Chapter 211 Tanuki’s True Strength

The raccoon behind him nodded when he heard the words.

She took two steps forward, stood on Chi’s back, took a deep breath, and slammed her claws into the air.

Several sharp qi burst out in an instant, rushing towards the shield not far away.

to be honest.

When the raccoon started, he really didn’t pay attention to this shield.

Maybe in her opinion, it only takes one claw to go down, not to mention the shield, the main city inside is afraid that she will directly tear it apart.

But did not expect.

The ending was beyond everyone’s expectations.

After the shield was attacked, it only flickered for a while, and then slowly faded away.

There was no damage whatsoever!

Tang Tian has been paying attention to the situation of the shield, although the Unparalleled Domain has no way to accurately detect the energy fluctuations on the shield.

However, it can be seen with the naked eye that after the partial energy of the shield is defended, the energy in other places is quickly sniping over.

Moreover, in the main city, there is also the same shield system as those in the previous alliance main city in Xiazhou. Somewhere in the main city, there is a special thing that supplements the shield energy.

“Sure enough, there is something in this place.” Tang Tian licked his lips and said.

After being silent for so long, suddenly there is a feeling worth challenging again, Tang Tian’s heart is still very excited.

But the raccoon is definitely not so happy. As a mutant of the SSS level, now even the shield of the main human city cannot be broken. If this is spread out, won’t it make other mutants laugh out loud?


Tanuki invites again.

“Leave this shield to me. I’ll try it. If I can’t break it, I’ll be worthy of my SSS-level title today.”

As soon as this sentence comes out.

The surrounding power users and werewolves were terrified.

SSS grade?

They have never seen anything like SSS in their entire lives!

In front of me, this gorgeous looking beauty is really SSS level?

Looking at their suspicious eyes, the raccoon’s eyes glared, feeling even more that he was underestimated.

Tang Tian was dumbfounded at the side.

“It seems that you are on this shield today. If that’s the case, then you can try again. However, if you do what you can, you should understand what I mean, right?”

Tang Tian is still confused about this shield, and these technologies also make Tang Tian feel strange for a while.

If you really can’t get it right, you need to find other ways, not hard.

But this remark obviously made the raccoon even more unhappy.

“What is this? Just a shield, do you really think I can’t handle it? Tang Tian, ​​you probably don’t know, although I like human form, but the strength that I can exert in human form is less than one-tenth. .99

Moreover, the grab just now was not the full power of the human form.

Now, Tanuki is not going to try a little bit.

She took a deep breath, and suddenly transformed herself under the bewildered eyes of everyone around her.

The huge body of the nine-tailed fox instantly appeared outside the city.

The snow-white fur reflects a faint white light in the sun, and even if the slender beast’s eyes are in the form of beasts, it still gives people a feeling of seduction.

Especially when the SSS-level main body appeared, the huge pressure made the power users and werewolves around him almost forget to breathe in an instant.

“Ah, this… this…”

“Is this what an SSS class looks like?”

“Oh my gosh, this is horrible, and… it looks so pretty.

In the werewolf’s eyes, there was already a golden light.

Those who can transform into werewolves may be more able to appreciate the beauty that belongs to beasts.


The raccoon glanced at Tang Tian and the others indifferently, walked in the air, and walked towards the shield step by step.

The corner of Tang Tian’s mouth twitched slightly, it seems that the words just now really made the raccoon really angry.

But does this shield really work?

Looking at Fei’s side, the combat effectiveness of the vampire troops, how should I put it, in front of the werewolf, it is not bad.

But in front of a fighting madman like Fei, really, it’s no different from an ant.

It’s not so much a one-sided massacre, it’s more that Fei is addicted to experience the fun of fighting.

Fighting without any suspense at all doesn’t seem so interesting.

Tang Tian withdrew his gaze.

Look in the direction of the raccoon.

In contrast, he is still more concerned about whether the raccoon can handle this shield.

Inside the gray shield, Tang Tian can feel that there is something that makes him very surprised.

It’s all a feeling, maybe it’s what people often call the sixth sense.

By the way, and Lan.

Those high-tech weapons, for a variant of Lan’s level, although the speed is very fast, the damage is still very limited.

In order to solve the battle as soon as possible, Lan directly opened his own Fire Dragon Abyss.

Covered by the sea of ​​fire, large swaths of high-tech weapons were disintegrated, shattered, and disappeared, which was almost a one-sided situation.

At this time, the nine-tailed fox had already arrived in front of the shield.

The shield sensed the approach of the unknown lifeform and began to flicker slightly.

It seems that the defense has been strengthened locally, and the defense seems to have become stronger than when the raccoon attacked before.

The raccoon turned a blind eye to this.

She held her head proudly, and her nine huge tails swayed slightly.

The scattered guards outside the city were all dumbfounded at this time.

Today is destined to be a nightmare for them.

Suddenly, such a group of perverts came and killed them, even SSS-level things. Isn’t this a joke?

But what they didn’t know was that on Tang Tian’s body, there were still countless zombie armies.

No, it should now be called an army of mutants.

Ordinary zombies have no effect and were collected by Tang Tian.

Of course, it’s useless in battle, but at a critical moment, it’s okay to use it as cannon fodder.


The raccoon slowly stretched out one of his paws.

Lightly placed on top of the shield in front of him.

No earth-shattering attacks.

No life-and-death ability.

Her nine tails swayed slightly, and an invisible force penetrated into it.

(Nuo Wang Zhao) The shield that originally had a huge and terrifying rebound force suddenly flashed again.



Before the anti-shock force erupted, a huge crack appeared!


Tang Tian was taken aback.


Not only that.

It seemed like a chain reaction, and it seemed like a bunch of firecrackers had been lit.

click, click~

One after another cracks quickly covered the entire shield.

The huge black shield began to flash with a dying black light, trembling and shaking.



With a loud bang, it exploded into pieces all over the sky and disappeared.

So, is this the true power of the nine-tailed fox?

Tang Tian was dumbfounded.

After the shield disappeared, the main city was also exposed.

But looking at the main city exposed in front of him, Tang Tian couldn’t help but read again with wide eyes.

I rely on, what the hell is this?

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