Chapter 217 Strength Inventory

“Get up! Congratulations on adding another SSS class to our partners!”

The other mutants behind him also showed happy smiles on their faces.

They are all sincerely loyal to Tang Tian, ​​and those who are loyal to them have gained SSS-level wolf kings, and their strength has increased a lot, how can they be unhappy.

“Cool, can you fly now?”

The problem that werewolf can’t fly makes Tang Tian have a headache very much, and S grade can’t fly.

To know that when the human power user is C-level, he can volley and vain, this difference is too big.

“After evolving to the SSS level, I still feel like I can’t fly, but I can hover in the air for a while.

Hearing Tang Tian’s question, Kuer awkwardly grabbed his silver-white hair and felt ashamed in his heart.

However, he still showed everyone his latest suspension skills.

There is no need to open the Peerless Domain Analysis, Tang Tian silently looked at Kuer’s levitation method.

Kuer relied on the powerful energy radiating around his body to forcibly push himself into the air, not even levitation.

It’s like stepping on an invisible pillar.

“Okay, okay, come down, really, what’s going on with your race? SSS class can’t fly?”

Tang Tian complained.

The fact that the SSS-level wolf king still can’t fly is too difficult for him to accept. It is useless when fighting other power users.

However, Tang Tian didn’t care too much, even if he couldn’t fly, it would be good to be a pioneer and a meat shield in a land battle.

Besides, it’s a big deal to evolve an S or SS level Lightning Carved, and it’s not impossible for the wolf king to be an air combat mount.

After Kur has evolved, he can take all the werewolves in the Dragon Valley for his own use.

“Gather your subordinates, and I’ll make them all become Wolverines too!”

Kool, who is concerned with the ethnic group, has been waiting for this moment for a long time.


Immediately, he howled up to the sky.

This time, the howling sound was different from the one in the metamorphosis, it was a call to summon allies.

With the howl of the wolf king, the werewolves scattered in the Valley of Absolute Dragon stood up and raised their heads one after another after the vampire was beaten, and quickly gathered in the direction of Kuer.

These werewolves, who were all below the S-rank, had been feeling the heavy pressure from just now, making them breathless.

Among them, the senior werewolves were all at the level of pressure, and they knew that this pressure was similar to when Kuhl was promoted to S-rank, but it was not as strong.

As for the strong aura that Kool exudes when he evolves to the SSS level, even these werewolves kneeled on the ground and involuntarily bent down toward where Kool was to show respect for the wolf king.

After receiving the summoning order from the wolf king, the werewolves gathered in front of Kuer in just ten minutes.

Standing behind Kuer, Tang Tian looked at these werewolves with satisfaction, the number was estimated to be 100,000! After receiving these 100,000 werewolf variants, his mental power can still go to a higher level.

Although it is very far from breaking through the SSS level, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat, not to mention the army of mutant werewolves he has always wanted is in front of him.

“Small bones, give them all a needle! 35

After hearing the order, the bone girl stretched out her hand and waved, and countless tiny bone spurs covered the sky, densely packed, covering far beyond the place where the hundred thousand werewolves gathered.

“You don’t have to be so motivated, just infect these werewolves!”

Seeing those gathered werewolves were frightened by the bone spurs that filled the sky, Tang Tian couldn’t help laughing.

“Okay, little… bone, listen… Tang Tian’s!

The bone girl’s face was slightly red, and she said intermittently.

He stretched out his jade hand and grabbed it out of thin air, and most of the bone spurs floating on the head of the werewolf army disappeared, leaving only enough to infect one hundred thousand werewolves.

After the bone girl completed a large-scale infection, Tang Tian opened the unparalleled realm.

“It’s not just one hundred thousand, there are more than one hundred thousand! 35

Many werewolves in the Unparalleled Realm didn’t know what was going on. They only saw a burst of white bone spurs dripping down like raindrops, and then they couldn’t move.

I can only feel that the virus in my body is spreading recklessly.


[Congratulations to the host, successfully obtained the special species D-level Wolverine’s swearing follow, mental strength +50][Congratulations to Lord Su (cjcc), who successfully obtained the special species B-level Wolverine’s swearing follow, spiritual power +100][Congratulations to the host, successfully obtained the special species A-level Wolverine’s swearing follow, mental power +250]

A series of familiar prompts sounded again, and the army of more than 110,000 werewolves belonged to him.

After harvesting these 110,000 variants, Tang Tian hurriedly opened the system panel to check.

Host: Tang Tian

Title: Emperor

Face value: 99999 (full level)

Strength: 1.2 million

Agility: 1.3 million

Mental strength: 200 million

Zombie fans: 2217899 (only ordinary zombies are counted)

Has variants: 278834

【Unparalleled Domain】

The energy control system ability, the ability person in the unparalleled realm can freely control all the energy that does not exceed their own level!

Current level: SSS level (upgradable, with the increase of the host’s mental power, the next level requires one billion mental power points)

Current range: 100,000 meters (upgradable, with the increase of the host’s mental power, the next level requires one billion mental power points)

Contract variant: 10

Title: Bone (SSS Grade)

Title: Yang (SSS level)

Title: Month (SSS level)

Title: Lan (SSS level)

Title: Chi (S Grade)

Title: Wolf (SSS level)

After browsing the system panel, Tang Tian now feels that he is extremely powerful.

In addition to the wind snake or S-level, other important contract variants are SSS-level.

But even with such a powerful force, Tang Tian still has no idea about the task of winning the king.

Not to mention the challenge to the power user alliance headquarters in the central imperial capital.

When fighting against high-level power users, low-level zombies and mutants are not very useful at all.

Tang Tian was going to try his best to find another 8 pieces in the Mizhou Continent, enough for him to advance to the realm above the sss level, because the old man who guarded the gate in the Central Continent put too much pressure on him.

Just a gatekeeper is so powerful, how strong should the Power User Alliance headquarters be?

Moreover, the Power User Alliance has been collecting the energy cores of the corpses and transporting them to the headquarters. It is not known what kind of conspiracy is hidden inside.

And the layout of the killing blood jade on this planet that Tang Tian is very concerned about.

Why did the Power User Alliance disperse these very precious blood-killing jades all over the world?

He even suspected that the owner of the technological system who transformed the city of Kuer was inextricably linked with the Alliance of Power Users.

There is also the reason for the arrival of the end of the world that Tang Tian has never thought about, these problems can only be pursued when the strength is strong enough.

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