Chapter 210 Technology Fortress

“Tang Tian, ​​is there something wrong?”

The children around looked at Tang Tian’s complexion a bit strange and couldn’t help but ask.

“There is something wrong, these things should not belong to vampires, but I don’t know exactly who placed them here.

He frowned slightly, and looked down at the large high-tech anti-air weapons and various devices that he destroyed by himself.

With such advanced technology, if the vampires really mastered it themselves, why would they continue to fight the werewolf hand-to-hand.

Carrying a few directly in the past, sweeping the werewolf is no problem.

The reason why they don’t use it is not that they are kind, but that they can’t use these things at all!

These things belong to someone else!

But whose is it?

Tang Tian looked up at the main city of the vampire not far away.

“Go, let’s go over there to see.” Tang Tian said.

“Why don’t I make a phone call first and ask?” The alliance power user beside him suddenly said.

They are already Tang Tian’s people.

“Call? Do you know the person in the vampire?” Tang Tian asked in surprise.

“No, no, I don’t know, what I know is the ability user of their minaret, everyone is a colleague after all.


Tang Tian nodded stunned, but had forgotten about this before.

29 The city of Kuer has the existence of the alliance spire, and the main city of vampires should also have the existence of the alliance power user.

“Well, you can call and ask.” Tang Tian nodded and said.


The phone got through, but the reaction from the opposite side made Tang Tian and his group feel a little strange.

“Wang Wei, I haven’t contacted you for a long time, why haven’t you heard anything recently?” Liu Haiqiang said to the phone with a smile.

Liu Haiqiang was the alliance power user who was on the phone beside Tang Tian.

“Liu Haiqiang, you…what are you calling at this time?” Wang Wei’s voice on the other side sounded very cautious.

“Long time no see, I made a special trip to see you, why, aren’t you welcome?

“It doesn’t mean that, it’s just that I’m inconvenient right now, don’t come here, don’t come here.

“What do you mean, I came here this time, but I brought you your favorite beer in Kuer City, and I brought two barrels, enough for your kid to drink for a while.”

“No need, don’t come here, take the wine back, that’s all.

“Hey, hey, wait, Wang Wei, you…”


There was a busy tone on the other end of the phone, and Wang Wei actually hung up the phone.

Liu Haiqiang looked at Tang Tian strangely, frowning slightly.

“It’s not right, something is wrong, Wang Wei, every time he heard that I was going to bring Kool City Beer over, he would go crazy with joy. What’s the reaction this time?”

The main city of vampires is similar to the European castle style.

They themselves do not brew beer.

The rugged style of the two werewolf coupled with the good taste of beer was just right with his appetite.

I used to salivate for the beer in Cool City every time, how could this be the reaction this time.

“It doesn’t matter, since that’s the case, let’s go directly and take a look.” Tang Tian said in a deep voice.

Tang Tian himself is a cautious person, but he is not so careful.

The reason why he did this was because within the scope of the Unparalleled Domain, the main city of the vampires in front was actually covered by a huge unknown thing.

That thing completely isolated the investigation of the unparalleled domain.

This is a situation that Tang Tian has never encountered!

Even in the previous Heavenly Que Realm, he never had such a strange feeling.

Chi cautiously approached the main city.

From the outside, the main city was covered by a layer of mist, and it was difficult to see what was inside.



Chi’s body was blocked by something with a thud.


Tang Tian was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously glanced at it, but he didn’t have time to see it clearly.

A terrifying anti-shock force suddenly erupted.

Chi’s body, including everyone above, was blasted out by a terrifying force.

Fortunately, Chi itself is a variant of S-rank. This kind of shock-repulsive power can only knock him back, but it will not cause any damage.

And those people on Chi Bei were also stabilized by Tang Tian for the first time with the unparalleled domain, preventing them from falling.

When he turned his head to look at the main city again.

Tang Tian frowned immediately.

At this time, above the vampire’s main city, a black translucent protective cover has emerged due to the appearance of the anti-shock force.

Protected above the main city.

“Ion shield?” Tang Tian was slightly taken aback.

No, that’s not right, the feeling that this energy gives Tang Tian is not an ion shield, but an operation method of another kind of energy.

It is also something Tang Tian has never seen before.

This is strange.

Mizhouzhi’s technology has no shield at all, that’s for sure.

Even Liu Haiqiang next to him muttered in surprise: “What is Wang Wei doing, when did his main city even have a shield? This is too advanced! 99

Not only these, but also the previous anti-air weapons.

This main city is simply a technological fortress!

In contrast, the main city of the werewolf before Liu Haiqiang was simply a beggar’s den.

“Interesting, I want to see what is going on in this city.” Tang Tian’s curiosity became stronger and stronger.

It had been a long time since nothing could exceed his knowledge and expectations.

The main city in front of him has completely aroused Tang Tian’s curiosity.

Chi carefully approached the past again.

this time.

The entire city seemed to come alive in an instant, and all the anti-air weapons on the surrounding city walls were activated at the same time.

And the feeling to Tang Tian is stronger than the feeling of those previous weapons.

967 In his unparalleled domain, these weapons have no way to produce too effective lethality to Tang Tian,

But the same.

Because that shield is still the existence of strange mist, Tang Tian’s unparalleled domain, also cannot effectively penetrate into it, thus destroying these anti-air weapons.

“Lan, you go get those weapons.

Tang Tian said ponderingly.

Those weapons are not in the shield, otherwise the attack will be blocked by the shield.

But even outside, because the distance from the shield is too close, Tang Tian’s unparalleled domain cannot approach.

“Okay, leave it to me.” Lan smiled excitedly.

After speaking, a dodge disappeared in place.

at the same time.

In the main city, a large army of vampires also appeared, some of them were killed by Tang Tian before, and the number that remained was actually quite large.

The werewolf leader around him had a very ugly expression.

He originally thought that the number of vampires was similar to their werewolves, but now it seems that he underestimated vampires.

The vampires have already dispatched so many people, but there are still so many in the city!

If this is all out, the werewolves will be wiped out sooner rather than later?

“Leave these little things to me,” Fei said voluntarily.

If the body is full of fighting factors, the addiction will come again at this time.

“Okay, let’s go.” Tang Tian nodded.

Then he looked at the shield and pondered: “Fox, shield, try it out, can you handle it?”

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