Chapter 214 Release

Lan, Yue, and several others immediately got the order and stepped forward.

Although they were incarnated as half-machines, their combat power with Lan, Yue and the others was not a little bit worse.

The children had three heads and two legs, and most of them were killed by playing the same game.

The last few left were carried by Lan and came to Tang Tian.

“Hey, these are the ones from the beginning.”

Tang Tian nodded.

Walking up to them, even now, they are still struggling violently, whispering in their mouths: “Found the intruder, found the intruder, found the intruder…”

Tang Tian frowned slightly, did he become a fool?

He put one hand on the opponent’s forehead, took a deep breath, “Nine Seven Zero”, and the Peerless Domain exploded instantly, invading their brains in a targeted manner.

Sure enough, both their bodies and their brains were eroded by a strange energy.

He tried to remove those energies, and the effect was still there, but it was very weak.

It took several minutes, and finally the guy in front of him was tossed and almost recovered.

“I… I recovered? No, no, my body is still mechanical.

“It’s impossible to recover. Your body and flesh are already mechanized. I saw it just now. It’s an irreversible process. Let’s talk, what the hell is going on.”

Hearing that he couldn’t reply, the man’s face instantly collapsed.

But after hesitating for a few seconds, he still said: “That’s it, maybe a few months ago…”

months ago.

Suddenly a strange man appeared in the city.

He was followed by several mutants that had been transformed into machines. As soon as he entered the city, he immediately rushed to the minaret.

Of course, the power user of the Alliance Spire will not sit idly by and start a war with him.

But I didn’t expect that it was easily destroyed by the opponent, not only that, after the opponent won, he went directly to the killing blood jade of the minaret.

After staying there for a few hours, he came out.

It should be to transform the killing blood jade, that is, those mechanical devices.

After that, the man directly poured an unknown energy into the bodies of these power users.

In just a few minutes, they turned into cyborgs.

Moreover, at the mechanical level, he was completely controlled by that person, did not dare to resist, could not recover, and could not even leave the range of the minaret.

Not long after, the man left, and these power users were assigned the responsibility of guarding the minaret.

In other words, it is the duty of guarding the murderous blood jade on the upper level of the minaret!

After that, because of the transformed blood-killing jade, the entire city began to be slowly eroded and assimilated.

Unknown energy continued to erupt and erode.

So far, the city has become like this.

And those high-tech automatic combat weapons outside the city were all created by that person.

After he left, he never came back, as if it was just to transform the city.

“As far as I know, from here to the east, many nearby major cities have been transformed by him. As for why and how many cities have been transformed, I don’t know.”

After Tang Tian heard it, he was also surprised in his heart.

That guy is the system holder, there is no doubt about that, Tang Tian has seen the power of the system.

Different from the nature of Tang Tian’s system, Tang Tian’s system is an appearance system, and when he came out of the Black Fire Fourth District, his appearance was already at its peak.

And this guy’s system turned out to be transforming technology!

The specific ability and operation method, as well as the reward, Tang Tian is not very clear for the time being.

The functions of other systems are actually so easy to guess.

And now since there is the task of killing the opponent, Tang Tian’s goal is clear.

“Please kill me.”

When Tang Tian was thinking, the man suddenly said.

Tang Tian was taken aback.

Looking at the other people, they were still in that passive protection state at this time, and only the guy in front of him woke up.

“We have been like this for a long time, incarnated as machines, completely lost our human senses, like walking dead, we have thought of suicide more than once, but it is useless, the moment we have the idea of ​​self-destruction, the machine will take over us. Mind and body, we can’t do it, please, kill me, it’s so painful, it’s so painful.”

Tang Tian sighed deeply in his heart.

A big living person was transformed into this shape, and he lost his lifelong freedom and became a guardian like a living dead.

Put it on anyone, I’m afraid it will not feel good.

“it is good.””

Tang Tian finally nodded.

The man’s eyes lit up, he was about to meet death, but the expression on his face was one of relief.

“Thank you, thank you.”

After speaking, he closed his eyes.

Tang Tian looked around, looked at the other 2.2 people, and with a thought, the Unparalleled Domain began to destroy the energy in their bodies.

Although it is difficult to get rid of, but even in the state of robots, their bodies still retain the original energy of the superhuman.

With just one thought, Tang Tian smashed their vitality.

The bodies of several people fell to the ground with a bang, and there was no movement.

at the same time.

In another city thousands of miles away, a guy who was eating suddenly froze.

“Strange, my mechanical device has been destroyed? Damn it, who is it!


He suddenly stood up and turned to look in Tang Tian’s direction.

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