Chapter 228: The First Generation: Wu

Perceiving the surging momentum ahead, Tang Tian said directly: “Dracula, use your talent skills to save Kuer, don’t let him die! The others cheer up, that first-generation body is here!”

The voice just fell.


The sound is loud, and the elephant is invisible.

The huge sound even made other sounds in the world seem to disappear.

Along with the sound, Tang Tian and his party smelled a stench that made people sick.

The originally incomparably clear sky instantly became gloomy, and the mountain-sized Roshan volleyed in front of Tang Tian.

It was only then that he could see the full picture of the lifeform that was fighting with the first-generation body of Mizhou.

The whole body exudes a foul odor, and the dark green liquid that makes people see the color is dripping dripping from the body.

It is a bone dragon that often appeared in online novels before Tang Tian crossed, but there are obvious differences.

This bone dragon is so big that it towers into the sky when it stands up, it is nearly a thousand meters long, and its height is almost seven or eight hundred.

It is completely a super behemoth, exuding a terrifying aura.

This bone dragon shocked the well-informed Tang Tian, ​​and his curiosity drove him to open the system panel and check the information of this bone dragon.

The information of the bone dragon is displayed on the system panel.

Special Variant: Bone Dragon

Grade: Unknown

This familiar system panel made Tang Tian instantly recall the name of a force.

Hundred Ghost House!!

He is already at the SSS level now, so the mutants that he can’t detect now, in Tang Tian’s impression, there are only the mutants that climbed out of the coffins behind those people in Hundred Ghost Academy.

But such a huge bone dragon, just looks, Tang Tian feels very difficult.

Not to mention that this is something made by the Hundred Ghost Academy.

How tricky this force is Tang Tian has a deep understanding.

But such a tricky lifeform would be sent flying so far.

Immediately afterwards, a word came from the place where the battle was just now.

“Disgusting thing! Who gave you the guts to trouble me?

The voice just fell.


The bone dragon, which had just stood up and had not adjusted its fighting stance, was kicked away again by a towering giant foot.

Ultra-ultimate life form, first-generation form, martial arts!

It finally revealed its true colors.

After seeing Wu’s true face, Tang Tian knew why Huang would say that he was not the opponent of this monkey at all.

“Dead monkey!” Huang Zuan whispered in Tang Tian’s pocket.

Hearing Tang Tian wanted to laugh.

“I said Huang, come out and call it a dead monkey! Let’s see if it agrees!”

“Forget it! I don’t want to ask for trouble, this dead monkey fights like a madman, and I don’t want to fight him. I can’t beat him, and I can’t kill him, so I won’t go out! 35

Hearing Huang shrinks in his pocket like a little daughter-in-law and doesn’t dare to come out, Tang Tian didn’t force it.

After all, this first-generation body named Wu made Tang Tian very shocked. Huang’s body was a big octopus, but even Huang’s largest body was a little bit meaningless in front of this monkey.

Looking up, what caught my eye was the hair that was as white as snow, without the slightest trace of impurities.

With a height of more than a thousand meters, his body is huge and magnificent, but he is not bloated at all.

The movement of that kick just now was very fast and precise, Tang Tian did not see clearly how that kick hit the bone dragon instantly when he was driving the Peerless Domain.

This is clearly a super-enlarged version of the towering giant ape!

With a thought, Tang Tian opened the system interface and checked Wu’s information.

Primary body: Wu

Grade: SSS Grade

Introduction: This mutant has no ability, or his own body is his ability, with an extremely strong physique, superb fighting skills, and a surging fighting spirit like a monstrous wave. To the ultimate life form, born for the battle, breaking all methods with one force!

Tang Tian was shocked after reading the system introduction.

Dare Qing is an invincible first-generation physique, and if Huang encounters this kind of fighting madman, he will of course have a headache.

I won’t do so many bells and whistles with you, and let me break it down with one punch.

Even Tang Tian, ​​who has reached the SSS level, feels that he has no way to take it.

The energy control ability has very limited restrictions on this kind of physical energy developed to the extreme.

“Huh? The breath of a baby octopus?”

Wu originally planned to continue to dismantle the bone dragon, but suddenly felt the aura of desolation.

The kilometer-high body suddenly shrank, turning into an ape about 2.5 meters tall.

Following the desolate aura, he came directly towards Tang Tian.

“Ding! 95

[Congratulations to the host for capturing the ultimate life form: Wu, obtaining Wu’s swearing follower, spiritual power +100000]

“You’re a human being that looks very pleasing to the eye, monkey, I’ll follow you in the future! If you refuse, monkey I’ll be sad!”

As expected of the system, Tang Tian had already imagined that he could not directly rely on his appearance to capture the physical ability of the first generation after he reached SSS.


The result is very satisfactory, even if it is a mutant as strong as Wu, the system will directly distort its self-consciousness, making it willing to follow Tang Tian to fight in the Quartet.

“Octopus boy, come out and play, don’t see me and shrink your eggs, and I won’t hit you! Today, I have a better meat bag than you, monkey!”

Being kicked to the ground by Wu, the bone dragon with almost two-thirds of its bones broken, struggled to stand up.

Seeing this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, how could Tang Tian let it go.

He long ago wanted to find a strong enemy who could withstand the siege of his contract mutants to exercise the fighting skills of these mutants, but unfortunately he has not been able to do so.

The bone dragon that was about to be crippled in front of him was an excellent whetstone.


“Xiaogu, you go to besiege that bone dragon, Dracula and Fei go to entangle the master of that bone dragon, don’t be afraid of getting hurt, just save your life! Go!

Fei has been going crazy for a long time. During this time, she, a fighting madman, has no chance to make a move. She has been looking forward to a hearty battle for a long time.

Hearing Tang Tian’s order, he stretched out his hand to grab Dracula, kicked his legs hard, and jumped directly to the bone dragon in the distance.

Looking at the cracked ground that Fei stepped on, Tang Tian laughed.

In the future, Fei won’t be lonely anymore. As long as she wants to fight, Wu will definitely accompany her at any time.

After all the contract mutants around him rushed over, the little octopus that was transformed into wild swayed and flew out of his pocket.

Falls on Tang Tian’s shoulder, stretches out tentacles and hugs Tang Tian’s ear tightly, for fear that Wu will drag it to fight in the past.

“Humph! Are you afraid of you for me? Don’t be kidding, I am now Tang Tian’s mobile barracks, and it is full of his army, how can you fight? The army inside is damaged by you and you will pay? 35′

The trembling and trembling look of Huang provokes Wu contempt for a while.

Tang Tian also said with a bad taste: “It’s okay, you can release the army inside, and then fight with Wu to a real man, I will be the referee for you, and no one will intervene! How about it?”

“Really? You mean what you say? The bone dragon is too hard and doesn’t feel good, or the octopus boy feels good and soft when you beat it. You can hit it how you want!”

Hearing Tang Tian’s words, Wu’s eyes lit up, and his aura rose, as if he was about to shoot.

Desolately became a little octopus face and was scared green, flew up and fell on the top of Tang Tian’s head desperately grabbed Tang Tian’s hair, said nothing without letting go of the knife.

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