Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 41 The second generation wants to duel

Shirley was kicked and flew away, hitting the closet with a bang.

She screamed and fainted on the spot.

However, Lin Cheng had no intention of going up to check on her.

It seemed that the person kicked out was not her girlfriend, but just a zombie on the roadside.

The loud noise attracted the attention of the people outside the door, and three boys outside pulled away from the girl.

Even though the girl was still twisting and turning, her hands and feet were seductive.

But they didn't dare to linger, and quickly pulled up their pants to see what was going on.

The boss was angry.

"Boss," the leader was called Ah Hao, he asked, "What's wrong?"

The people here are usually rich second-generations who act arrogantly at home, but to be honest, no one dares to mess with Lin Cheng.

The other two people were called Li Xiao and Wang Jie.

None of them dared to move, and Lin Cheng didn't say anything.

After a while, Lin Cheng stood up and said, "You stay here by yourselves, I'm going to Hongteng City."

Several people looked at each other, is the boss going alone?

"But this is too dangerous, Boss," Ah Hao said, "How about we go with you? There are too many zombies outside, you can't handle it alone."

Before the last word fell, Lin Cheng stood up and kicked the table next to him.

With a bang, the mahogany table, which usually costs hundreds of thousands, was kicked directly to the ground.

A loud noise, shattered mahogany.

The people outside finally pulled their attention away from the sticky wetness and looked over here. Lin Cheng got angry and put away his debauchery.

Ah Hao and the others didn't dare to vent their anger for a moment, standing aside, quietly.

Lin Cheng said: "I said one person should go out, so go out alone. Why the hell are you talking so much nonsense!"

After that, he kicked the mahogany table again, and left the villa in the uneasy expressions of everyone.

Everyone didn't dare to say anything.

Lin Cheng left the villa and went to the side of the off-road vehicle.

The off-road vehicle was still full of zombies' minced meat, brains, and black blood.

It exuded a fishy smell.

He opened the door of the SUV nonchalantly and got in the car, his face was livid.

His mind was full of the man wielding the double knives, Qin Feng.

Lin Cheng had never given up since he was a child, and he was better than others in everything except studying.

But in fighting and being ruthless, he was not inferior to others in everything.

The arrival of this doomsday was simply a release of nature for someone like him who didn't like being constrained.

For more than two months, he killed zombies and took these rich second-generations who were similar to him everywhere.

They called him the boss.

The arrogance in his heart was getting stronger and stronger, and he felt that he was invincible, the best in the world, and the army couldn't compare to him.

But today, he was supposed to be happy to kill zombies all the way to Hongteng City.

But he met this man who was at ease with a knife to deal with hundreds of zombies, and the people around him were also sincerely amazed and praised.

This made the arrogant Lin Cheng feel insulted.

An insult to his status.

So now, Lin Cheng wanted to challenge Qin Feng. He wanted to see whether the two long black knives were more powerful or his machete machine gun was more powerful!

He was full of anger. He drove to Hongteng City to continue harvesting and see if he could meet that man.

If he did, it would be a good opportunity for him to compete with him!

The engine of the off-road vehicle roared and drove away from the protection line of the villa area.

Heading towards Hongteng City.

He turned the volume up to the maximum and played the song loudly.

Almost all the zombies around were attracted by him!

However, he stepped on the accelerator and drove to about 120km/h, and the speed was still rising.

He also turned the horsepower of the car's protective device to the maximum, and the sharp gears and chainsaws on both sides were running!

Bang, bang, bang, bang.

Every zombie who pounced on him died.

The flying objects were zombie body parts, meat, and black blood.

However, Lin Cheng drove around Hongteng City and almost ran out of gas, but he still didn't see Qin Feng.

"Where did this jerk go?" Lin Cheng looked very unhappy. He was eager to find Qin Feng and beat him up.

The pointer of the gas tank was sliding down. Lin Cheng said in dissatisfaction that the gas tank ran out so quickly.

He turned around, took back the electric saw that consumed a lot of power, and drove to the gas station.

The sky was full of dark clouds, and it seemed that it was going to rain.

Lin Cheng ignored the scattered zombies wandering on the street, and the three flickering figures of survivors in some buildings.

He drove to the gas station and stopped to refuel.

"That person must be well-equipped."

Lin Cheng was still thinking about the duel with Qin Feng.

"Otherwise it would be impossible. That time there were at least 200 zombies rushing over!"

"It's impossible to kill him. I must get that knife!"

"Then kill him, cut off his head and show it to those people!"

"Who is the real boss of the apocalypse?"

The gas station is located in a remote area, and there are almost no zombies.

The ones that are there have mostly left, or were hacked to death on the roadside.

So, refueling is very safe.

They come here to refuel every time they run out of gas.

When refueling, Lin Cheng was a little impatient, whistling boredly beside the gas tank at the gas station.

Suddenly, he saw a familiar off-road vehicle parked on the side.

This car seems to have been seen somewhere.

Lin Cheng stood up and looked carefully at the off-road vehicle not far away.

This car seems to be an off-road vehicle that was parked on the roadside when I went to look for supplies today.

Because the car window was broken, and there were photos of couples everywhere in the car.

At that time, several of them laughed and said that it was the end of the world, and they ran away with photos of couples. What a fool.

Now this car is parked here again

Lin Cheng narrowed his eyes, and a dangerous light appeared in his eyes.

On the other side, Qin Feng came out of the toilet after he finished his three urgent needs.

Although it is the end of the world, it is not good to urinate and defecate anywhere.

It happened that the car was out of gas, so he came to refuel and go to the toilet.

This person was refreshed after he didn't have three urgent needs, and he also filled up a few more barrels of gas and went back. It was too far to come here every time.

However, when he came out, Qin Feng found that there was one more person at the gas station.

Looking over, he was stunned for a moment.

Damn, isn't it the domineering little buzz cut among the second-generation rich today? He actually drove an off-road vehicle to refuel?

There was no one else in the car, quite bold.

Qin Feng shrugged. It was none of his business how crazy other people were. As long as they didn't mess with him, it was fine.

At the same time, Lin Cheng also saw Qin Feng.

He recognized Qin Feng instantly. Looking at Qin Feng's movements, he shouted loudly: "Hey! Stop!"

He picked up the machete at hand and walked over, saying: "You are the one who chopped the zombies in the department store today!"

Qin Feng squinted at the long knife in his hand, turned around, and his tall body was enough for him to raise his elbow to the car door.

"It's me, what's the matter?" Qin Feng said.

Lin Cheng picked up the machete in his hand and pointed it at him, saying: "Come and compete with me."

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