Chapter 233 Interesting

“Haven’t you ever thought of using your own abilities to seek revenge from the Hundred Ghosts Academy? You should understand that it was not you who slaughtered the city and killed thousands of human beings, but the head of the Hundred Ghosts Academy!” Tang Tian persuaded.

After Gudu Gudu drank seven or eight bottles of white wine, Zhao Jingwei finally got a little drunk, took a bite of the barbecue, and shook his head blankly.

“My ability is still unable to get rid of the influence of the head of the Hundred Ghost Academy, and I can’t find where they are hiding. When I regained control of my body, I was too angry and killed all the members of the Hundred Ghost Academy I could find. , When I woke up and wanted to interrogate, there was no one alive!

“But now I don’t want to seek death anymore. At least there is still a fellow countryman like you in this world. At least I don’t have that fatal feeling of loneliness! Drinking beer and eating barbecue makes me feel as if I have returned to a Chinese street stall. Miss it! “Nine Eighty Zero”

Holding the half-bitten mutton skewer in his hand, Zhao Jingwei stared at Dongfang in a daze.

Hearing this, Tang Tian also fell silent. Although he had lived a very nourishing life in this world, it was impossible not to miss China. His roots were in another universe, in China.

After the contract mutants had eaten almost, they all went out to fight each other. Only Bai Yiyi and Su Mei kept cutting the mutton outside the noise barrier, and they both ate their mouths full of oil.

Chinese delicacies from another universe conquered the stomachs of these two little girls.

Tang Tian and Zhao Jingwei ate and drank until after one o’clock in the morning the next day.

The contract variant and the two women who cut the meat both returned to their bodies to rest.

Until this time, Zhao Jingwei asked Tang Tian by the wine force.

“What is your goal in the future? Is there anything in particular you want to do? I’ll help you!

Tang Tian raised his brows, not expecting that Zhao Jingwei would bring it up by himself.

“At present, I only have one goal, to snatch the bloody jade of the major cities, find one of my old enemies, and kill him!”

“This is my goal in Mizhou. After these things are done, I will continue to travel to other continents, and finally go to the central imperial capital of the Power User Alliance headquarters to check what I want to know.

After finishing speaking, Tang Tian opened the energy control domain to wrap Zhao Jingwei inside, allowing him to experience this supernatural power.

Then he went on to say: “The power I have determines that the power user alliance and I are undead enemies!”

“Energy control?! An ultra-high-risk ability that appeared once 500 years ago?? Zhao Jianwei exclaimed after feeling it.

Zhao Jingwei’s reaction surprised Tang Tian. After being an “otaku” for more than 100 years, he actually knew what happened 500 years ago.

“That’s right, you have this ability, the Power User Alliance will not let you go! If it weren’t for the gathering of the nine first-generation bodies, the organization of the Power User Alliance and the continent of the Central Imperial Capital would have long disappeared in history. In the long river!”

Zhao Jingwei remembered some of the materials he had read when the dean’s personality was controlled.

“Nine great first-generation bodies?” Zhao Jingwei’s words to himself surprised Tang Tian.

When he was at the gate of Kaya City, Qi Ziyun once said that the forces under the command of the energy-controlling superpower 500 years ago were blocked from the central imperial capital, and they were all wiped out.

Could it be the first generation of the nine SSS grades?

But it’s not right. The strength of these first-generation bodies is wrong. Five hundred years ago, that fierce man could destroy two-thirds of the central imperial capital with his own strength. Needless to say, his strength is definitely far beyond the SSS level.

His subordinates must also have a lot of powerhouses that surpassed the SSS level. Nine SSS-level first-generation bodies can compete? Can they all be wiped out?

There is definitely a secret here.

Tang Tian summoned Huang He Wu directly and asked.

“Do you still remember the war in the Central Imperial Capital five hundred years ago?


“But I can’t remember clearly, our memory has been manipulated. I discussed this matter with the octopus boy four hundred years ago. 33 Wu Xiang didn’t even want to say it directly, at their level, how could important things be possible? forget.

Ara also shook five octopus legs, each tentacle clutching a string of mutton skewers, talking while eating.

“The monkey is right, our memory is controlled by hands and feet. It stands to reason that we should be able to clearly remember what happened after we were born, but it is very strange, our memory is only 400 years ago, and anything goes forward. Can not remember!

Seeing Huang Chi’s energy, Wu also began to eat and drink.

The food intake of these two goods can be calculated in tons, there is no way, Tang Tian reluctantly took out all the meat in the space….

Zhao Jingwei saw that there were actually two first-generation bodies beside Tang Tian, ​​one of which was a kilometer giant ape who regarded his own bone dragon as a sphere, and the idea of ​​suicide appeared in his mind while being shocked.

“Two first-generation bodies can definitely kill me easily!”

Seeing that Zhao Jingwei’s state was not right, Tang Tian hurriedly pushed him.

“Huh! The chip problem really needs to be solved as soon as possible, I almost couldn’t help but shoot at Wu and Huang at the same time! 39

Tang Tian held his forehead silently, and he didn’t know whether it was good or bad to put on such a fellow who had been wanting to seek death all the time.

However, Zhao Jingwei’s thoughts came and went quickly, and soon returned to normal.

“I know a little bit about the Nine Great First Generations.

Zhao Jingwei’s words made Huang Hewu, who was eating so much, stop what he was doing, and turned to look at Zhao Jingwei, waiting for his answer.

“When the dean of the Hundred Ghost Academy was looking through the books, I saw that the first generation of the nine majors was above the SSS level when it was born, but the specific strength was not explained. 35

“The strength of the nine of them began to decline to the SSS level five hundred years ago, not only because of the fight against the subordinate of the fierce man five hundred years ago, but also because of other reasons. This reason is not recorded in the ancient books. That page was torn!”

“As for whether the memory has been manipulated, I don’t know! But as far as I know, the ability to tamper with memory is not 2.2 or not! It’s just that it was hundreds of years ago, and it is still unknown whether that person is still alive. !”

Huang and Wu racked their brains for a long time and couldn’t recall what happened five hundred years ago. It must have been someone tampered with or cut off their memory.

“Who is the person with the ability to tamper with memory that you said? Where did you see it?” Tang Tian asked.

“That person is a member of the Power User Alliance. His name is Zero. I don’t know if he is a man or a woman. The dean of the Hundred Ghosts Academy once approached him to clean my memory, but he refused.”

After listening to it, Tang Tian became more and more curious about what happened 500 years ago, what happened to make the nine first-generation bodies gather together.

Who can do such a thing, in order to hide something, and even tamper with the memory of the nine first-generation bodies.

more and more interesting.

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