Chapter 212 The second person with the system

Before Tang Tian had seen this main city before the protective shield appeared.

The main city at that time looked no different from the ordinary main city.

but now.

After the protective shield disappeared, the suddenly exposed main city shocked Tang Tian.

Looking down from above.

All buildings were turned into steel structures.

Streets, walls, roofs, windows, all turned into metallic metal.

Moreover, even the ordinary Michigan people who walked on the street from time to time turned into cyborgs!

In other words, the scene that Tang Tian saw before was an illusion!

This is the main city that is now serious.

“God, what the hell is going on here, how did this place become like this?” Lan Gang came back beside him.

Seeing the scene in front of me, I couldn’t help but exclaimed.

Although the others did not speak, they were almost as shocked as Lan.

Tang Tian’s brows wrinkled deadly.

Something is wrong, very wrong, these things, and even some of the technological products, far exceed any kind of technology that Tang Tian has ever seen.

Does not belong to Xiazhou.

“Su Mei, when you were in Zhongzhou, did you see these things?” Tang Tian asked suspiciously.

967 “No, Zhongzhou’s technology doesn’t seem to be so developed.” Su Mei said with a frown.

Tang Tian’s eyes widened instantly when he heard the words.

Zhongzhou’s technology is not so developed?

So what’s going on here?

Tang Tian looked at this main city that had completely changed, suddenly thought of something, and jumped directly from Chi’s back. .

There are no defensive weapons in the city.

It may be that the master who made this place look like this did not expect anyone to break through the protective shield.

after all.

At the beginning of the SSS-rank Tanuki, without using all his strength, he couldn’t directly break the protective shield.

Not to mention SSS-level things here, I am afraid that SS-level things have never appeared.

In other words, if it is only S-rank, it is impossible to break through this main city anyway.

Peng’s voice.

Tang Tian jumped onto the street.

Turn your head to look around.

The surrounding Michigan people have become half-human, half-machine monsters, and their sanity seems to have been wiped out.

Seeing Tang Tian jumped down, also did not feel surprised at all.

Don’t even look at Tang Tian.

They’re just doing what they’re doing over and over again.

(cjcc) Even more amazing.

Tang Tian found that a wall had not been completely turned into metal.

Going to take a closer look.

Suddenly, the metal part seemed to be growing, instantly wrapping the rest of the wall in it.

Just a few seconds.

The place that was originally an earthen wall was completely turned into metal.

Tang Tian’s eyes stared.

He read it right, and there are no fireworks, it just turned into metal!

That is to say, this city is not being rebuilt with metal, but it is like a virus infection, and it has been directly turned into metal by something!

What is it?

He opened the unparalleled realm, trying to detect what happened here.

And this look, was really found something interesting by Tang Tian.

Where it had just turned into a wall, there was a trace of residual energy that had not completely disappeared.

That strand of energy stretched out, heading towards the center of the city, slowly fading, weakening, and disappearing.

“Let’s go and have a look.” Tang Tian seized the opportunity.

Following the direction in which the trace of energy disappeared, he quickly chased out.


Tang Tian came to the alliance spire in the center of the city, no, or rather, it was the former alliance spire.

The minaret at this time has also completely turned into metal.

A metal tube glowing in the sun this.

And the energy just now disappeared in the upper level of the minaret.

There, it should have been the place where the blood jade was killed!

“What’s this thing, the Union Spire?”

The members of the alliance around him shouted in surprise: “However, how could it have become like this, like this city, it has all turned into metal?”

“Go up and take a look and you’ll know.” Tang Tian pondered.

And right now.

Suddenly, a voice that had never appeared in the system came to mind.


[The system has detected that there are special devices of other system holders around, and hope to host Xiaoxin. 】


Tang Tian’s complexion changed greatly.

Other system holders?

He is not the only system holder in this world, there are other guys!

If this is the case, the reason why this city has become like this should be the result of another guy who holds the system.

where is he?

what is he doing?

What is the function of his system?

Tang Tian is not particularly clear, but now it seems that it should be different from Tang Tian’s Yan Wang system.


[The system detects the existence of other system holders and automatically triggers the mission: the winner is king! Please check the mission details for the host. 】


Still have tasks?

This is a brand-new function of the system, Tang Tian was completely unaware of it before.

Now it seems that it should also be related to other system holders.


He quickly opened his system panel.

Sure enough, there is one more task category above.

A task is clearly seen above.

【The winner is king】

Task introduction:

The holders of the system are all the sons of heaven, and there is no room for two tigers in one mountain.

The host’s mission goal is to kill other system holders.

mission rewards:

After the host successfully kills other system holders, the host can obtain the basic system capabilities of the other party


Tang Tian’s eyes lit up.

This reward is simply generous.

By killing the opponent, you can directly gain the opponent’s basic system capabilities.

It is equivalent to completely depriving the other party of system functions!

It is like if other system holders kill Tang Tian, ​​they can obtain the function of Tang Tian’s Yan Wang system.

But it is not easy to define what kind of basic ability.


Tang Tian will definitely not underestimate the level of danger in this.

Tang Tian has his own system, so he naturally knows the power of the system.

As for other system holders, the system capabilities are completely unknown for the time being.

If you want to kill the other party, you must at least ensure that you can survive first!

He can trigger the task, and other system holders may also trigger the task.

Tang Tian wants to kill the other party, the other party must also want to kill Tang Tian!

In a world where the strong prey on the weak, one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers.

The mission is right.

Sure enough, the winner is king!

“Everyone, be careful, there is a very strong possibility that there is a guy with terrifying abilities here, don’t spread out and follow me closely.

Scatters are the easiest to kill one by one.

Tang Tian absolutely does not allow such a thing to happen.

And let everyone follow him closely, there is also a purpose, these mutants can protect Tang Tian at the same time when danger comes!

This mission must be completed!

No matter what your system ability is, since the quest has been triggered, then Laozi, it will be set!.

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