Chapter 220 Killing Blood Jade

Tang Tian took out a piece of killing blood jade from the system space, released his hand, and let the killing blood jade emitting bloody rays of light suspended in the air.

When Tang Tian obtained the Unparalleled Domain before, he tried to use energy to control this supernatural ability to analyze the blood-killing jade, but it was always unsuccessful.

He could feel that it was not that the power of energy control could not deconstruct the killing blood jade, but that his control of the unparalleled domain was not deep enough.

Now the unparalleled domain controlled by Tang Tian still stays on the continuous extension of breadth, and the depth of this thing Tang Tian estimates that it will only start to improve after breaking through the SSS level.

If the depth of the unparalleled realm is sufficient, it would not have taken so long to analyze the purple lightning and thunder in the Tianque realm last time.

It is equivalent to the CPU in the computer. The better the quality, the faster the running speed and the stronger the ability to analyze data. The depth of the unparalleled domain is similar to the CPU.

Looking at the killing blood jade floating in the air, Tang Tian changed his method this time, manipulating the surrounding energy to form an energy drill, and wanted to break the whole killing blood jade to see the energy composition inside.

But it is a pity, even if the current Tang Tian has reached the height of SSS level, there is still no way to take the killing blood jade.

“Is this the feeling that the killing blood jade affects the 29 variant?”

Dracula closed his eyes and felt the energy in his body that was about to move because of the killing blood jade.

After he felt it carefully, he felt that this kind of eagerness was bidirectional, as if the energy in the killing blood jade also wanted to break through the wall and drill into his body.

It can even affect his mind to a certain extent, making Dracula become restless, his eyes begin to congeal, and the sense of tyranny cannot be suppressed at all.

Dracula’s vision made Tang Tian very strange, because he also felt the two-way seduction of energy between Killing Blood Jade and Dracula.

This vision has never been seen in other mutants. The wolf king Kur standing by his side didn’t feel the pull of this energy at all. This is an example.

“Bloodthirsty, blood jade.”

With these two words in his mouth, Tang Tian felt that the race of vampires was related to the blood-killing jade in some places?

“Have you seen or used the Killing Blood Jade before? 39

Dracula spoke without even thinking about it.

“No! I haven’t even seen the blood-killing jade before, I can be promoted to S-rank all because of the time, I haven’t used it!”

On the continent of Mizhou, there have not been many strong people for so many years.

The people of the Power User Alliance will come to clean it every few decades, in order to prevent the birth of strong S-rank or above in this place.

Like Dracula, the S-level piled up purely by time, the people of the Power User Alliance are simply unreasonable, and every time Dracula is cleaning the powerhouses in Mizhou, the goods are hidden deep. , He didn’t dare to show his face at all, if he didn’t have that kind of character, how could he have lived so long.

“Prepare, I will give you a killing blood jade, you can feel the energy in it.” Tang Tian took out a small piece of killing blood jade and said to Dracula.

Hearing this, Dracula was overjoyed. Did he give up this time because he wanted to be promoted to SS, because his lifespan was coming to an end, and if he didn’t get promoted, he wouldn’t be able to continue.

“Okay! I will definitely appreciate the power of the blood-killing jade!”

Tang Tian was noncommittal, and opened the system panel with a thought.

Choose Dracula.

[The system prompts that the killing blood jade required for evolution has been prepared! Is it evolving?]


After clicking OK, the killing blood jade suspended in the air is no longer dispersed into a dense energy mist that wraps the evolver like other mutant evolutions.

The blood-killing jade in front of him trembled violently, and Tang Tian could clearly hear the sound of crackling from the surface of the jade, as if something was about to break out of the body.

The killing blood jade that I have always wanted to open has not been successful. When an S-rank vampire evolves, it actually opens automatically?

Tang Tian was a little depressed, but the movement in his hand didn’t stop, and he directly opened the unparalleled domain to carefully observe what was inside the Killing Blood Jade?

“It’s stuck!”

With a sound similar to glass breaking, the contents of the killing blood jade finally revealed its true colors.

Before Tang Tian mobilized the energy control ability analysis, he smelled an extremely rich bloody smell, but although this smell was strong, it would not make people feel sick.

It also has an unusual scent, as well as a feeling that you can’t wait to swallow.

This clotted blood turned into liquid again and flowed with the wind, circling around Dracula again and again, and then found the right moment and rushed directly into the stunned Dracula’s mouth.

Then, in Tang Tian’s surprised eyes.

Dracula was also suspended in the air, the tattered tuxedo on his body was smashed by the frantic energy, and the upper body was bare and roared mournfully.

The pale and thin upper body began to bleed continuously.

“This is Dracula’s own blood? Is it necessary to exchange blood?”

Tang Tian’s unparalleled domain has been open, and he can clearly capture what is happening on Dracula.

Soon, the two fangs that were originally in the mouth also began to fall off, and gradually returned to a normal state, and the wings behind him gradually shrank until they disappeared.

Kool, who was standing next to him, even felt a heavy sense of oppression from Dracula, which shocked him. He only evolved once to be so powerful?

“Honey! Where is the pull of the crotch, is the vampire clan’s ability to absorb the blood-killing jade so strong?”

973 Tang Tian looked at the Dracula panel and didn’t know what to say.

Variant: Bloodline Ancestor

Title: Cain (only)

Grade: SSS Grade

Intimacy: 301 (When the intimacy reaches 100, you can use the idea of ​​communication, and when the intimacy reaches 200, you can unlock the evolution function! When the intimacy reaches 300, you can unlock the teleportation function.)

Current status: calm

Innate ability: blood manipulation (under certain conditions, you can control the blood of creatures at will!)

Immortality (falls to sleep after taking mortal damage, but doesn’t die!)

Healing: You can use the life energy contained in the drawn blood to heal the wounded.

Evolution Cooldown: 7 days

“Master, I know what’s in the killing blood jade!”

After Dracula’s evolution, it turned from the sullen state just now, and became full of vitality. From the perspective of temperament, he was at least a few hundred years younger.

Tang Tian smacked his lips, feeling that this trip to Mizhou was really not a loss, and he would like to thank the old man who had ascended to heaven.

“Well, say it!”

“The core part of the killing blood jade is the blood essence that is extremely pure. As far as I just absorbed it, at least millions of creatures must be killed to extract it.

This news made Tang Tian very surprised, is there really blood in the killing blood jade?

He thinks there is something strange․

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