Chapter 213 Mechanical Alliance People

According to the current situation.

The opponent’s system ability is most likely related to technology. These high-tech weapons, as well as the city that has been swallowed and transformed into technology, are enough to illustrate this problem.

Even the inhabitants of the city were transformed into cyborgs.

Together with the spire of the Alliance, it has also become what it is now.

The system prompts that there are special devices installed by other system owners nearby, and I don’t know what it refers to?

“Go, go up and have a look.”

Tang Tian said.

Then, it flew directly up the perimeter of the minaret.

Because according to Tang Tian’s understanding, if there is something worth doing here, then the biggest possibility is the killing blood jade on the minaret.

Wait until a few people fly up.


The killing blood jade in front of Tang Tian has been controlled by an unknown machine.

It was a machine that looked very complicated and incomprehensible, in which the shackles of killing the blood and jade were shackled to death.

Tang Tian’s unparalleled domain was originally open, and he could clearly feel that the energy above the blood-killing jade was being swallowed up by the machine, transformed, and then passed along the metal spire to all directions!

And in the process of transformation, the energy gradually became the kind of energy that Tang Tian could not fathom before.

That is to say.

This machine extracts the energy of the killing blood jade, and then converts it into the energy that can assimilate buildings and living bodies.

But what other functions are there specifically, I don’t know for the time being.

“God, what are these things?” Su Mei shouted in surprise.

As the Alliance City Lord who used to be in Zhongzhou, she controls the minaret herself, and she is too familiar with this place.

But the scene in front of her made her completely unable to imagine what was going on.

The killing blood jade is also being extracted from the energy inside by an unknown force.

“I don’t know, but, let’s destroy this thing first.” Tang Tian said ponderingly.

The device in front of you is probably what the system detected.

After all, except for the accident of the system holder, according to Su Mei’s meaning, it is impossible for anyone to master this technology.

This is technology that even Zhongzhou does not have!

Of course, Tang Tian himself knew that there were other system holders in this world.

And these are not very convenient to tell them.

As for that system holder, Tang Tian did not underestimate others.

Tang Tian’s own ability is appearance, captured mutants and zombies, and also has an unparalleled domain.

And the other party’s system capability is obviously technology.

However, most of the city in front of him is just a base for the other party, and I am not here. It is still unknown to what extent the technology of the other party can reach.

But to be able to start using the power of killing blood jade unexpectedly, this is what Tang Tian did not expect.

But when Tang Tian was about to start.


A few figures flashed from the side, blocking the front of the killing blood jade, staring at the Tang Tian group.

And the appearance of these people scared Tang Tian even more.

On their bodies, they were wearing the uniforms of the Alliance Power User, but their bodies had completely turned into metal.

On a face, the mechanical pupil looked at Tang Tian and others.

what’s going on?

Could it be that they are the alliance power users who were originally here?

Tang Tian’s heart sank ruthlessly.

The opponent’s ability can even assimilate the alliance power user?

This is too scary!

And at the same time.

The few alliance ability users that Tang Tian received around him couldn’t hold back when he saw these people.

“It’s you, how did you become like this? 35

Although they have all turned into robots, they can still be vaguely discerned from their appearance.

The leading robot looked at them with a complicated look.

Then he shook his head sadly, and said: “I can’t explain it, and I can’t explain it, you should leave here quickly, otherwise, if it’s too late, it will be too late.

“What nonsense are you talking about, we are good buddies, you have become like this, how can we just leave like this?”

After speaking, he stepped forward subconsciously, wanting to check the physical condition of these people to see what was going on.

But just getting close.

“Be careful!” Tang Tian shouted suddenly.

He instinctively sensed the crisis.

Before the man could react, he was smashed in the chest by the robot.

Peng made a loud noise.

The latter’s body flew out upside down, the flames splashed everywhere, and when he fell to the ground, his chest even became a little charred.

Tang Tian can clearly feel that it is the aura of the Fire Element ability.

That is to say.

Although these people have become robots, their own abilities can still be preserved by you!

・・・・Seeking flowers・・


These people did not really obey the man who manipulated them behind their backs, but were forced to obey for some reason.

Seeing them do it.

The murderous aura of Lan and the others also burst out in an instant.

The alliance power user around him also quickly stepped back.

In any case, even if these guys were friends originally, but now they have become such robots, they are no longer what they were before.

“I said, you leave here as soon as possible, and don’t come to me again.

The leader of the robot continued to speak, his expression was gloomy and his tone was sad, but the words he said still sounded like a mechanically synthesized sound effect.

This also proves.


His vocal cords have also completely turned into metal, and even the internal organs in his body are the same!

Strictly speaking, he is no longer a human, but a complete robot!

“What’s the matter with you, what are you talking about, how can we help you?” The person with the ability shouted anxiously.

“Enough! Can’t understand what I’m saying? You can’t help me, and no one can help me. I’ll say it for the last time. Get out of here now, or I’ll kill you!”

When talking about here.

The original human color in his voice seems to be slowly disappearing.

Although he seemed reluctant, it seemed that this was out of his control.

After just a few seconds.

All the robots in front of them were all still.

He has completely lost anything that belongs to human beings, and his expression and voice have become extremely cold.

“Find an intruder and destroy it.

“Find an intruder and destroy it.””

“Find the intruder and destroy it.”

These words kept in their mouths, and at the same time, they raised their right arm in unison.

Tang Tian can feel that the energy in their bodies is pulsing frantically, and they are obviously on the verge of attacking.

“What the hell is going on with you, talk!

“Forget it, they are no longer human, and now they are complete killing machines.

Tang Tian said ponderingly.

“Lan, Yue, Xiao Gu, you guys, solve them, be careful, if you can kill them, try not to kill them, I still have questions to ask.” Dao.

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