Chapter 204 New Species: [Wolverine]

Xiao Gu received Tang Tian’s order and quickly used a bone spur to give them a shot.

Judging from the way he was familiar with the road, it was obviously not the first time he had done this.

The Lang people, on the other hand, watched Xiao Gu complete all this in despair.

They really couldn’t figure it out. Obviously, this guy has an army of zombies, and he can easily conquer the main city of Mizhou people.

But they have to use such a troublesome method to infect them with the virus!

Shi can be killed but not humiliated!

After the injection was finished, Tang Tian resumed their actions.

Lang people are glaring at Tang Tian, ​​although they clearly know that they are not Tang Tian’s opponents.

But he still jumped up without hesitation.

Tang Tian’s actions made them feel that they had received a great insult.

And now.

Even if Tang Tian did not kill them, they would be tortured to death by the virus!

Rather than being killed by the virus and becoming a living dead, it is better to fight directly to the death of “Nine Five Seven”!

But Tang Tian would not let them do so.

The moment they rushed up, Tang Tian stimulated the virus in their bodies.

The virus that had not fully developed at a slight dose was instantly exploded by Tang Tian’s thought.

The virus spread to their whole body at the fastest speed.

But it won’t take their names.

Tang Tian controlled the dose and speed while the virus broke out, under the premise of not killing them.

and stimulate their potential.

This is a bit similar to the original desert army.


The werewolf’s body began to undergo subtle changes.

First of all, their hair, which was originally a hard coat, has now completely turned into a metal-like steel needle.

Standing upright.

Their bodies became stronger and the claws of the original hands were also rapidly elongated at this time.

Tang Tian looked at those sharp claws with silver metallic luster, and suddenly remembered a person: Wolverine!

Even the fangs in their mouths grew out, as long as saber-toothed tigers.


Under the control of Tang Tian, ​​all the werewolves have completed the mutation.

At this time, they, to be precise, don’t know what it is.

Their bodies look the same as mutants, but their reason is still maintained, and in their bodies, they are still similar to the most primitive power users.

As for the virus, it is not the same as the desert army, blending with their power.

Rather, it exists independently and is entirely used to strengthen the body.

Now werewolves, mutants, and powers, all in one.

“A perfect attempt.” Tang Tian said with slightly bright eyes.

And this is just the beginning.

Immediately after.

Tang Tian heard that long-lost familiar voice:


[Congratulations to the host, you have successfully obtained the swearing follower of the special species B-level ‘Wolverine’, mental power +100][Congratulations to the host, you have successfully obtained the special species A-level ‘Wolverine’ to follow to the death, mental power +250][Congratulations to the host, you have successfully obtained the swearing follower of the special species B-level ‘Wolverine’, mental power +100]

A series of system prompts.

All the werewolves in front of them have surrendered to Tang Tian.

Even Tang Tian himself did not expect that he looked at these werewolves in amazement, and some couldn’t react.

These werewolves, strictly speaking, are not mutants, but why were they still captured?

System prompts also prompt specific species, not variants.

But Tang Tian clearly remembers that his Yan Wang system is only for loss, how can it be effective for this kind of thing now?

Could it be… because of the virus?

Their bodies are completely strengthened by the virus, but the core is still something similar to a power user, but the system recognition only recognizes their bodies.

It should be so.

Tang Tian briefly analyzed the reason, nodded slightly, no matter what, these werewolves were temporarily settled.

And Tang Tian, ​​the ambition to form werewolf legion is also stronger.

Originally, I was thinking about how to conquer the werewolf, but it was done so easily?

After being infected by the virus, they could be directly captured by the Yan Wang system!

This way, the problem is much simpler.

When looking up at these werewolves in front of them again, the eyes they looked at Tang Tian also changed completely.

This is an essential difference.

After being captured by King Yan’s system, they no longer have any strange emotions towards Tang Tian.

In their minds at this moment, Tang Tian is their god!

“Tang Di, thank you for your transformation of us.

Tang Tian was slightly taken aback, Emperor Tang?

Tang Tian likes this title.

“How do you feel now?” Tang Tian asked.

“Thanks to Emperor Tang’s transformation, I now feel incomparably comfortable, the perfect physical condition I have never encountered before, and the explosive strength. The current me is at least three times higher than before!”

The werewolf said confidently and proudly.


Tang Tian’s eyes lit up.

It is natural to have an improvement, but the improvement is so big that Tang Tian did not expect.

“That’s good, follow me in the future, I guarantee you will shake the world and fight for dominance.” Tang Tian boasted arrogantly.

These werewolves, who had been captured by his good looks, listened one by one with glowing eyes.

It made Lan and the others behind them speechless for a while.

They all said, how could they have followed this guy in such a funny way in the first place.

“By the way, Emperor Tang, if you go further, you will find the area of ​​the Dragon Valley. The largest main city of our werewolves within a thousand miles is Ku’er City, where thousands of werewolves exist, and there are thousands of werewolves. , their strength is very strong, please also transform them, let them join our big family.”

Tang Tian heard the words and felt a little embarrassed.

This werewolf in front of him is also a bull, and it doesn’t count if he has turned his back, and now he is still begging Tang Tian to go to other werewolves.

Maybe in his opinion, Tang Tian really helped them.

“Okay, we’ll go now.

Tang Tian waved his hand and said.

The werewolves immediately cheered excitedly.

But this time to talk about big things, Tang Tian did not directly kill with a large army.

Instead, Huang put away all his zombie army 2.2, brought a few girls, stepped on Chi’s back, and flew all the way.

On the way, Tang Tian met some relatively small main cities, and he also accepted all the orders.

Do not accept white do not accept ah.

More or less, he did the same thing, using the previous method to receive them all.

All of these are added up, and now there are probably close to a thousand in total.

And all evolved ‘Wolverines’!

This is definitely not a small force.

a long distance away.

Chur City.

The soldiers on the city gate were dozing off when suddenly someone saw a huge mutant flying over from the horizon.

Frightened almost out of body.

He shouted without hesitation, awakening the other guards around him.



The bells above the city walls began to ring frantically.

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