Chapter 207 Werewolves and Vampires


Tang Tian directly imprisoned them with Peerless Domain, too lazy to talk nonsense.

Since these guys are so obsessive.

Then force them to be quiet.

Thinking about their kindness to Tang Tian before, Tang Tian did not intend to let the girls around them kill them.

Staying with Tang Tian for a long time.

Lan and the others also knew Tang Tian’s character and acquiesced.

This group of superhumans could only watch in despair as Xiao Gu ran over to give them an injection, but they couldn’t even move.

Can’t even make a sound.

This set of Tang Tian is much more proficient than the one on the werewolf, and quickly turned them into a desolate army.

Then there are the deserted troops directly transformed into mutants.

At the moment of becoming a mutant, Tang Tian’s mind remembered the system prompts one after another.

Get it done!

At this point, Tang Tian let go of his spiritual restraint again.

But the alliance power users will no longer struggle.

The moment they turned into mutants, they were completely captured by Tang Tian’s appearance.

Originally, they were just planning to watch the fun, but at this time they completely transformed into Tang Tian’s people.

He looked up at the direction of the Dragon Valley outside the city.

The large army there has been fully assembled and ready.

“What are they doing?” Tang Tian asked suspiciously.

960 “Confront the vampire army opposite the Dragon Valley. The power user said without hesitation.

After being captured by Tang Tian, ​​he truly obeyed at this time.


Tang Tian’s eyes lit up.

The battle between werewolf and vampire, Tang Tian is no stranger to this.

In his original Blue Star, there were also legends of werewolves and vampires.

I had no idea that this would be the case on this planet!

What a coincidence.

“What kind of vampire?” Tang Tian continued to ask.

He was more interested in this thing.

Werewolves and vampires.

The biggest difference is that the werewolf is a race that is completely close to hand-to-hand combat, with physical strength and destructiveness, and very abnormal athleticism.

Vampires, on the other hand, are more of a legal system.

And it can fly!

If Tang Tian had to choose between the werewolf troop and the vampire troop, Tang Tian was more inclined to vampires.

The progress of the werewolf, the short legs, is too passive.

For example, for any flying mutant, in the air, the werewolf would have absolutely no way.

And the defense against energy supply is not particularly strong.

The ability users who have become mutants in front of them, and then have been restored to the form of the deserted army by Tang Tian, ​​are also half-knowledgeable about this, and they can’t say anything.

Tang Tian’s heart moved.

Let Huang release those werewolves in his space, and they were the werewolves captured by Tang Tian.

Under Tang Tian’s inquiry, the werewolf immediately began to speak incessantly.

Sure enough, only they themselves know best.

turn out to be.

Not only after the Great Collapse era came, but before the Great Collapse, things like werewolves and vampires already existed.

But at that time the number was very rare.

Even ordinary people are hard to reach in their lifetime.

But after the Great Collapse, the infiltration of the collapsed forces instantly expanded the two forces, and their originally dire situation immediately broke out into a battle between the two major races!

As for their coming.

Rumors a long time ago.

There is a person from Michigan who did not die after experiencing the plague. He obtained a system of immunity to the plague, and also gained some incredible abilities because of the plague.

That person is the ancestor of werewolves and vampires.

after that.

This man gave birth to several sons, two of them, one was bitten by a werewolf. After nine deaths, the plague virus inherited in his body began to mutate, and he became the first werewolf.

The other one was bitten by a bat.

This is why later vampires have something in common with bats.

And some people with special systems, after being infected by them, will join their array.


At that time, there were very few people who met the requirements of the system.

At that time, the infected werewolf, after transforming, would have the basic consciousness of zombies (cjcc), which was completely different from the vampire who had been awake all the time.

The two sides have one thing in common, that is ambition.

They all wanted complete dominion, and they fought against each other constantly.

Werewolves were constantly defeated because of their own lack of consciousness and their short legs in melee combat.

Before the great collapse era, the werewolf race was almost extinct.

Vampires were very strong back then.

The werewolf hid and hid, intending to accumulate strength and wait for an opportunity to move.

And the big collapse gave them a chance!

After the great collapse era, more and more people were infected and turned into werewolves.

Some of them are also joining the army of vampires.

The two sides continue to grow, but among them, the werewolf’s biggest advantage is that they can maintain their sanity in the werewolf state!

This is a sea change for the werewolf camp!

As a result, the vampire that the rising werewolf beat for a while was unexpectedly caught off guard.

Hundreds of years and nearly a thousand years have passed since the Great Collapse.

The two camps have been completely divided, and each has its own main city.

Most of the people in the main city who did not transform are descendants of werewolves or vampires, and it is difficult to produce hostile mutations.

This tree has been fighting continuously for hundreds of years.

Today’s Mizhou Continent is composed of three forces.

Werewolves and vampires are indigenous forces that have fought for thousands of years.

There is also a Longcheng person, a descendant of the Xiazhou people, as an alien invading race.

But because of the abundance of supernatural beings, they are not particularly afraid of werewolves or vampires.

Presenting a three-legged situation.

And this delicate balance.

Werewolves and vampires suffer.

None of them dared to risk their lives to fight.

If they lose, their foundation for thousands of years will be destroyed.

And even if they win, it will definitely hurt their vitality. At that time, they will be taken advantage of by the people of Longcheng, and they will completely control Mizhou.

That is the big oolong.

Their own people are fighting within themselves, and the Longcheng people are an alien invading race, taking advantage of the fisherman!

If it wasn’t for the deep grievances between vampires and werewolves, they might have joined forces to deal with the Dragon City people long ago.

“It turned out to be like this.” Tang Tian said suddenly.

This story is really wonderful.

And now.

He found that in addition to the werewolf army, he was very likely to have another vampire army!

Tang Tian’s eyes are getting brighter and brighter.

“In front of them is the battle that they will have once every six months, and it has almost become a tradition.” The ability user introduced.

“Because vampires can fly, werewolves can’t cross the Absolute Dragon Valley, so there is still a bit of a disadvantage in this regard, and we can only passively wait for the vampires to come and fight.”

Fortunately, vampires still follow the rules.

Fight as you say, don’t play false.

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