Chapter 222 Are You Sent From The Imperial Capital?

“Interesting, really fun!

Tang Tian felt through the Unparalleled Realm that there were three forces facing each other at the front of the main city gate.

It’s just that Tang Tian feels very strange, the power level of the two forces clearly far exceeds that of the solitary power user who is surrounded by the middle.

But why not just get in?

And the power of the solitary power user is also very strange, Tang Tian even felt that if he was S-rank like this strange power user, his energy control might be canceled.

This kind of absurd feeling makes Tang Tian feel that it is necessary to take a look, maybe he will be able to harvest a good seedling.

“Let’s capture it, it’s just depriving you of your ability, not your life!” The captain of the mercenary squad loaded the automatic rifle in his hand and said coldly.

Qi Ziyun, who was about to lose consciousness, bit her lip hard, and the slight pain made her a little awake.

“Shoot, you dog-like things, and a litter of beasts from the Gu family, you’d better pray every night not to let me have an afterlife, or else I will eat your food when I am poor and blue in Qi Ziyun. Flesh, drink your blood!””


In this desperate situation, Qi Ziyun did not show a trace of timidity.

“It’s a pity, parents, and all the brothers and sisters of the Qi family, I can’t avenge you, I can only go down to accompany you!

The tenderness and nostalgia on the corners of her mouth are the last tenderness towards the world that gave birth to her.

977 “Shoot her! Don’t kill her directly! Catch her and tame her before taking it back to Master Gu!”

The leader of the Spire Keepers ordered the snipers on the tower.


Hearing the gunshot, Qi Ziyun closed his eyes and began to brew the last trace of energy left in his body, trying to blow himself up.

But soon, she opened her eyes and looked surprised.

I clearly heard the gunshot, but why didn’t the bullet hit me? Poor marksmanship? Missed?


Just when Qi Ziyun turned his head to look to see who saved him, he heard loud laughter from a distance.

“Hahaha! Today is my lucky day!

Everyone who was besieging Qi Ziyun turned their heads and looked to the southeast.

“Who? Get out!” The leader of the Alliance Spire Guardian shouted, raising his hand and slashing a huge sword in the direction from which the voice came.

“Pretend to be a ghost! Go to hell!

He does not allow Qi Ziyun to have any mistakes in this matter. Whether he can return to the Central Imperial Capital from Mizhou, a place where birds don’t shit, depends on how the matter is handled this time.

“Oh? Sword-type abilities? Sword Demon, go and play with him! 99

On the way back (cjcc), Tang Tian used all the fine blood-killing jade, and only kept a part of it as a healing medicine.

Mainly because I don’t understand Dracula’s healing ability, I haven’t tested it, and I can’t rely on one talent skill.

Those finely slaughtered blood jades have been promoted to ten SS-rank sword demons and S-rank gun demons. Since they still need the wind snake as a mount, they can only aggrieve it to stay in the S-rank.

This variant specializing in one skill is extremely powerful after being promoted.

“Follow your orders!

The ten SS-level sword demons led the way and walked away, pointing in the direction of the guardian of the minaret.

“Gun Devil, go, have fun with those three children! Start lightly, don’t let it die!”

“I’m going too! I haven’t fought in a day! You just let me go!””

Hearing that the fighting madman Fei actually started to act like a spoiled child, Tang Tian got goose bumps all over his body.

“Don’t, don’t, don’t! Before you take the shot, you will fight with me in the future! But this time it won’t work. I’m going to arrest these people for questioning, and I won’t let you be beaten to pieces.”

The guardian of the minaret saw that the sword energy he shot was like a mud cow entering the sea, and it disappeared without a trace, and there was no sound at all, and he looked towards the southeast.

“No, it won’t!”

The face of the leader who was so frightened changed wildly, the color of despair seemed to be engraved on his face, and the most beloved weapon in his hand was unconsciously thrown on the ground with a clanging sound.

As soon as his weapon landed, ten sword demons with eight-handed swords floating behind them also smashed down from the air.

Five sword demons fell beside Qi Ziyun and surrounded her.

The other five stood expressionlessly in front of the leader of the minaret guards, and the eight-handed swords behind them were trembling slightly, making a humming sound.

The three S-rank mercenaries were so frightened that they turned around and wanted to run away.


As soon as they took a step, a crater appeared under their feet.


Ten S-rank spear demons surrounded the three, and ten demon spears were placed on the heads of the three trembling mercenaries.

“Fake… Fake right? Ten… ten SS-rank sword demons? I must be dreaming! This must be all fake!

One of the guardians of the Alliance Spire at the gate of the city did not want to believe that what happened in front of him was real, thinking that it was all an illusion.

When he raised his hand, a huge fireball was condensed and smashed towards the sword demon closest to him.

The Sword Demon didn’t blink a single eyelid, the sword behind him was accompanied by the sound of “锵” being unsheathed. The sound had not yet reached the fireball man’s ears. He had already been split in half even with the fireball and the people, and his internal organs were drenched in blood. It was scattered all over the ground.

This is just the most basic move of the SS-level sword demon, and it doesn’t even use sword energy.

An S-rank fire-type ability user was just hacked alive.

“You shot out the sword qi just now, right?” The aura of the sword demons in front of the leader soared, firmly locking on the leader.

Tang Tian said to let them play, but they didn’t dare to shoot randomly. As a mutant, he never learned what it means to be merciful, and when the level is crushed, the shot is an instant kill.

Qi Ziyun was also stunned, completely unaware of what happened.

Like the leader, he was very shocked by the appearance of these ten SS-rank sword demons.

Even in the most dangerous area of ​​the central imperial capital, there has never been an SS-level sword demon, let alone ten at a time?

“This is definitely cultivated! I just don’t know what kind of mutant it is, but it has such ability!” Qi Ziyun thought in shock.

Through the gaps around the sword demons surrounding him, Qi Ziyun also saw ten S-rank spear demons, holding the few mercenaries who were still very energetic just now in their hands like little chickens, and the three of them held both hands. Feet were smashed to pieces.

Suddenly, under the extremely frightened eyes of the leader, the huge body of the S-rank wind snake slowly fell to the ground.

The originally scattered sword demons and spear demons gathered into a square team and bowed to the few people who went up and down the head of the wind snake.

“Not bad! I also know that protecting this little girl is very valuable!”

Tang Tian didn’t tell these sword demons to protect Qi Ziyun.

Qi Ziyun’s brain has crashed, even in a desperate situation, she has never been shocked like this.

Out of the eleven people who came down from the Wind Snake, ten were SSS-level superpowers.

Tang Tian directly took a group of contract variants and walked towards Qi Ziyun who was stunned in place.

Looking at the wounded Qi Ziyun, he asked, “Are you from the Central Imperial Capital?”

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