Chapter 226 Five hundred years ago

What followed after the loud noise was the ground tremors, making Tang Tian feel as if he was in an earthquake.

Tang Tian opened the unparalleled domain covering a hundred miles, and could only feel that the place closest to the sound source collapsed layer by layer.

Sensing that the edge of the field is still far from the sound source, he directly ordered Wind Snake.

“Change back to your original shape, hurry up! Go and see!

“Xiaogu, Lan, Yue, you guys should be vigilant, if there is an accident, take action immediately!”

Let Huang take back all the variants that are not at the SSS level. Tang Tian and the remaining ten variants that have reached the SSS level are multiplied by the wind snake that is nearly 100 meters long, with a grim expression, maintaining a state of waiting, and quickly heading towards Hurry in the direction from which the sound came.

The wolf king Kuer, who had been silent all the time behind Tang Tian, ​​directly changed into a werewolf form, erecting his ears and listening to the sound from the depths of the mountain range.

“Master, there should be two forces fighting in the depths of the mountains. I can vaguely hear the sound of supernatural collisions.”

Tang Tian heard the words and was about to ask carefully when he heard Qi Ziyun’s unbelievable voice.

“This feeling!!!”

“It can’t be wrong, it’s the owner of the ultra-high-risk ability who is fighting with advanced life forms! It can’t be wrong!”

Everyone’s expressions changed, and the mutants who developed in the corners were shocked enough to hear about the super-high-risk ability for the first time today.

I didn’t expect to encounter another super high-risk ability so soon!

After being shocked, Qi Ziyun deliberately asked Tang Tian.

“I just wanted to ask, Tang Tian, ​​are you also the owner of the super high-risk ability?”

After Tang Tian asked Dracula to use the healing in the talent skill to heal Qi Ziyun’s injury, she felt it, but because Tang Tian has been busy with other things, she has no chance to ask.

“I don’t know if my ability is a super high-risk ability, but I think it should be! 39

“The power I awakened is energy control, does the power user alliance have a record of this power?

Qi Ziyun was stunned by Tang Tian’s words, although she felt that Tang Tian had a super high-risk ability, she never thought that it would be energy control.

“There is a record! But the record about energy control is five hundred years ago! Almost everyone who was born in the central imperial capital has heard of this ability””!”5

“It is the top of the list of super-high-risk powers that have been counted by the Power User Alliance in the past 800 years from the cataclysm to the present! Other powers are more or less controversial because of their different uses, but energy control is undisputed. 1st place!””

Qi Ziyun was silent for a while after saying these two sentences, thinking about the information about energy control that he knew.

After sorting out the wording, he continued: “The person who awakened energy and controlled the ability five hundred years ago was not a member of the Alliance of Ability Users. He was a native of Xiazhou. I don’t know what he found in the end. The alliance was the enemy, and in the end, he single-handedly smashed almost two-thirds of the central imperial capital, and killed almost 90% of the masters of the power user alliance!”

Having said this, Qi Ziyun calmed down, “But in the end, there are different opinions on how that person was defeated. Some say that the leader of the alliance shot himself, some say that he died of exhaustion, and some say that it was killed by aliens. !35

“Anyway, this matter is over in the end. Although the Power User Alliance did not block this matter, almost everyone didn’t know the name of that person after that, and why did they choose to be the enemy of the Power User Hot Alliance.

After listening to Qi Ziyun’s words, Tang Tian took a deep breath and felt that the amount of information contained in Qi Ziyun’s words was too large, and it was also closely related to himself.

Tang Tian never thought that someone else had the ability to control energy before, he always thought that it was unique to the system and that the system was tailor-made for him.

It doesn’t appear to be the case now.

Moreover, why is the handling of this matter by the Power User Alliance so strange? It stands to reason that the owner of the power control ability five hundred years ago caused such a huge loss to the Central Imperial Capital, and the Power User Alliance should feel that his face is dull. , try to block this matter.

But why only block that person’s name, but not tell all the information about this event and this power buried deep in history?

While listening to the loud noise from the depths of the mountain, I thought about the possible reasons.

There is another key point, Tang Tian most wanted to know why the man from five hundred years ago chose to be the enemy of the supernatural alliance, why he finally risked his own life to enter the central imperial capital alone, and even almost destroyed the entire central imperial capital.

What is the relationship between that person’s power and the power you have now?

Did that person also have a system?

Thinking of this, Tang Tian asked directly: “You said that five hundred years ago that person broke into the imperial capital alone? Without a companion?

Qi Ziyun racked his brains to recall the materials he had read.

Suddenly, she suddenly remembered something her grandfather once said to her.

“Xiaoyun, back then, the emperor was able to defeat that person. Thanks to the nine things that the president of the Power User Alliance assembled, all of that person’s subordinates were blocked outside the central imperial capital and wiped out! This laid the foundation for the final victory. Otherwise, the entire power user alliance together would not be that person’s opponent.”5

This is what Qi Ziyun’s grandfather said when she was very young. If it wasn’t for her promotion to S rank, which strengthened her brain, she would not be able to recall her subconscious memory.

After Tang Tian listened to Qi Ziyun’s untouched retelling, his heart was shocked.

He hurriedly opened his mouth and asked again: “”||Who are the subordinates of that person, do you know? Did you also conquer many mutants like me?”

This time, Qi Ziyun didn’t stop, she just said that she didn’t know who the subordinates of that person were, how many people there were, and which nine things were gathered to annihilate them. She had never heard of these.

These news made Tang Tian begin to re-examine the overall strength of the Power User Alliance.

He originally thought that he would conquer countless mutants all the way, and evolve all the potential ones to the same level as himself, and he would definitely be able to crush the central imperial capital.

(Nuo Zhao Zhao)

However, Qi Ziyun’s description made his mentality of floating to the cloud lowered again. At least when he was stronger than the owner of the energy control ability five hundred years ago, he had no qualifications to be proud, and there was no reason to stop himself from becoming stronger. Footsteps, and there is no capital to look at the Alliance of Power Users.

“Your information is very useful and has benefited me a lot. When I find the next killing blood jade, it will help you advance to the SSS level! We have a common enemy!”

Qi Ziyun, who held back his excitement, said, “It doesn’t matter when I advance, the important thing is that your abilities cannot be known by the people at the Central Imperial Capital Headquarters! Otherwise, they will definitely come out, even the president of the alliance They will personally take action to hunt down your clothes!

In Tang Tian’s heart, he was once again grateful to the old man who was the gatekeeper of the central imperial capital.

“You are really my savior! When I next visit the Central Imperial Capital, I will definitely be the first to send your whole family down to accompany you!”

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