Chapter 206


Tang Tian and others were brought to the minaret.

Lan, Xiaogu, Snow Demon and other mutants with obvious features were covered by cloaks.

At the SSS level, their breath is not exposed, and the ability users are completely unaware.

Just looking at Tang Tian at the front, said: “You are from Longcheng, why did you come to the main city of Mizhou people, and how did you come in?

“There are no guards outside, so we went in directly, and no one asked.” Tang Tian shrugged and said.

“It’s true, these Mizhou people are very busy now, and they have the time to take care of you.” The ability person said casually.

Tang Tian smiled without saying a word.

“It’s not that I said you, you are lucky today, you are dressed in strange clothes, and you are suspected of being supernatural beings by the people of Mizhou, so you are not embarrassed, but next time, you will not have such good luck, remember, Longcheng People come to the main city of Mizhou people, it is courting death!


He paused, glanced at the main city below, and pondered: “Well, I’ll take you out of the city, where you come from, go back to where you are, everyone is from the blood of Xiazhou, and you are in a foreign country in Mizhou. , will not kill each other.39

His words made Tang Tian a little surprised.

He could clearly see the mentality of the group of superpowers watching the excitement before.

But now, they have a completely different attitude towards Tang Tian.

What he said was right, in this foreign country, on the land of the people of Mizhou, they were considered fellow villagers.

“If that’s the case, why don’t you help Longcheng, but just watch?” Tang Tian asked suspiciously.

“Well, we don’t want to, if no one cares, how can we not help Longcheng, these idiot werewolves, we have already seen them dislike.” The ability user said with a deep sigh.

Others were also sighed.

“The task given to us by the minaret is to guard the minaret and the killing blood jade on the minaret. The rest has nothing to do with us. We have no right to control whether they are dead or alive. In this regard, the management of the imperial capital of Zhongzhou is very strict

Tang Tian frowned slightly.

Sure enough, after placing the killing blood jade, let these ability users protect the killing blood jade.

The Zhongzhou Emperor didn’t care about the life and death of ordinary people at all, their purpose was to ensure that the killing blood jade in various regions was no problem.

In other words, it is no problem to make sure that this large net made of killing blood jade covers the entire continent.

“What is the function of killing the blood jade?” Tang Tian asked in confusion.

“Then I don’t know, hey, I said, why are you asking so much, and I am too, it’s a little strange to say so much to you today, hurry up and leave, I’ll let someone take you away now. That ability user responded Come here and hurriedly said.

“Don’t be in a hurry.” Tang Tian raised his head and looked at the minaret first book without caring.

The killing blood jade is there.

“What else do you want? If you continue to stay, we will send you out, but you will be criticized by these barbarians.”

“It’s nothing, it’s just that I need to take the killing blood jade.” Tang Tian said bluntly.

Although the impression of this group of powers is not bad.

But things, he must take away, in any case, must take away, that is the source and the big head of Tang Tian’s power growth now!


The expressions of all the powers changed.

“What the hell are you doing!”

The voice just fell.

With a stab, Lan directly tore off the cloak on his body and shouted impatiently: “Tang Tian, ​​why are you always grinding, and what nonsense do you have with them, we just took the things, and we still use them. Gotta discuss it with them.””

Seeing that Lan Du exposed himself, Xiao Gu and others also took off their cloaks.

The power users were stunned for a moment, and then their faces changed greatly!


And it’s a powerful variant that they can’t even detect the breath!

And not just one.

“Lan, can you save some use next time, the black robe is almost gone.” Tang Tian was dumbfounded.

This is the stock from the previous time in Xiazhou Greedy Wolf City.

This time has almost been consumed.

This battle suddenly appeared in front of the alliance power users, and they were all shocked.

This… what’s the situation?

“You… Who are you!” Those with abilities are more impulsive.

After asking a question, he didn’t even give Tang Tian a chance to answer, he just flew up and rushed towards the crowd.

This guy is a water psychic.

At the same time as he rushed over, there were already huge waves around him.

As soon as he made a shot, he was so forthright, Tang Tian did not expect it.

“Don’t be impulsive.

Tang Tian said lightly and waved his hand.


The huge waves in the sky were instantly dispersed and disappeared.

And that ability person instantly turned into an ordinary person who lost his ability and fell to the ground.

His face was inconceivable, and he stared at Tang Tian’s direction with wide eyes, and it seemed that some would not be able to come to his senses.

“Don’t be impulsive, everyone, we are not here to deal with you, just to get a killing blood jade.”

Tang Tian’s words, hearing the alliance abilities, almost exploded one by one.

It’s so easy to say, as if it’s a trivial matter, and the existence of the alliance spire is to protect the killing blood jade.

You say take it?

Make it look like it’s yours!

And Tang Tian is here.

He didn’t even need to go to the upper level of the minaret, he thought.

The killing blood jade shattered the forbidden magic stone and flew down.

Appeared directly in front of Tang Tian, ​​was directly grabbed by Tang Tian, ​​and then received into his own storage space.


The alliance power user was dumbfounded.

Just in front of so many of them, so simple, so shameless and took it away?

|| Grab the things back from me!” The guy at the head should be the city lord here, shouting loudly.


All the psychics erupted.

“Don’t be impulsive, everyone, I will just take a killing blood jade, and I have no opinion on you. 35 Tang Tian said with a good voice (Nuo King’s) angrily.

The attitude of this group of people that they were from Longcheng just now made Tang Tian’s impression not bad.

So from the bottom of my heart, I really plan to let them go.

But a pity.

“Bastards, dirty and ugly mutants, broke into the spire of our alliance, and stole my blood jade, today, none of you want to leave here! 39



Tang Tian raised his brows.

Turning his head to look at Lan and the others beside him, sure enough, the killing intent on their faces instantly rose.

Tang Tian sighed in his heart.

Sure enough, among the people of the same clan, they would still read and help out for the sake of fellow villagers.

But if it is a variant, it is not negotiable.

The hatred between humans and mutants, or, in other words, the alliance and mutants, is inexorable!

“Oh, forget it, if that’s the case, I won’t kill you, Xiao Gu, I’m going to bother you again and give each of them an injection. 35 lives.

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