Chapter 219 The Beginning of the Cataclysm

“Dracula, get up!” Tang Tian said.

He was concerned about how long he lived.

If Dracula really knows a lot of secrets about the cataclysm in the world, then the harvest is not ordinary.

Originally Tang Tian had never thought about the cause of the world catastrophe, he just wanted to live as he wanted, to kill the group of people from the power user alliance who had been against him all the time, or they would all turn into zombies and receive their subordinates.

But now that Dracula is here, if he doesn’t ask, he’s really in a hole.

After Dracula stood up, he leaned forward slightly and bowed before opening his mouth. The eccentric elegance was more comical than the tattered tuxedo.

“Dear Master, Dracula is willing to serve you!””

The thoughtful Tang Tian did not care about these.

Let Dracula gather and collect all the “Nine Seven Three” vampire tribes, and then sit on the wind snake and prepare to find the next main city.

The number of vampire tribes is small, only less than 80,000, but the strategic significance is still there.

After all, the variant of the eight million flying is quite useful.

“Xiaogu, Lan, Yang… You should go back to the wasteland for a while, by the way, with Bai Yiyi, this girl is our treasure!

Tang Tian stroked the bone girl’s head and grinned at Bai Yiyi.

“Kur, you stay, everyone else should go back first!”

Things that may be discussed next Tang Tian doesn’t want Xiao Gu and the others to know that these contract variants who followed Tang Tian at the earliest are similar to family members in Tang Tian’s heart, so that he will not appear lonely in this apocalypse.

If Dracula really knows some secrets, then let Tang Tian know it first.

Xiao Gu and these contract mutants only need to wait for Tang Tian to become stronger and then help them improve, and they don’t need to worry about the rest.

After a while, only Tang Tian, ​​Dracula, and Kuer were left on Wind Snake’s back.

Tang Tian waved his hand to open the Unparalleled Domain, and squeezed a set of tables and chairs out of thin air. There was still steaming tea on the table.


Dracula and Kuer didn’t quite understand what Tang Tian was trying to do, how could he still play such petty bourgeoisie in this apocalypse, completely inconsistent with his identity as a corpse emperor.

However, they are already 100% loyal to Tang Tian, ​​and they will follow Tang Tian’s words.

After taking a seat, he took a sip of tea and Tang Tian asked.

“Dracula, have you been alive since before the Cataclysm? How long?”

“That’s right, although I don’t know how master you know, but it’s true, we vampires can’t do anything else, but our lifespan is quite long. I remember that when I was fifty years old, I began to fall into the end of the world. This year I am eight hundred and eighty years old! 99

“Oh?” Tang Tian’s eyes lit up.

Fifty years old before the cataclysm, with the status of vampires in the peaceful world, they must know a lot of secrets in the world at that time.

Just now Tang Tian was still worried about whether Dracula would be too young to remember when the transformation began, but he didn’t expect this guy to be 880 years old this year.

Nearly a thousand years old, no wonder he couldn’t be promoted to SS rank even if he mutated.

He is too old, all the potential of his body is used to prolong his life, and there is nothing to be tapped in battle.

“Kuer, you also listen to my question, do you have any records in your werewolves. 35

The wolf king rubbed the teacup in his hand and nodded yes.

Think about it.

Tang Tian said, “I think Dracula, you should be able to guess what the question I am going to ask is.”

“The beginning and end of the cataclysm in this world?” Dracula had guessed from the moment Tang Tian asked his age just now, and murmured in deep thought.

Seeing that Dracula and Kuer were both caught up in memories, Tang Tian crossed Erlang’s legs and didn’t make a sound.

Thinking in my heart, “Look at their appearance, do they really know some unknown secrets?”

Just when Tang Tian was also preparing to try divergent reasoning from the clue of killing the blood jade, Dracula suddenly made a shock and instantly woke up.

“I think about it, the end of the world does have major secrets, but I don’t know much.

“Oh? Let’s hear it!”

Tang Tian put down the raised Erlang’s legs and motioned Dracula to continue.

“This, Master, I’m just making conjectures based on what I’ve seen and heard back then. It’s not that I really know what the secret is. Just listen to it.”

Carefully looked at Tang Tian’s face and explained a sentence before Dracula continued..

“As far as I know, the blood-killing jade that the master has collected everywhere, first appeared in Xiazhou!

“Yes, Dracula is right, this matter has also been mentioned in the records of our werewolf race.” Kool took the conversation and affirmed.

“Our werewolf clan records that the blood jade that kills life is the first news that it is Xiazhou.

In 20XX AD, the peaceful and harmonious Xiazhou, a superpower with a population of more than one billion has returned to the top of the world.

In the second year before the cataclysm, in an unknown valley in Xiazhou, the valley was excavated because of road construction.

However, during the excavation, a digger dug up a thing that was only the size of a palm and shaped like a space battleship.

The worker took the small warship privately without telling anyone.

The disaster starts here.

That spaceship was made so small using space folding technology, and all the spaces in the ship were filled with blood-red jade stones, which are killing blood jade!

By the time the high-level people found this worker, he had become extremely powerful, and his temperament had changed drastically, slaughtering many innocent people.

In the end, Xiazhou dispatched the army to encircle and suppress it, but I don’t know what happened.

But after the siege was completed, it was revealed that red stones could make people stronger, and even make them immortal.

This news Xiazhou executives have no idea where it came from. 2.2.

Although Xiazhou was the most powerful country in the world at that time, all countries in the world were not willing to compromise in the face of the temptation of immortality.

Just when the swords were drawn, the first generation body had been quietly born.

The aircraft carrier formation sent by Mizhou was smashed by an unknown first-generation body, and the entire army was annihilated.

Immediately after that, news of killing blood jade began to appear all over the world, and the world cataclysm began.

After listening to Dracula’s vivid description, Tang Tian felt that there were many doubts.

The palm-sized battleship, not to mention whether it exists or not, why did the blood-killing jade appear in the large cities where the population of all countries in the world gathers in a short period of one or two years?

This is obviously not an accident, it is definitely placed by some forces with unknown purposes.

But the purpose of these forces is still unknown.

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