Chapter 208 Isn’t this bullying honest people?

On the side of Dragon Valley.

The densely packed Mizhou people lined up here, and all kinds of anti-air weapons and equipment have been installed.

Although it is not as high-end and atmospheric as those weapon systems seen in Xiazhou.

Not so advanced.

But in the state of Michigan, with so many weapons, this group of people is afraid that the city of Kuer will be emptied.

Tang Tian and the others were watching from a distance, and they were not in a hurry to come out.

After about ten minutes.

On the opposite cliff, countless vampires flew over overwhelmingly.

Their appearance is no different from the vampire in Tang Tian’s impression.

It’s really the same world.

On two different planets, vampires actually look the same.

As for the werewolf, the moment he sensed the situation, he also turned on his transformation at the same time.

But the disadvantage of the werewolf was immediately exposed at this time.

There are so many vampires in the sky, they scratch their ears and cheeks but they can’t touch them.

But fortunately, Tang Tian soon discovered that the vampire is a strange thing. Although it can fly, its attack method is very low-level, and it seems that it is also a physical attack.

High altitude dive, and then attack the werewolf as fast as lightning, and then fly away.

It seems to be idle, and the werewolf was made irritable and practiced by them.

From time to time, a vampire is careless and will be grabbed by a werewolf and dragged down.

And all the vampires that are dragged down are like birds without wings, losing their greatest advantage.

It was torn apart soon after.

The rest of the vampires are still constantly attacking the werewolf, but the werewolf’s body defense is very abnormal, and the effect of their attack is very weak.

Tang Tian looked speechless for a while.

Damn, I thought I could see a great battle.

Vampire and werewolf, this original planet in Tang Tian is already the hegemony of the two oldest families, it is reasonable to say, a proper battle!

But the scene he saw now made Tang Tian speechless for a while.

“Let’s go, don’t look at it, it’s really boring, let’s intervene. Tang Tian said speechlessly.

Then he took the lead and flew in the direction of the leader of the werewolf.

Not long after, Tang Tian and the others appeared in front of the werewolf leader.

Lan and the others have been put into the desolate space by Tang Tian, ​​and now there are only Tang Tian and a few spire alliance power users standing in front of the leader.

Of course, these ability users now have nothing to do with the alliance. When they became a desolate army, they were already captured by Tang Tian. If there is no accident, they will not betray Tang Tian in this life.

This is the benefit of the system, as long as the system successfully captures the zombies, it is equivalent to being completely bound.

In any case it is impossible to continue to change.

“Sir, why are you here?” The werewolf leader of Kuer City was a huge werewolf with fur and a height of three meters.

His rank is S-rank, and among the previous power users of the steeple, the highest-ranked is also S-rank.

But if they really want to fight, the werewolf leader can’t beat the S-level power user.

The most crucial point of this is.

Even if the werewolves reach the S rank, they can’t fly!

This is the most annoying!

It is a progress attack itself, and the result is that he can’t fly, if he fights with a power user who is also an S-rank.

The advantage of the supernatural is very obvious.

You must know that power users are different from vampires. Although they can fly, their attack method is still melee!

This is very different from the magician in Tang Tian’s brain supplement before.

“This is our leader, he has something to tell you.” That ability user directly pushed Tang Tian out and said.


The leader was stunned, and looked down at Tang Tian in surprise.

The huge body more than three meters high, looked down at Tang Tian, ​​this feeling, even though he knew that the werewolf was not his opponent.

But there is still a strange feeling in my heart.

“I saw the battle between you and the vampire.” Tang Tian said.

The werewolf leader knew the Xiazhou dialect, he nodded and said, “The battle between the vampires of Damn it and us has been going on for too long, but unfortunately, the werewolf’s innate nature is not enough to effectively deal with the vampires. .”

Speaking of this, the werewolf leader’s face turned ugly.

Tang Tian had already seen clearly the inferiority of werewolf against vampire just now.

Not to mention how boring the battle between them is, if the vampire can beat it, then they will fight, if they can’t, they will fly away.

For the werewolf, they may lose this battle, and they may endure it.

But for vampires, they have absolutely no chance of failure.

what is this?

Isn’t this bullying honest people!

……….. ask for flowers

“I can help you deal with the current situation, but I have the conditions.” Tang Tian said straight to the point.

“What? You…isn’t the people from your alliance unable to intervene in the battle between us? 35

The werewolf leader asked in surprise.

“You misunderstood, I am not from the alliance.” Tang Tian said lightly.

“Not from the Alliance? That’s… from the Dragon City?” The werewolf leader’s eyes became more alert.

“Not from Longcheng either. Tang Tian said casually.

“what is that?”

“I’m from Xiazhou, you don’t need to ask more about the specific matters, you just need to know that I have the ability to help you deal with the current situation, and even make a truce between you and the vampires, what do you think? 99

“I admit that the alliance is very powerful, but you are not a member of the alliance, how can I believe that you can really solve the situation at hand, what are your conditions?” The werewolf leader asked after a few seconds of indifference.


“How to solve this situation, I will prove it. As for the conditions, it is very simple. I want you to follow me and fight in all directions.” Tang Tian said lightly.

“What?” The werewolf leader was taken aback.

Then he shook his head decisively, and said: “Don’t be kidding, I think you are just a hairy boy who has never seen a citizen, you are even an S-rank, but do you know how many strong people there are in this world? Really? A powerful SSS-class man who can destroy us all with one hand!””

He did not say whether he did not agree, and in the end, he still did not believe in Tang Tian, ​​that’s all.

And what Tang Tian needs to do is to prove that he is OK.

It’s simple.

“So, as long as I can show enough strength to prove myself, you are willing to follow me?” Tang Tian asked.

“Haha… Since you have said so, well, I admit that as long as you can show enough strength to prove it, even if we follow you, we can carry forward the werewolf tribe.”

The voice just fell.

Tang Tian raised a hand and looked up at the densely packed vampires in the sky.

“You just said that a real SSS-level powerhouse can destroy your large army with one hand, is that what you said? 35


He waved with one hand.

The unparalleled realm covered the sky above, and at the same time a strangulation was launched!

The target, officially those vampires who are dancing in the sky! Knife.

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