Chapter 234 Ghost King Banquet

Originally wanted to ask about other first-gen news, but still did not ask.

Five hundred years ago, what means did the Alliance of Powers gather the nine first-generation mutants?

Five hundred years later, does the Alliance of Powers still have such a method?

If it is, then Tang Tian can’t make a big fanfare all over the world to find the first-generation body, otherwise it will be a wedding dress for the power alliance.

“It just so happens that I’m bored too, so I’ll follow you first, the power user alliance is not a good thing, it’s good to help you deal with them!

“When I find a new goal to live in this world and then leave, I will work for you now!”

Zhao Jingwei’s words made Tang Tian very happy, to have a fellow countryman in a foreign country to fight together, the loneliness and loneliness in his heart will be greatly relieved.

“Working is good! Migrant workers are working souls, and migrant workers are all superiors!”

“You come to me to work, with food and housing, five insurances and one housing fund, and the monthly salary will be settled with the killing and blood jade!”

“Hahahaha!” Zhao Jingwei laughed so cheerfully for the first time in more than a hundred years after listening to Tang Tian’s words.

“Okay! This is what 29 you said, I will rely on you to stay in the future!

When he woke up the next day, Zhao Jingwei had already cleaned up the bone dragon.

The bone dragon, which had a foul stench, has now become crystal clear. There is no trace of impurities and no trace of flesh on its body. It is a bone dragon in the literal sense.

Moreover, the bones that were broken by Wu Wu yesterday have been restored to their original state, and there is not even a single crack to be seen. It is majestic and beautiful.

However, Tang Tian was not to be outdone, and summoned his own mount, the SSS-level wind snake, to keep pace with the bone dragon.

“You can run to the vicinity of Kaya City and hear the sound of fighting between me and Wu, it means that there is no cloud map, here, send it to you! 35

“Only the lost people will come here in the Mangku Mountain Range, and it’s fortunate that you are strong, otherwise you will feel better just in the first half of Mangku. 99

The result cloud map, Tang Tian immediately opened to view.

Zhao Jingwei is right, Tang Tian is indeed a little lost now, chasing Wu’s fighting voice all the way, and he has no way of distinguishing the direction, he can’t tell the east, west, north and west.

However, as soon as Tang Tian’s consciousness was immersed in the cloud map, he realized that something was wrong. Nearly a quarter of the cloud map was black and gray, shrouded in mist, extremely strange.

“Don’t look at me, the cloud map of Mizhou is like this. Although that area is clearly marked on the cloud map, it doesn’t actually exist. You can’t find it on the cloud map if you drive in the direction of the shadow. Shaded areas.””

Seeing Tang Tian’s puzzled look after checking Yuntu, Zhao Jingwei opened his mouth to explain.

“Oh? This is really strange, let’s go, I want to go and see! It happens that this route has the most major cities!”

With a slap on the head of the wind snake, the wind snake understood, and after a neigh, it instantly sprang several kilometers, as if to compare the speed with the bone dragon.

Tang Tian is also a little curious, how does a dragon with a skeleton all over his body act as a mount, and how does he travel?

As soon as he was about to turn his head, he was surprised to find that the bone dragon was already standing a few kilometers ahead, waiting for the wind snake.

“Good guy, shrinking into an inch!?” Tang Tian is also becoming more and more curious about this bone dragon, how can such a huge body be so fast?

Along the way, the wind snake and the bone dragon kept comparing the speed, and the wind snake tried its best to display its talent to be slightly better, but the bone dragon’s physical strength was long, and the consumption of the road was negligible for it.

The wind snake was still almost mean, so tired that he felt weak all over.

The main city is just ahead, Tang Tian looked up, um, it was a peaceful city.

You can’t even see any fireworks with your eyes.

“No, this breath?”

Zhao Jingwei’s face changed greatly, and he urged the bone dragon to disappear in place in an instant.

Hearing Zhao Jingwei’s words, Tang Tian began to perceive the unparalleled domain.

“Strange, there is no one in this city? An empty city?”

Motivated the wind snake and followed Zhao Jingwei to see what happened.

When he arrived at the city gate, Zhao Jingwei stood in front of the city gate and tried his best to suppress his anger and the impact of the death reminder chip.

“Curran City! What happened? There is no one in this city! You should know from your appearance. What’s going on?”

Tang Tian’s unparalleled domain has already covered the whole city, without finding a living being, it is completely a dead city.

“Hundred Ghosts Banquet!!! Beasts! I’m going to kill you!!!”

Zhao Jingwei was very painful to suppress his anger, and a hoarse voice rolled out from his throat.

Hundred Ghosts Banquet? The word?

It sounds like it has something to do with Hundred Ghosts.

Qi Ziyun and Su Mei who were behind also explained with anger on their faces.

“Hundred Ghosts Banquet is the most notorious hunting activity in the Hundred Ghost Academy! It is also the root cause of their century-old predecessors’ clarity! Even if I am a mutant now, I still think these things should be damned! No matter how you kill them.” Qi Ziyun clenched his fists and said in a deep voice.

Then Su Mei added: “Hundred Ghosts Banquet, as the name suggests, is a banquet!”

“The Hundred Ghosts Academy will hold this kind of activity every once in a while, using a certain method to isolate a city, and then release the special mutants cultivated in its own coffin, a team of 100, and eat all the life of a city alive, As long as it is alive, even if it is an ant, it will be dug up and eaten.

After Su Mei finished speaking, Zhao Jingwei adjusted his state and took over the topic.

“You’re right, but this time is not a hundred ghost banquet in the general sense. After the normal hundred ghost banquet, the whole city is basically destroyed, but this time it is not, the city is intact, only all the lives have disappeared. ”

“Not only this city, but all life forms within a radius of dozens of kilometers will disappear.”

“983 This is the ghost king’s feast held by the ghost kings of the Hundred Ghost Academy to celebrate the birthday of a ghost king! Crazy!”

“The abducted people will be centrally processed in the ghost king’s branch of the Hundred Ghost Academy, and then cooked… I won’t talk about it later, you can see for yourself when the time comes!”

“Tang Tian, ​​you should know how the pigs in the pig farm are killed by electrocution, right?”

“This one is similar to an electric pig, but it will be more cruel, bloodier, and more inhumane. Although those ghost kings are called ghost kings, they are actually human beings!”

Su Mei and Qi Ziyun heard that Ghost King Yan’s expression turned ugly, as if they had remembered something terrible.

“Hundreds of years ago, the Hundred Ghosts Academy was attacked because of the Ghost King’s Banquet! These evil ghosts in human skins would record the entire Ghost King’s Banquet and make a video, and the unfinished food would be disguised as animals. Meat is delivered to major human cities! It means that all human beings can celebrate the birthday of the ghost king! 35


Su Mei retched and continued: “There are still a lot of ghost king feast materials from hundreds of years ago that are still stored in major cities. 35

“And specially formulated a response standard for this matter. If the Ghost King Banquet and the Hundred Ghost Banquet are discovered, the Power User Alliance and all human forces will jointly clean up the Hundred Ghost Academy forces! All conflicts will be put aside for the time being until they are killed. Until the ghost king who held the ghost king banquet!”

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