cultivating in the Mangwai Mountains?”

People arrive before they arrive.

Chu Xingyun is wearing a military uniform, but his hair is very long, and the long gray hair is naturally draped on his back.

This kind of dressing combination makes Harris, who once loved odd clothes, feel very weird.

Men’s long hair and military uniforms are really unforgettable!

“Yes, Mr. Chu, hello! I am Harris, and I am a body-enhancing power!”

Hearing Harris’ words, Chu Xingyun’s eyes lit up.

“Enhancing physical abilities? Good! I like this ability, it has more fighting potential than those fancy fire and water elements! Would you like to learn swords from me? 99

Because Harris took the personality pill and brought his own goodwill increase, Chu Xingyun didn’t think there was any problem with Harris.

I just feel that this new SSS-level power user named Harris is very pleasing to the eye, and even wants to teach his swordsmanship.

This is the horror of the dean of the Hundred Ghosts Academy. Just the pills made can easily make Harris, who is carrying a bloody corpse like a sea of ​​blood, easily gain Chu Xingyun’s favor.

“Um… Mr. Chu, are you serious? I’m used to my own fighting style, how can I change it easily? I think I have to believe in myself and not give up easily!

・・・・・Seeking flowers・・

Through the performance of Chu Xingyun just now, Harris almost found out what Chu Xingyun likes to listen to, and he will come when he is obedient.

Sure enough, after listening to Harris’ words, Chu Xingyun laughed heartily, and even rarely reached out to pat Harris’ shoulder.

But Harris didn’t expect it.

Chu Xingyun’s outstretched hand stopped in mid-air, and the originally gratified eyes suddenly became fierce and dangerous.

The long hair was automatic without wind, and the iron sword floating beside him vibrated and made a humming sound.

“Chong! 99

The cold light flickered, and the iron sword seemed to penetrate the space.

In less than a blink of an eye, the sharp sword light pierced the position where Harris was standing just now.

A few drops of fishy blood dripped from the tip of the sword, which shone with silver light.

“As expected, how dare you stand in front of me with a fake face! Seeking death!

With a loud shout, Chu Xingyun’s sword edge turned, and the dazzling sword light stabbed at Harris who was still in shock at a faster speed.


Harris was too late to defend in a hurry, and could only use his flesh to eat the sword.

The extreme penetrating power of Jianmang failed to penetrate Harris’ tough body, and was rushed out by Jianmang for a thousand meters.

Before he had time to stand up, another sword light fell from the sky, piercing through Harris’ abdomen.

“Cough…cough, why?” Harris, who coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood while clutching the bleeding abdominal wound, frantically urged the Ghost King Ling embedded in his chest, urging the other three Ghost Kings to come at full speed.

Chu Xingyun held the sword with one hand and did not answer. The iron sword was condensed with dazzling golden light, and the space around the sword body was squeezed by the energy to make a clicking sound.

“Big annihilation!


Harris, who was coughing up blood, let out a foul language, daring not to hide his strength, and instantly summoned a monstrous sea of ​​blood to condense into a protective shield in front of him.


One after another, unstoppable slashes slashed on Harris’ blood curtain with the momentum of annihilating everything.


Harris’ protective shield only lasted for less than one tenth of a second before the sword qi passed through it. The unabated sword qi cut the ground behind Harris into a bottomless ravine, towering into the clouds a few kilometers away. The peak of the mountain was directly cut in half, and even the white clouds in the sky were split by the sword.

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