Chapter 235 Choice

Knowing the beginning and end of the Ghost King Banquet, Tang Tian’s complexion is uncertain, if the matter here is known by the Alliance of Ability Users, it will definitely send a lot of combat power to encircle and suppress it.

But when encircling the ghost king, will he also be the target of encirclement and suppression?

No one can guarantee this.

Su Mei also thought of this, and after talking about how the world responded to the Ghost King Banquet, she stopped talking and let Tang Tian decide by herself.

“The killing blood jade is gone!” Yue Heyang said to Tang Tian after checking the location where the killing blood jade was stored in the spire of the Kuran City Alliance.

Qi Ziyun stroked his hair and said, “In the sense of reason, there is no reason to take away all the people in the city, leaving behind a treasure like the blood-killing jade.”

“Then there is nothing to say, dare to rob my killing blood jade, find him, catch him and kill him! 95

Taking away the blood-killing jade is equal to breaking Tang Tian’s way of promotion.

If the people of the Hundred Ghosts Academy had left the killing blood jade, then maybe Tang Tian would still be entangled in whether to waste the time to find this ghost king who destroyed humanity.

But now there is nothing to hesitate.

Not to mention that if Tang Tian didn’t make a move this time, Zhao Jingwei would definitely go to that ghost king by himself to vent his anger and guilt.

In any case, this incident is not just a matter of Zhao Jingwei alone, Tang Tian will find the killing blood jade in Kuran City no matter what.

Dracula and the wolf king Kool also quietly entered the city to investigate. The two of them are very good at this aspect, especially Kool.

“Master, after my investigation, it didn’t take long for the people in Kuran City to be kidnapped. Judging from the smell, it was definitely not more than three days.”

Dracula also nodded, he found some bloodstains in Curran City.

Those bloodstains did not last more than three days, and they should have been left after the people in Kuran City were injured in the chaos.

“In three days, the people of the Hundred Ghost Academy will definitely not be able to go very far, and according to the information of the ghost king banquet hundreds of years ago, the ghost kings of the Hundred Ghost Academy will not be too far away when they hold the ghost king banquet. With our manpower, absolutely can be found

Qi Ziyun quickly analyzed that her grandfather participated in the encirclement and suppression of the ghost king hundreds of years ago, and told her some of the stories.

Although the contract variants of his subordinates gave various opinions, Tang Tian still wanted to hear Zhao Jingwei’s thoughts.

As someone who has stayed in the Hundred Ghosts Courtyard for more than a hundred years, Zhao Jingwei should have some understanding of such a horrific event as the Ghost King Banquet.

Looking for it in a targeted manner is better than these people scurrying around like headless flies. Although it is said that the venue for the Ghost King Banquet will not be too far away, the time waits for no one. When the Ghost King sent the entire record of the Ghost King Banquet and the remaining human flesh to the major cities, it was too late.

When he did not break through the SSS level to reach a new realm, Tang Tian did not want to make extra troubles, and just wanted to spend this time peacefully and steadily.

“Old Zhao, what are your thoughts? I will cooperate with you!” Tang Tian asked.

Standing in the center of the gate of Kuran City, Zhao Jingwei replied: “Wait first, I need to calm down and think about the unique skill that the dean used to have in the Warring States period. Using this skill can make the mutants in the coffins of the disciples of the Hundred Ghosts Academy possible. Automatically sense other variants within a thousand miles.”5

Half an hour later, Zhao Jingwei took out two strangely shaped portraits from his carry-on bag and began to inject energy into them in a certain way.

Soon, with the injection of Zhao Jingwei’s energy, two strangely shaped villains emitted dark rays of light from the top of their heads, pointing to the northwest.

Looking at the direction pointed by this dark light, Tang Tian’s complexion changed slightly.

That is the direction of the next main city.

With a gloomy face, he asked: “Ziyun, does the Ghost King Banquet still have requirements for the population? Will it hunt more than one main city? 35

The route on the cloud map was presented in front of everyone. The direction of the dark rays of light was exactly the city of Miston, which was thousands of miles away. It was very conspicuous on the cloud map and was a large population gathering place in Mizhou.

Qi Ziyun’s face is also ugly, she is more familiar with the meaning of those points on the cloud map than Tang Tian.

Miston City is a red dot on the cloud map, which means that the city has a population of over one million and is guarded by ten SS-level and at least one SSS-level powerhouse.

“After the cataclysm, the Ghost King’s Banquet in the Hundred Ghost Academy was only held a few hundred years ago. There are not enough reference materials, so I can’t judge! But this possibility cannot be ruled out!” Qi Ziyun hurriedly answered.

She was also anxious. If the city of Miston was harmed by the Hundred Ghosts, the corresponding red dot on the map of the Central Imperial Capital headquarters would turn into ordinary white, and the person responsible for recording the map changes would immediately put the city of Miston. The sudden drop in population was reported to the headquarters of the Alliance of Powers.

The Alliance Headquarters will use the teleportation array to send SSS-level scouts to check the situation in Miston City as soon as possible.

The cities represented by the red dots on the cloud map all have teleportation arrays, but these teleportation arrays are two-way for a limited time. Only people at the headquarters of the Power User Alliance can use them in both directions. Use teleportation array to send back.

Therefore, if the people from the Hundred Ghost Academy really took a shot at Miston City, within an hour, the investigators from the Central Imperial Capital would arrive here to find out the situation.

Qi Ziyun explained the seriousness of the situation to Tang Tian carefully.

Now faced with a very difficult choice.

Whether it is to ignore the people who went directly to Miston City and kill them before they start the Hundred Ghosts, or just pretend that they didn’t see it and don’t participate in this matter.

“|| Actually we only have one choice, don’t we?” Tang Tian said.

He has figured out that he is in a passive position in this matter.

If you don’t participate in this matter, then you can only pray that the people in Hundred Ghost Academy have humanity and will not do anything to Miston City. The Hundred Ghosts Academy is completely nonsense.

As long as the red dot represented by Miston City disappears, the Power User Alliance will even block the entire Mizhou to clear the forces of the Hundred Ghosts Academy.

In this case, Tang Tian is also very likely to be unable to run off the map of Mizhou.

When this matter developed to this point, Tang Tian had to choose to participate.

But there are two different results of participating. The first is that they cut through the mess quickly and killed those people in the Hundred Ghost Academy with lightning speed, so that they can continue to stay in Mizhou and slowly search for the bloody jade. , Don’t worry about the arrival of the big force of the Power User Alliance;

The second possibility is that they participated in it, but did not achieve the desired results, and failed to prevent the people of Baiguiyuan from doing evil, the first possibility would occur.

There is still a chance to participate. If you don’t participate, you will wait for the army of the Power User Alliance to crush the situation.

So no choice at all.

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