Chapter 224 All Infections, Not One Left!

“Our Qi family had a grudge with the Gu family before. My brother, who awakened was a thunderbolt power. He was also forced by the Gu family, and then deprived of his power by Gu Zhengyang! Our family didn’t even see my brother’s. Corpse! 35

Speaking of his brother, Qi Ziyun’s hateful eyes showed a hint of tenderness.

Her elder brother Qi Zishan loves Qi Ziyun very much. Since childhood, he has always been at the forefront to protect her.

When he was rounded up by the Gu family, it was also because Qi Ziyun was caught by the people of the Gu family and threatened Qi Zishan not to escape, otherwise he would kill Qi Ziyun, who was only a teenager at the time.

“At that time, my father chose to be patient for the whole family and survived under the power of the Gu family.”

“I once hated my dad so much, why didn’t I choose to resist!”

Qi Ziyun closed her eyes in pain, tears dripping with blood of “Nine Seven Seven” in her dry eye sockets.

“After my power was awakened, my father wanted to send me away immediately, but I wanted to take revenge, I wanted to become stronger, and kept my power hidden.

“Until I met Gu Zhengyang face to face, there would be a certain induction between super-high-risk abilities, and he found me right away!”

“This time, my father chose to resist. Before he died, he exhausted all the vitality of his SSS-level space power user and sent me out. When I woke up, I was already on a small island in Mizhou. !”

“Then there are countless mercenary unions who are chasing and blocking me. I have persisted until today, and finally met you here!

After listening to Qi Ziyun’s narration, Tang Tian didn’t know whether to sigh whether the Qi family had good luck or bad luck.

Qi Zishan is a powerful lightning-type ability user, not to mention Qi Ziyun, who directly awakened the top super-high-risk ability.

But it’s a pity that everyone is innocent and guilty!

In the past, when Tang Tian was free, he had imagined that there would be people who could master multiple abilities at the same time.

“Although the ability of super power copying is powerful, it shouldn’t be able to copy all the powers, right?

Tang Tian, ​​who was very interested in this ability, directly asked the key point.

It would be too exaggerated to be able to reproduce all the abilities in one, and it is more powerful than the system.

You can’t fight against this kind of opponent at all, you never know how much the opponent will restrain your ability.

“Unfortunately, I really don’t know about this.” Qi Ziyun pondered for a while and replied.

“Gu Zhengyang’s ability is only known to be the ability to reproduce, everything else is top secret, and he is one of the people with the highest level of confidentiality in the ability user alliance.”

Although there is no exact answer, Tang Tian is not worried about it.

Although the ability of super power re-engraving is terrifying, it can allow the owner to use countless powerful abilities, but Tang Tian, ​​who is now an SSS-level powerhouse, already has a very deep understanding of abilities.

He believes that the power of supernatural powers, for supernatural powers, is more important than essence.

Under the same aptitude, a strong person who only uses one kind of ability will definitely study the development of abilities more deeply than a person who uses multiple abilities.

Tang Tian is very confident about this, he is a person with a system, and in terms of ability qualification, he is definitely the top group of people.

Even if Gu Zhengyang masters hundreds of thousands of abilities, Tang Tian is not afraid at all.

His goal is to be at the helm of the Omnipotent Alliance.

In Tang Tian’s eyes, the subordinates of those Alliance Dogs are simply turkeys.

Although the old man who was blocking the entrance of the central imperial capital once gave him a very strong sense of oppression, he even used the space to transfer himself to a place so far away from the Mizhou Continent.

But Tang Tian at that time was only SS rank, if let Tang Tian, ​​who has been promoted to SSS rank now, go to fight against that old man, as long as he opens his own unparalleled domain shroud, that old man who used to be based on Tang Tian almost drove Tang Tian to a dead end It will be instantly smashed, and there is no resistance.

After learning about the ultra-high-risk ability, Tang Tian felt that his energy control ability was also a well-deserved ultra-high-risk ability. If the ultra-high-risk ability was ranked according to its power and universality, he felt that his energy control was absolute. Top notch.

Now is not the time to carefully inquire about other information in the Central Imperial Capital, Tang Tian turned to look at the shivering Alliance Spire Guardian standing at the gate of Kaya City.

When he first arrived here, Tang Tian sensed the killing blood jade in the central minaret of the city, and the city was not assimilated by another system owner.

“Who are you!? Why are there so many powerful mutants following you? 35

The leader of the minaret guardian felt that he was 80% unable to live, because he felt that he had broken through Tang Tian’s biggest secret – he could easily help mutants evolve.

At least before he died, he wanted to know who this mighty man like a zombie emperor was.

“You’ll find out who I am in a moment!”

“Xiaogu, act! Infect all the mutants in this main city!”

In this Kaya city, except for the people guarding the minaret who are Xiazhou faces, all the others are white or black.

Tang Tian is also too lazy to enter the city, and he will just let this trembling guard leader take out the blood-killing jade in a while.

Since the people of the mercenary union can easily reach the Mizhou continent from the central imperial capital, then if their news is passed back to the headquarters of the Power User Alliance.

The top leaders of those alliances will definitely send experts to hunt them down.

Although he was forcibly transferred to the Mi Continent by the old man with the space ability, the people at the Alliance Headquarters may not know that he is in Mi Continent.

But it is very likely that the location of the old man’s transfer was determined in advance. As long as the people from the alliance headquarters go to check, it is possible to know that he is in Mizhou.

Ever since he learned that there are still powerhouses above the SSS level, Tang Tian has always had a sense of urgency in his heart, not only to be able to rule the central imperial capital like an emperor, but also because of his own safety.

If the people in the Central Imperial City were ruthless, they would directly send someone above the SS2.2S level to clean up the forces in Mizhou and arrest themselves by the way.

The force that Tang Tian has now will have no resistance at all.

Since absorbing the blood-killing jade to improve his spiritual power, Tang Tian can feel how strong the powerhouse above the SSS level is.

He now needs a billion mental power to advance above the SSS level.

That means that the strength gap between the strong above the SSS level and the SSS level will be larger than the gap between the F level and the SSS level.

You can feel it only by the numerical difference of mental power, the mental power of SSS level is 100 million, and the mental power above SSS level is one billion!

A full 900 million gap!

[Kneeling for flowers, kneeling for evaluation, kneeling for rewards, kneeling for monthly passes, kneeling for all data support, kneeling and thanking everyone!].

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