Chapter 216 Wolverine Super Evolution

Kuer, who was kneeling in front of Tang Tian on one knee, saw the bone spur of the small bone and looked forward to it.

He has seen those Wolverines who have completed evolution, and they are definitely several times stronger than ordinary werewolves.

If he can successfully mutate into Wolverine himself, how strong can he be?

Most importantly, can you fly?

In the battle against vampires for nearly a thousand years, the werewolves never thought that they could soar in the sky like those damn smelly bats.

Feeling the spread of the virus in his body, Kool closed his eyes in anticipation.

Tang Tian also separated his mind to manipulate the Peerless Domain, transforming Kuer like other werewolves catalyzed before.

This time it went very smoothly. It may be that Kuer is already an S-rank wolf king and can easily bear the pain caused by the spread of the mutant virus in his body.

With the help of Tang Tian.


Kool, who stood up, couldn’t help but let out a long howl, and the original yellow hair also began to glow with a purple light that was different from other Wolverines.

The howl of the wolf shot straight into the sky, smashing the clouds that gathered together in the sky.

However, even in the process of evolution, Kool’s control ability has not decreased.

The howl just now was controlled by him in a way that he was awakening, and it rushed into the sky like a shock wave.

Others standing beside Kool would not feel that Kool’s howl was harsh, because he controlled it.

Such energy venting method makes Tang Tian complexion very strange.

Isn’t it a must-have move for the monsters in the Ultramant film?

Spit out all kinds of weird attacks from the mouth!

“Well, fortunately, the power is good, at least it is no longer the old Tie Hanhan who had no means of long-range attack.

Tang Tian opened the unparalleled domain and felt the shock wave that Kuer spit out from his mouth, and opened his mouth with satisfaction.

He could feel that this shock wave not only contained the sound wave power of howling the wolf king, but also contained some flame power.

With the improvement of Kul’s strength, he will become a fire wolf king with the ability of flames.

Soon, when the wind snake was about to land with everyone.

Kool’s mutation is finally complete.


[Congratulations to the host, the SS-level variant ‘Title: Wolf’ has reached 100%, and the strategy is complete! 】

“Ding! 99

[Congratulations to the host, you have successfully obtained the SS-level variant ‘Title: Wolf’ to follow him to the death, and get the reward: Mental Power +50000]

“Huh? 55

“SS rank? After the mutation, Kool reached SS rank directly?

Tang Tian, ​​who was astonished in his heart, carefully observed the completion of the evolution, and was slowly opening his eyes to Kuer.

With a thought, he opened Kuhl’s data panel.

Variant: Flame Wolf King

Grade: SS Grade

Intimacy: 201 (When the intimacy reaches 100, you can use the idea of ​​communication, and when the intimacy reaches 200, you can unlock the evolution function!)

Current Status: Excited

Innate ability: Flame Roar (The Flame Wolf King condenses the energy of his whole body and spit out a huge flame shock wave from his mouth)

Bloodthirsty (Wolf King becomes more and more brave when fighting the enemy in melee combat, and can slowly recover his own injuries after turning it on)

Self-healing: The wolf king will automatically heal in a short time after being injured.

After reading it, Tang Tian exclaimed directly.

“Good guy! Three innate abilities? Really become an enhanced version of X-Men Wolverine? Self-healing ability?”

However, after using the Unparalleled Domain to perceive carefully, it was discovered that although Kuer had three talent skills, his combat power was still inferior to that of Yang he had just met at that time.

And not just because Kuhl just made the cut.

The other variants of Yang and Tang Tian’s subordinates are all focused on one direction, and they are deeply researched in the fields they are good at.

For example, Lan, her abilities are similar to Yang’s. Her main attack is the ability of fire. When her talent Huo Longyuan is activated, all living beings in her domain will be scorched by flames all the time, and this domain can also Amplifies Lan’s abilities in an all-round way.

But even so, Tang Tian is also very satisfied, did not expect to receive this kind of potential variant in the place like Mizhou.

After making up his mind, he spoke to Kool, who was still kneeling on one knee.

“Get ready, I’ll help you advance to the SSS level!

Feng Snake looked at him eagerly, but he couldn’t speak, and he couldn’t be envious.

It has followed Tang Tian for a long time, and it is still S-rank.

Hearing Tang Tian’s words, Ku’er’s eyes were frantic, and he was extremely fortunate in his heart that he didn’t make provocative words like other werewolves when Tang Tian recruited him.

“I’m ready! Master please help me!

Nodding his head, Tang Tian also very much wanted to know what it would be like to evolve the three wolf kings with innate abilities to SSS level.

Open the system interface and click the evolution option.

[The system prompts that the killing blood jade required for evolution has been prepared! Is it evolving?]



The head-sized killing blood jade that was taken out from the Alliance Spire in the main vampire city just now shrank in half.

The rich blood-red energy enveloped Kool.


A soaring momentum rose from the ground.

The blood-red energy wrapped around Wolf King Kuer infiltrated his body with his shrill roar.

The wolf king’s body, which had just changed from yellow to amethyst, changed again.

The purple hair on his body fell out.

The neck began to seep purple blood, as if something was about to burst out.

Looking at this familiar scene, Tang Tian instantly recalled the wings that grew on the back when the small bones evolved.

Shouldn’t Kool grow something weird too?

Just as Tang Tian thought.

In the eyes of everyone’s astonishment, a brand new snow-white wolf head grew out.

As soon as the wolf head appeared, the surrounding temperature suddenly began to drop rapidly.

This made Lan feel very uncomfortable, pouting, looking at Bai Yiyi, who was clasping his arms and shivering coldly beside him.

With a wave of his hand, the cold that had dropped to minus ten degrees in just a few seconds was dispelled.

With the appearance of the white wolf head, the purple hair on Kuer’s body (Nuo Zhaohao) also fell off, and the snow-white hair with a crystal clear feeling grew out one after another.

The body size also began to grow uncontrollably, until it was as big as the real body of the nine-tailed fox.

One pair of four eyes are silver-white pupils, which contain endless coldness; the other pair is dark red, with endless hot meaning.

The evolution was completed in the roar of the two heads.

The huge body began to shrink slowly and turned back into human form.

“”||Cough, girls turn around!”

Tang Tian coughed lightly, took out a robe from the space and threw it to Kuer, who was half-squatting on the ground to protect key parts.

The muscular man Kuhl, who was originally extremely burly, with a height of nearly 2.2 meters, turned into a man with silver-white hair.

The height also becomes normal, similar to Tang Tian’s height.

There is a vivid wolf head tattoo on the left chest.

“Thank you lord!

Kool, who was dressed and rushed over, knelt on the ground and thanked Tang Tian.

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