Chapter 221 Super Silence

“Of course, that’s all I can feel, and there’s other information I don’t understand yet!

Dracula wanted to express how he felt after absorbing the blood jade, but he didn’t know how to express it.

Tang Tian doesn’t think it’s fake that there is blood essence in it, after all, the way of killing blood jade to evolve vampires is to turn into blood and rush into their mouths.

The aging Dracula was able to jump directly from the S-level to the SSS-level because the blood clan had the highest utilization rate of blood, after all, they used this as food.

“Let’s go!”

I got another SSS-level variant, which is so cool in my heart.

Next, you have to start your own improvement, and the dozen or so contract variants under your hand have basically reached the SSS level.

He patted the wind snake’s head.

“Let’s go! Go to the next main city, I hope the next main city is not metalized.”

Putting both Dracula and Kuer into Huang’s body, Tang Tian lay on the wind snake’s back alone and looked up at the sky where he couldn’t see the stars at all.

He didn’t know what to do next.

As for the enemies of the alliance leader and the Central Imperial Capital who had hatred with him, Tang Tian didn’t take it to heart at all. As long as he developed steadily, it would not be a problem if he didn’t rashly set foot in the Central Imperial Capital when his strength was insufficient.

The most important thing in this place in Mizhou is how to quickly find enough killing blood jade to find the owner of that other system.

But after all these things are done, do you really become a zombie emperor?

Although he was invincible among zombies and mutants by using the ability given by the system, he himself was a human no matter what.

“Oh! Forget it, I don’t want to! There will always be a way in the future!””

Just when Tang Tian was thinking about his future path, less than a hundred miles away from where he was, a group of people were confronting a little girl in ragged clothes.

“Qi Ziyun, you can really run! Why don’t you run now?” “?”

“Captain, what do you tell her, just grab her and go back to work! I don’t want to stay in this broken place for a moment!”

“Liu Hu, are you mentally ill? Do you think the captain doesn’t want to arrest her? How can you guard against her ability?”

The man named Liu Hu seemed to have thought of something when he heard this, and said embarrassingly: “The super power is silent, of course I know, but I don’t want to complete the task as soon as possible! Boss, don’t take my words to heart!

This three-member team wore the S-rank badge of the Mercenary Union, and obviously all of them were S-rank powerhouses.

Qi Ziyun, who was blocked near Kaya City, looked sad, and his whole body was hurt, staring at the three people in front of him with extreme hatred.

“Want to arrest me? Why didn’t Gu Zhengyang come in person?”

“You guys trying to catch me without him?

The captain of the mercenary squad played with the firearm in his hand with a playful tone.

“Master Gu is here in person? You really think highly of yourself. If you didn’t have to capture you alive, do you think you could run so far?”

“It’s just for you to contribute your own abilities. Why don’t you want to contribute to the imperial capital?”

“That’s not right, it’s your blessing for Master Gu to see your ability, how dare you refuse? You can’t even go to the ends of the earth! 35

The mercenary squad was blocked in front of the gate of Kaya City, waiting for the guard of the alliance’s minaret in Kaya City.

The task of chasing Qi Ziyun this time is a bounty task issued by the Gu family in the central imperial capital. If Qi Ziyun is captured alive, each person can get a SS-level corpse core, a killing blood jade, and countless benefits.

Qi Ziyun’s super-silence ability is very unique, and it is one of the ultra-high-risk abilities recognized by the central imperial capital.

The super power of silence is a general lethality, but its characteristics are very powerful.

Using this ability, you can be immune to the damage of all abilities of the ability user, can forcibly interrupt the ability user’s spell casting, and can forcibly erase the ability user’s ability.

There are many untapped features.

As long as it is an ability user, no matter what level, as long as it is hurt by Qi Ziyun’s ability, the ability will be lacking.

If it is an ability user of the same level, he would not dare to appear in front of Qi Ziyun at all. As long as he is silently hit by the super power once, the ability of the light person will swarm in the body, causing the ability to backlash, and the heavy person will directly lose his ability and become an ordinary person.

This kind of ability was the first time since the world cataclysm occurred more than 800 years ago, and after it appeared, Jie was directly listed as one of the ultra-high-risk abilities.

This time, the mercenary team that was chasing Qi Ziyun had no less than two hundred teams, and they all used firearms to pursue them.

The people who protected Qi Ziyun along the way were all dead under the siege of the locust-like mercenary team. After chasing her for so long, she was finally driven to a dead end.

There are three S-rank ability users in front. These three people are extremely good at using firearms. The injuries on Qi Ziyun’s body along the way are basically caused by this team.

Later, the guardian of the spire of the Alliance of Powers was cut off, and she had no way to escape.

But Qi Ziyun wasn’t ready to be captured. All 387 members of her Qi family died in the Gu family’s conspiracy.

Before her father died, he did his best to use the teleportation array to teleport her away, not to let her die in a foreign country, but to let her hide and find a way to repay the hatred of the genocide.

…|| I know you want to capture me alive and go back to receive the reward, but don’t forget, you really pushed me to a corner, I will understand my own life, and I will not be cheap Gu Zhengyang this beast!”

“Oh? You want to kill yourself? Do you think you still have a chance?”

From the gate of Kaya City, seven or eight spire guardians of the alliance came out, all with guns, swords and other sharp weapons in their hands.

There are more than a dozen snipers in ambush at the height of the city gate.

As long as the top of the guardian of the minaret gives an order, Qi Ziyun’s limbs can be broken in an instant.

Under normal circumstances, these bullets would not be able to cause damage to S-rank Qi Ziyun at all, but after nearly two months of siege and interception, Qi Ziyun was completely exhausted, and even overdrafted (Nuo Zhaohao) life.

There is simply no longer any protection against these firearms.

At the same time, Tang Tian, ​​who was driving the Peerless Domain that could cover a hundred kilometers, suddenly got up.

“Damn it! This ghost place is really bad. It took so long to find a city.”

The main city is right in front of you, Tang Tian suddenly came to the spirit,

He stretched out his hand and patted the wind snake’s head, “To the northwest, close to 100 kilometers, fly at full speed! 35

After the command, the wind snake stuck out his tongue, and instantly raised his speed to the fastest, rushing towards Kaya City.

“The above gave an order, if you really can’t catch the live one, the dead one will be fine, the big deal is to take it back and deal with it, it’s not that it can’t be used for inflation!

The leader of the guardian of the spire looked at the crumbling Qi Ziyun and said cruelly.

[Kneeling for flowers, kneeling for evaluation, kneeling for rewards, kneeling for monthly passes, kneeling for all data support, kneeling and thanking everyone!].

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