Chapter 223 Qi Ziyun

Qi Ziyun was stunned on the spot by Tang Tian and the nine SSS-level powerhouses behind him.

When I heard Tang Tian’s questioning, the brain was still in a state of shutdown, his eyes were dull, and he nodded blankly.

“That’s good, it’s not in vain for me to let our wind snake come at full speed and see how tired it is!”” Tang Tian said casually.

Qi Ziyun looked up and stared at the wind snake for a while, but didn’t notice that it showed any signs of fatigue.

“Are you here to save me?” Qi Ziyun finally saw that Tang Tian came to her.

“Strictly speaking, I’m not here for you! I’m here for this main city! I just happened to meet the Alliance Dog and want to catch you.”

Tang Tian has no enmity or hatred with this girl, but he did not act so vicious.

After all, no matter how she looks at it, she has a grudge against the Power User Alliance and has a common enemy.

“Okay, then can you let me go with you? I want to live! I want to seek revenge from the Gu family!” Qi Ziyun didn’t realize that these SSS-level powerhouses behind Tang Tian were mutants.

She felt that it didn’t matter, as long as she could find the Gu family to avenge her genocide, no matter what price she had to pay.

As long as she can become stronger and become a mutant, it doesn’t matter, even if it is to become a ghost-like thing in the coffins of those in the Hundred Ghost Academy, she is willing.

The current Qi Ziyun has only one purpose, and that is to take revenge at all costs.

Tang Tian raised his eyebrows when he heard this, but he didn’t expect Qi Ziyun to take the bait before he mentioned it.

“Oh? It’s not impossible to go with me, but why should I take you? Or what value do you have? Talk about it!”

Even if it feels that Qi Ziyun’s ability is very special, Tang Tian is not accepted by everyone.

There must be a reason. If he wants to become stronger after following him, he must be willing to become a mutant, otherwise he will not have time to wait for Qi Ziyun to grow up slowly.

Let the bone girl get a shot, and then directly use the killing blood jade to evolve to the SSS level, isn’t it fragrant?

“I want revenge! My ability is a super high-risk ability, and the super power is silent. It can be immune to the damage of all ability users within a certain range, and can also deprive the ability users of their abilities.

“As long as I can become stronger and take revenge, I can do anything!

The super power is silent? Tang Tian recited it silently, thoughtfully.

“Want to be stronger? It’s easy for me, but you have to be a mutant before I can help you! Would you?

Hearing Tang Tian’s words, Qi Ziyun did not answer, stood up directly and walked in front of the mutant behind Tang Tian, ​​stretched out his arm full of wounds.

“Since you are so active, that’s good! Xiao Gu, give her a shot!”

“Ding! 99

[Congratulations to the host for capturing the S-class variant title: Forbidden Heart, Mental Power +50000]

Title: Banned?

Not everyone can use this title!

Tang Tian thought directly and opened Qi Ziyun’s panel.

Variant: Qi Ziyun

Grade: S grade

Intimacy: 301 (When the intimacy reaches 100, you can use the idea of ​​communication, and when the intimacy reaches 200, you can unlock the evolution function! When the intimacy reaches 300, you can perform soul transmission, and when the other party encounters danger, you can sense the other party’s location in both directions!)

Current status: dying

Innate ability: super-high-risk ability: super-silence (this ability is one of the super-high-risk abilities in the current world, and is the nemesis of all power users. Within the power range of super-silence, all power users’ attacks will It will be wiped out! And it can deprive the abilities of the same level and below!)

Innate ability: powerful silence (can interrupt the caster of the ability, let his ability backfire on himself, causing unstoppable damage!)

this description?

It seems that it is of little use to himself. Tang Tian already has energy control. Within the scope of energy control, he can also deprive other power users of the ability, and can also eliminate the attacks of power users.

But after thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is not the same. His own unparalleled domain needs to be actively opened before it can be used.

But Qi Ziyun’s is different, Tang Tian has observed, Qi Ziyun’s ability is both passive and active.

Now in the endangered state of Qi Ziyun, the surrounding area of ​​super power silence is about 20 meters. Now only S-rank Qi Ziyun can affect Tang Tian. Although the impact is very small, it can clearly feel that when using the unparalleled domain, there are Very slight stagnation.

This feeling makes Tang Tian very surprised, to know that his ability is the super high-end ability of energy control, and it will be restrained to a certain extent.

If Qi Ziyun is promoted to the SSS level, will he be able to restrain himself strongly?

・・・・・Seeking flowers… This ability already belongs to the rule-level ability. As long as it belongs to the category of supernatural abilities, it will be restrained by Qi Ziyun. Fortunately, Qi Ziyun, who has this kind of ability, was met by Tang Tian. If Qi Ziyun was cultivated by the people of the Ability User Alliance since childhood, it would be Tang Tian’s nightmare. Thinking of this, Tang Tian suddenly felt a little fortunate that he was stopped by the old man who was guarding the entrance of the Central Imperial Capital. If he really goes in, if there is a super-high-risk ability user like Qi Ziyun… No, not if, it will definitely exist. Since Qi Ziyun himself has said that he is the owner of super-high-risk abilities, it means that the super-high-risk abilities have been sorted and recorded by the power user alliance in the central imperial capital. The power user alliance definitely has the same super high-risk power users within its own strength. “Your ability is so powerful, why did you leave the central imperial capital? Could it be that the people from the Power User Alliance are so ignorant? “And why did the mercenary union come to arrest you?” Tang Tian was very curious about this question.” No, it’s not that they don’t know the goods, it’s that they know the goods too well! 35 When Qi Ziyun said this, there was extreme hatred in her eyes, and her extreme anger even turned her clearly beautiful face into a venomous snake. “The Gu family is inextricably linked with the Power User Alliance, and their head is the third-in-command of the Power User Alliance!” Hearing Qi Ziyun telling the secrets of the Power User Alliance, Tang Tian listened quietly, With his intelligence ability, this information is not easy to get. “Our Qi family was originally a small family that belonged to the power user alliance. Originally, the family could live happily ever after, but it has changed since my power awakened!” , he also has super-high-risk abilities, but his abilities are re-enactments of abilities! No matter what kind of abilities, he can re-enact them and then master them!” “Qi Ziyun recalled Gu Zhengyang’s terrifying eyes when he said this. The fear in the middle outweighed the hatred, and the whole body was tense, clenched his fists, and then hung down weakly. “He was already an SSS-level powerhouse a long time ago, and he has countless abilities! Such a person is simply not something that our small family can compete with! Knife.

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