Chapter 205 The Battle of the Dragon Valley

Dragon Valley.

From the sky, it seemed as if someone had split the earth with a sword.

A deep ravine stretched for thousands of miles, and was more than tens of miles wide. Looking down, it was a deep abyss with an invisible bottom.

Before the Dragon Valley.

The army in the city of Chur is gathering.

But what they have to deal with is not Tang Tian.

So far, they don’t even know that Tang Tian killed Gu over.

They have to deal with something else!

at this time.

Above the spires in the city.

The people from the alliance looked down at the busy Michigan people who were busy below, as if they were watching a play.

“What’s the point of these brainless idiots fighting each other? Tsk tsk tsk…”

“If they don’t fight, how can we watch the show? Anyway, it is stipulated that we are not allowed to interfere, so just watch the show.

“That’s right, haha… Then let’s see, which side do you think will win today? Mizhou people turned into werewolves, stupid and stupid. I guess it’s still thankless this time.”

“That’s not necessarily. This time, the people of Michigan are very well prepared, and there are many variables.”

The powers of this alliance.

Just like those cities in front of it.

They are all members of the Alliance Minaret installed in the 29 imperial capitals of Zhongzhou all over the world, and their overall strength is stronger than that of the Mizhou people in the city.

The purpose seems to be to intimidate them, not to lead them.

The Imperial Capital of Zhongzhou does not allow alliance powers to intervene in any battles in Zhongzhou.

Therefore, even if there is any battle, these alliance power users will not intervene in the battle.

They are just watching the show as spectators.

And Tang Tian.

From a hundred miles away, I noticed this scene.

In the main city of the Mizhou people, it seems that the army has been assembled!

They seemed to be guarding against something.

“Could it be me?” Tang Tian was a little stunned.

When did these Michigan people get so well-informed?

But then, he realized something was wrong.

He could clearly see in the Unparalleled Realm that after the troops of the Mizhou people had assembled, they rushed towards the cliff of the Dragon Valley.

Then on the edge of the big rift, various defensive fronts were established.


Many of the older weapons here are also used to deal with air units.

This is strange.

Seeing this group of Mizhou people busy themselves, Tang Tian was a little stunned, what exactly are they going to deal with?

with doubt.

Tang Tian brought a few girls, put away Chi, quickened his pace, and approached like electricity.

I want to take a sneak peek at the fun.

This idea is somewhat similar to the Alliance Minaret in the city.


They arrived at the city of Chur.

Because all the troops went to the big rift, the city of Kuer was understaffed.

Above the city wall, there were only a few scattered soldiers dozing off.

Tang Tian solved them with a single thought, and swaggered into the city of Kuer.

But Tang Tian they didn’t realize one thing.

Although they entered the city, because of the appearance of Longcheng people, they immediately aroused everyone’s vigilance.

Even the passers-by from Mizhou were a little surprised. When did the people of Longcheng walk in the city swaggeringly?

Could it be the new alliance power user?

It’s no wonder that they are imaginative, the alliance power users themselves are all from Xiazhou.

In the eyes of the Mizhou people, the Xiazhou people, or the Longcheng people, are all enemies, but they must be excluded from the alliance abilities.

Although they don’t feel that the alliance powers have brought them any help and benefits.

But when the main city is in danger, this group of power users will still take action.

Moreover, in their opinion, the reason why this group of alliance power users want to protect the main city is to protect their minarets!

Therefore, although passersby felt curious about Tang Tian and others, they did not dare to say anything.

If it was an alliance power user, if they contradicted, those people would kill them casually.

In the apocalyptic world, civilians are the lowest things in this world.

It’s not bad to be able to eat enough without starving to death, and there is no intention to provoke the alliance power users, unless they are too long.

Since then, Tang Tian’s group of intruders started to wander around the city swaggeringly.

Kuer City is indeed very big, much bigger than all the cities Tang Tian has seen before, even if it is placed in Xiazhou, it can be regarded as the scale of a second-level main city.

Of course, it’s just the area. In terms of technology, it is far less than that of Xiazhou.

at the same time.

Seeing the alliance power user on him, someone suddenly saw Tang Tian and others swaying on the street below.

It wasn’t their breath that caught his attention.

But the clothing style of Tang Tian’s group is too far from the surrounding Mizhou people.

There is a saying, when everyone is kneeling, you stand alone, then you are the most beautiful boy in the crowd.

In fact, the current Tang Tian group, Tang Tian has advanced all their strengths to SSS level!

A few things are SS.

Of course, Chi, as a means of transportation, does not have that benefit for the time being.

It is also true that killing the blood jade provides them with promotion, which is somewhat insufficient.

The complete killing blood jade, Tang Tian himself wants to use to absorb.

And the complete killing blood jade is only available in some special main cities.

For example, the main city that I first saw on the prairie was very, very small, but there was the existence of killing blood jade.

And some large-scale, but not.

Like Xiazhou, the four districts of Heihuo did not have the blood jade, but the central city of Heihuo did.

And Tongtian Third District City, which is bigger than Heihuo Central City, did not kill the blood jade, while Tongtian Central 960 City did.

To put it simply, there is no sub-city, but the main city has.

The same is true here, as long as it is the main city, even if the scale is small, the alliance will place the killing blood jade!

It’s weird, really weird.

Especially this way.

After Tang Tian’s unparalleled range expanded, he saw more things, and it felt even more strange.

All the main cities with the blood-killing jade seem to follow specific directions and intervals, like a big net, scattered all over the continent.

As for the reason and effect, Tang Tian does not know yet.

Can’t find it either.

But it is worth affirming that there are definitely ghosts in it!

There must be a reason for the alliance to do this!

“The people below seem to be from Longcheng? How did they get in?

Above the spire, the alliance power user muttered in confusion.

“Huh? Dragon City people?”

Several people looked down and frowned: “Bring them here and ask, what are the people of Longcheng doing here, isn’t this courting death?’

No matter how Damn it they are, they still have great forgiveness for the people of Longcheng.

Immediately, several teams walked towards Tang Tian and others under the leadership of several power users.

And Tang Tian, ​​also noticed this at the same time.

The corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

Said: “Someone wants to invite us to go to the minaret to sit, or we can take the killing blood jade first.

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