Ho ho ho, uh uh uh

The zombies that tasted blood became even more frantic, roaring towards this side through the thin iron mesh.

Not only the teeth and claws of the zombies, but also their power collision also made the barbed wire that was already buckled into Lin Cheng's body deeper.

Lin Cheng's purple face showed great pain.

His mouth kept screaming in pain, his body was riddled with holes, and his skin and flesh were constantly being torn apart, with small pieces of flesh falling off.

Qin Feng shook his head and said: "I warned you, you can't beat me, go home and go to bed. Now that you feel comfortable, I think you can sleep for a long time this time."

If you are bitten or scratched by a zombie, as long as the damage is not serious, you will turn into a zombie.

It’s a question of the severity of the injury rather than the length of time.

Lin Cheng is destined to become a zombie.

Click, clang.

Somewhere in the iron net seemed to be loose, and several rusty iron wires were chewed directly by zombies. They were closer to here.

Qin Feng shook his head, okay, another young man in troubled times is missing.

There was a pat sound, and a drop of rain fell on the back of the hand.

The thunder rumbled and it started to rain.

Qin Feng turned around and was about to leave.

Suddenly, he heard Lin Cheng's struggling and painful cry from behind him, as well as the squeaking sound of the iron net shaking.

Qin Feng turned around.

I saw Lin Cheng, regardless of his injuries, holding on to the iron net and trying to stand up.

At this time, his hands were closed behind his back, and some of his waist and legs were bitten by zombies.

He just stood up forcefully, and there were sounds of tearing and tearing, and his skin and flesh were torn to pieces.

There were even several dense blood holes on the back of his head.

His fresh skin and flesh and pieces of clothing were still hanging on the iron net.

He stood up, his whole body dripping with blood and trembling. As the rain fell, there was a steady stream of blood under Lin Cheng's body, gathering into a red puddle.

The dense rain made dents on it, splashing fishy-smelling blood.

"Don't leave!" He growled in a hoarse voice, "We haven't decided the winner yet!"

Qin Feng blinked, this man was simply a desperado.

"Ah!" Lin Cheng clenched his fist again. Every time he exerted force, more blood flowed out from his wound. "Go to hell!"

Lin Cheng shouted and rushed over, not thinking that Qin Feng in front of him could actually kill him instantly. The way he rushed over was just as fierce and fierce as when he fought Qin Feng for the first time.

However, Qin Feng could tell that Lin Cheng could not hold on for long.

He made a fist with his right hand and returned it to his waist, lowering his waist and holding his breath.

The moment Lin Cheng rushed in front of him and waved his fist at him, he punched!


There was a loud noise, and Lin Cheng could no longer withstand the huge impact. He was suddenly knocked out and hit the iron fence.

The whole person was penetrated by the wire above again and could not fall down.

He was seriously injured and vomited a large mouthful of blood.

"Hehehe" Lin Cheng chuckled hoarsely. His whole face was swollen and covered in blood, and his original appearance could not be seen clearly.

Qin Feng raised his head, and the heavy rain slid down his hair and followed the texture of his skin.

Wearing that protective suit, the whole person looked like a warrior.

"I still..." Lin Cheng tried to struggle, "I still... didn't lose!"

With a pop, he fell from the iron net and fell to the ground, breathing out louder than inhaling.

But his limbs were trembling slightly, and he seemed to want to stand up and continue fighting Qin Feng.

The zombies behind him kept tapping the iron net, making hohoho, ehhhhh sounds.

The iron net is about to collapse.

Qin Feng walked over, turned him over with his feet, squatted down, and said, "You are ruthless and capable. It's a pity that you have no brains and the person you met is me."

If you can have the skills of a swordsman, you might become a more ruthless person than the swordsman.

Lin Cheng had no strength to answer anything. He twitched twice and became cold.

Qin Feng waited on the spot, about ten seconds later.

Lin Cheng's body struggled to its feet and roared like a zombie. Without hesitation, Qin Feng pulled out the knife behind him and penetrated the head of the zombie that Lin Cheng had turned into. With a pop, he stopped struggling completely.

With a buzz, the space package automatically contained the zombie corpse.

There was only a shallow pool of blood in front of Qin Feng, and the rain from the sky was still beating on the water.

From the pool of red, Qin Feng saw what he looked like.

Uh-huh, ho-ho-ho! ! ! !

The zombies were still screaming crazily, and the iron net was buzzing. After several huge collisions, the already rusty and aging iron mesh could no longer hold up.


Finally being knocked away, the tall iron net collapsed, and Qin Feng quickly dodged it.

The zombies rushed towards Qin Feng. About a dozen zombies rushed towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng held a knife and quickly harvested these zombies.

Under the rain curtain, black blood spattered everywhere, and was quickly knocked down by the rain.

Buzz, zombie corpses disappeared in droves.

Qin Feng put the long knife back behind his back and walked out of the rain.

When we arrived at the gas station, the rain fell behind us.

Qin Feng's protective clothing dried quickly. His hair was still wet and his clothes were almost dry.

After looking at the two cars with full gas, Qin Feng decided to change one.

Lin Cheng's off-road vehicle has better equipment and much better performance.

Qin Feng loaded all the supplies here into the new off-road vehicle, but the much wider space was not even full.

After sitting in the car, Qin Feng also understood what the difference in price and quality meant.

This car is really good.

"These young people are good at playing." Anyway, it was still raining heavily, so Qin Feng waited for a while and took a look at the space in the car. "These are probably from a certain supplies store. There are all kinds of tools."

Next to these tools, there are a bunch of messy photos.

Qin Feng picked them up and looked at them.

Most of the photos were of these people killing zombies crazily.

Some zombies were beheaded, and some were cut by the electric saw on the car.

There were also various photos of these people living a life of luxury, men and women, boldly appearing on camera.

Thinking of their crazy behavior, Qin Feng could understand it.

It's the end of the world, and no one cares.

Ordinary people will still let their nature go, but they, who were originally very free-spirited, would be strange if they didn't fly.

And when he turned to the last photo, Qin Feng stared at someone in the photo, his eyes fixed.

The woman with black stockings and long legs.

Qin Feng recalled that when he first crossed over and was left behind by everyone in the car, the woman walked in front of him.

She didn't say a word and slapped him for some unknown reason.

When she threw him down, the woman was also there.

"Didn't she leave with that group of people?" Qin Feng frowned and thought, "Why is she still in Hongteng City? I'm going to ask her in person!"

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