Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 42 Are you kidding me?

Lin Cheng's eyes were full of provocation, anger, and disobedience.

He looked at the two long knives on Qin Feng's back, and his eyes were red.

The knife in his hand was just an ordinary machete, long and flat, and it was first-rate for chopping people. However, compared with the two knives behind Qin Feng, it was much inferior.

He must kill the man in front of him, and then get these two knives.

Cut off the head of this man who was provoked by himself, but still looked indifferent and didn't care about him.

It was hung on the front of his off-road vehicle, like a victory flag, bright red, splattered with blood!

Qin Feng couldn't help laughing when he heard it, and his chest swelled.

Fight him? Are you kidding?

It is undeniable that as an ordinary person, the physical attributes of the short-haired man in front of him are indeed high. If it were an ordinary person, the short-haired man would definitely not be able to beat him.

But compared with him, Qin Feng, it was far worse.

What's more, the last person who pointed a knife at him like this, who was much more awesome than this short-haired man, was already dead.

Qin Feng said, "Go home and sleep, little kid. I don't have time to play with you."

He still had to go back to upgrade and go to the next city. Although Hongteng City was big, it didn't have many people. And it was easy to expose the location of the cemetery if he went back and forth. It was better to use the portal and disappear directly when the time came. There was no dragging.

This sentence directly angered Lin Cheng.

What Lin Cheng hated most was those who called him a child and ignored his danger.

He challenged again, "Don't think you can beat me just by killing hundreds of zombies! You are just relying on the two knives on your back. If you fight me with your bare hands, you are not qualified."

What a provocation!

Qin Feng said, "Well, since you are a talent, I will give you a word of advice."

Qin Feng's eyebrows were calm, and his voice did not tremble at all, which made Lin Cheng very angry.

"You can only fight me if you are two to three times stronger than you are now," Qin Feng said, "I am not a saint, but I don't bully people casually. Forget about you, be obedient and go home to sleep."

Lin Cheng was completely enraged. This man is too mean!

He spat, picked up the machete and rushed towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng sighed, why are the kids nowadays so unwilling to listen to advice.

Qin Feng dodged slightly to the side, and with a clang, the machete hit the SUV behind Qin Feng, leaving a small white mark on the window.

Lin Cheng picked up the machete and chopped at Qin Feng again, and Qin Feng dodged again.

"God of a bastard!" Lin Cheng was pulled back and forth by the two knives, one of which was a shock and the other was a waste of energy, and he held back his anger, "If you have the ability, don't hide!"

Qin Feng sneered, and did not take out the knife on his back, but picked up an axe scattered on the ground.

He just dodged a few steps not because he was afraid of Lin Cheng, but just to find a tool that was convenient for him, and this one was just right.

"Come on." Qin Feng waved the axe, well, MIC, durable.

Lin Cheng sneered and said, "You are not qualified to fight me with the knife on your back."

"I should say this," Qin Feng said, "You are not qualified to fight with the knife on my back." Wouldn't it be bullying if I used it?

Lin Cheng gritted his teeth and grinned, waving the machete and rushed over.




With Qin Feng "intentionally" giving in, Lin Cheng fought him hard.

After a few rounds, the two fought from the front of the gas station to a stadium opposite the gas station, which was surrounded by iron nets with long spikes.

Lin Cheng's hand had already been bleeding, and the blade of the machete in his hand was also broken in pieces.

Qin Feng stood there, not even taking a breath, raised his hand and put the axe on his shoulder, saying: "What do you think? I said I won't fight you. You can't beat me."

Lin Cheng hunched his back, his clothes were wet with sweat.

He panted heavily and raised his head slightly to look up at the tall Qin Feng. There was a lot of white in his eyes and his eye sockets were very red.

Like a seriously injured beast, he restrained his attack, panted softly, but was ready to go.

Qin Feng looked at Lin Cheng in front of him and had other ideas in his mind.

This Lin Cheng, although not half as good as the knifeman's knife skills.

The knife skills he used can even be described as chaotic and random.

But his ruthlessness is no less than that of the knifeman. The knifeman still knows when it is dangerous and what actions will hurt himself, and then he will choose to avoid it when he is in danger.

Lin Cheng didn't know at all, and didn't care at all.

He was like a newborn calf who was not afraid of a tiger. As long as he caught your gap, he would chop wildly.

No wonder, a person dares to hang around in the zombie area, and is not afraid of zombies running over.

Such a person will never suffer in the end of the world, he is ruthless enough.

"Ah!" Lin Cheng roared and rushed towards Qin Feng again.

Qin Feng met him.

Lin Cheng was like a mad beast, exuding murderous aura, wanting to swallow Qin Feng.

But after all, there was a huge gap in strength.

Qin Feng chopped sideways with an axe, and the machete in Lin Cheng's hand was directly cut in half, and a white blade flew out instantly.

Lin Cheng stepped back a few steps, looked at the half-broken knife in his hand, spit a mouthful of blood foam, threw it away, and rushed over again with bare hands.

Qin Feng also threw away the axe, went up and started fighting with bare hands.

With a rumble, the dark clouds on the horizon quickly gathered, and large clouds floated over the city.

There were lightning and thunder in the sky.

Lin Cheng has learned Taekwondo and his kicks are very fast.

But Qin Feng is proficient in Jeet Kune Do. With the improvement of his physical attributes, the speed of his punches, kicks and the sensitivity of his whole body are not false.

How can Lin Cheng, a black belt in Taekwondo, beat him?

Bang, bang, bang!

Qin Feng's fists kept falling on Lin Cheng, and Lin Cheng also actively dodged, but he was still beaten backward by Qin Feng.

The bangs made his internal organs seem to be disordered.

"Cough, cough!" Lin Cheng couldn't help coughing up blood.

However, he didn't hesitate, struggled to get up, raised his fist and rushed towards Qin Feng!

Qin Feng was a little surprised. This kid really didn't care about his life! He rushed over even though he knew he couldn't beat him.

Seeing that it was about to rain, Qin Feng was not vague and slightly increased his speed and strength.

Bang, bang, bang, Lin Cheng's abdomen was hit by Qin Feng about twelve punches, and his body couldn't hold on and turned into an arc in the air.


It hit the wire mesh next to the stadium, making a loud noise.

With a sizzling sound, the iron spikes on the wire mesh pierced his body, and blood flowed.

Finally, the zombies on the other side of the stadium noticed them and rushed over with a roar.

Before Lin Cheng could get up, the zombies jumped on him from behind the wire mesh. The zombies could not bite through the wire mesh, but their teeth and hands were caught on Lin Cheng's flesh.

There was a slight tearing sound.

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