Chapter 227 Another First Generation

At this time, it is far away from the eighteenth floor underground of the headquarters of the Central Imperial City Power User Alliance.

The middle-aged man who was sitting cross-legged and suspended in the training room opened his eyes that looked like an abyss.

“The sense of Kaya City has disappeared, indicating that the killing blood jade in this main city has also been taken away!”

The man Furui Wubo did not take this matter to heart.

Just an order from the bottom of my heart.

“Francis, speed up! You’re running out of time!”

After sending out this order, the man closed his eyes again and returned to his previous state of deep sleep.

If there are perceptual powers here now, they will be horrified to find that men can be seen in front of them, but they can only feel nothingness with perceptive powers.

He has melted into the void and became a part of the void.

After advancing to the SSS level, the speed of the wind snake has been improved by several grades. It is no longer a simple flight, but is similar to space shuttle. With one wave of wings, it will appear in a place two kilometers away.

In less than ten minutes, he had already crossed nearly a thousand kilometers and arrived at the deepest part of the Mangwai Mountains.

The original average altitude of more than 1,000 meters, and the mountains that stretched hundreds of miles were razed to the ground. The ground ravaged by the aftermath of the battle was bubbling with lava, and there were potholes everywhere.

After Tang 980 days and his group arrived, they looked around, only to see a mess of battle marks.

“In the northwest direction, about fifty miles away, hurry up!”

Kool, who had always maintained a werewolf form, pricked up his ears and listened carefully to the sound that was gradually moving away, then quickly determined the direction and rushed out first.

“Keep up!”

Tang Tian turned over and sat on Feng Snake’s head again, calling everyone to follow Kuer’s pace.

Judging from the traces of the fight on the spot, the lowest level was two SSS-level masters fighting.

Tang Tian was shocked by the structural analysis of the supernatural energy still remaining around.

At his current level, even if it is an ability of the same SSS level, using the Unparalleled Domain can quickly analyze and deconstruct the opponent’s ability, find out the shortcomings of the opponent’s ability, and even directly deprive the opponent’s ability, but now there are scattered scattered around. The energy that came out, Tang Tian could not directly analyze the success, it took more time to do it.

“First Generation!”

Finally remembering this feeling of deja vu, Tang Tian exclaimed.

This feeling was very similar to the first time he saw Huang, but at that time his strength was not strong enough, and analyzing Huang’s power with the Unparalleled Domain could only feel the heart palpitations.

Now that Tang Tian has reached the SSS level, the power released from the first generation body can only make him feel familiar, and there is no longer the feeling that made him tremble.

Now there is only an emotion of excitement. Since he reached the SSS level, the ultimate life form that he could only look up to before—the first generation body, has no threat to Tang Tian at all.

As long as they are both at the SSS level, the first-generation body will have to be captured by his perfect appearance when he sees Tang Tian’s face.

Hold the excitement in your heart, and at the same time fully expand the field of energy control.

Although this first-generation body has no threat to Tang Tian, ​​the living body that fights with the first-generation body is not good.

The aftermath of the battle with the first generation body is so earth-shattering, indicating that the power level of that life body is higher than Tang Tian so far.

Tang Tian’s current mental power is more than 200 million, and the killing blood jade that Kaya City grabbed has not yet been absorbed.

Taking Huang as an example, Tang Tian estimated the mental power value of the first generation body, reaching one billion will surpass SSS level. Although Huang’s strength far exceeds ordinary SSS level, it still belongs to the category of SSS level.

The system interface can’t see Huang’s mental power value now, but Tang Tian feels that there should be more than 900 million, which is very close to the one billion mental power that surpasses the SSS level.

The previous lifeform that fought against another first-generation body was at the lowest level.

“Get up, the first generation is not a threat to us, but be careful with another lifeform that is at war with the first generation, if he is also a mutant, it is the best, but if he is human, we (cjcc) will Get ready for battle!

Getting closer and closer to the place where the first-generation body fought, Tang Tian said to the contract mutants behind him.

At the same time, I had a dialogue with Arashi in my heart, wondering if it understood the life form in front of it.

Huang pondered for half a minute before answering: “It’s not easy for me to answer if you ask me now, but considering the aftermath of the previous battle, I think it is very likely that dead monkey! You must be careful, I am not his. Opponent! Its fighting style beats most psychics.””

“Monkey?” Tang Tian thought of the Monkey King in his previous life almost immediately, but soon shook his head, feeling that he thought too much.

One is the mythical creature, the other is the first-generation variant of the cataclysmic world, how could there be a connection.

And Tang Tian is very concerned about Huang’s words.

“You said that you are not its opponent? Why? You are both the first generation, even if there is a gap, it will not be too big, right!”

That little octopus that Huang turned into jumped on Tang Tian’s shoulders, and showed an embarrassed expression on the little head.

“You’re right in saying that, the energy level difference between us is really not big, but the battle is related. I have the worst affinity with this dead monkey, if it’s a life-and-death fight, I can’t even fight it Inflict substantial damage!

“Don’t ask, you’ll understand when you see it, I can already feel the monkey’s breath, it’s right in front, you must be careful!”

Huang’s words made Tang Tian very curious, to know that since Huang followed Tang Tian, ​​the two of them communicated a lot, and Tang Tian thought that he still understood Huang’s character.

This guy is very proud, if it wasn’t for escaping from the seal, he would never have been taken in by Tang Tian so easily, and Tang Tian could clearly feel Huang’s self-confidence in his own strength in his usual relationship.

But this time, before seeing the first-generation body, it was cowardly, which was not Huang’s character at all.

There is also the combat phase that Huang said just now, which also makes Tang Tian very concerned.

What kind of fighting method can make such a huge body, strength and supernatural powers are all SSS-level peak life forms that are inferior to themselves.

Just when Tang Tian took the wind snake back into Huang’s body, the wolf king Kuer blasted over from the place of battle like a cannonball, and the steel-cast body showed countless fine cracks, constantly oozing blood, and his appearance was extremely miserable.


The muffled sound of his body hitting the ground sounded, and Kuer forcibly smashed a huge human-shaped pit on the hard ground, and passed out without even snorting.

Tang Tian suddenly turned his head and stared straight ahead.

Xiaogu, Lan, Fei, Yue, Yang Dracula, and several other SSS-level contract mutants, their momentum skyrocketed, and the Qi machine firmly locked the area in front of the battle.

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