Chen Qiaoying!

Qin Feng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and holding the handrail beside him, he rushed to the tower guard room at the back.

He saw Chen Qiaoying covering her shoulder, blood kept flowing out from her fingers and dripping onto the ground.

Chen Qiaoying looked ahead, fear flashing in her eyes, and kept retreating.

"Chen Qiaoying!" Qin Feng shouted.

Chen Qiaoying immediately turned her head, her eyes terrified: "Zombie, zombie!"

Sure enough, a gray figure flashed in the corner of her eyes, and a roar of uh uh uh ho ho came from the house, and a zombie was about to pounce on Chen Qiaoying.

Qin Feng rushed over, drew his knife and beheaded him. He was not afraid of hundreds of zombies, let alone this one zombie?

Gulp, the zombie's head rolled to the side and fell down.

Qin Feng checked inside and outside, and there were no other zombies here.

Hurry over to see Chen Qiaoying's situation.

"Are you okay?" Qin Feng moved Chen Qiaoying's hand from her left shoulder. The shoulder of her blue uniform had been bitten open.

A large piece of flesh on the exposed shoulder had been bitten off by the zombie.

She was bitten by a zombie.

Chen Qiaoying was crying non-stop. Her face was pale due to anemia caused by the wall.

Now, it was even more pale and blue.

The originally rosy lips also turned a little purple.

"Qin Feng." Chen Qiaoying called Qin Feng's name. Qin Feng's heart trembled and he suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Am I going to die?" Chen Qiaoying said with difficulty.

Qin Feng didn't answer, but the answer was obvious. If bitten by a zombie, he would turn into a zombie in a few minutes at most.

Qin Feng took a deep breath and asked the system in his mind: "System, how much time is left for return?"

[Ding, remind the host that the remaining time is six minutes. 】

Only a few minutes left.

"Qin Feng," Chen Qiaoying said tremblingly, "I should soon become a zombie. Time is running out."

"Yeah, I know." Qin Feng nodded and said.

"I should only have a few minutes left in the world. I will never see you again. Even if I see you again." Chen Qiaoying said, "I should not recognize you."

Qin Feng nodded. Zombies have no consciousness.

Damn it, how could he ignore that there might be zombies in the tower keeper's room?

Chen Qiaoying put her hand on Qin Feng's face, and touched Qin Feng's stubble with her unusually cold hand.

"Let me take a good look at you," Chen Qiaoying's eyes slid down a pearl-like tear, "I want to remember you."

Qin Feng: "Are you confessing to me?"

He swallowed his saliva. Chen Qiaoying in front of him was changing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Her skin, which was originally fragile, quickly turned purple from the bite.

This purple color continued to spread over her body like a vine that was madly devouring Chen Qiaoying's life.

However, Chen Qiaoying was too beautiful, and this change did not affect her beauty at all.

This cry was like a pear blossom with rain.

Chen Qiaoying nodded and said, "Yes."

Chen Qiaoying thought of something, a gleam flashed in her eyes, and asked, "Qin Feng, can you promise me one thing?"

Qin Feng asked, "What is it?"

Chen Qiaoying took a deep breath and said, "Can't you only take away the corpse of the zombie? When I become a zombie, you kill me and take me away with you? Okay?"

Qin Feng looked at her and asked, "Do you want me to kill you?"

"Anyway, if I become a zombie, I will continue to harm people here, or wait for someone to smash my brain," Chen Qiaoying shook her head and said, "You kill me and take me away. Then, then An Can I be buried with you? "

"Originally, I was going to die. Either I was killed by a joke or I was bitten to death by zombies."

"I didn't expect to meet you, even if we only got to spend less than a day together. But I feel like I have found my backbone in the apocalypse."

"I have always been timid and full of fear of the world now."

"But these few hours with you are the safest hours in my life."

"If I'm not with you, I'm afraid there is no point in living. Even if I'm not bitten by zombies, I probably won't live too long."

I want to stay with you even if I die.

Chen Qiaoying trembled with her hands. She didn't have much strength now.

The trembling hand pulled Qin Feng's hand out, shook it gently, and begged with a bit of coquettish crying: "Take me away, please?"

Qin Feng's world seemed to have heard the sound of wind chimes in the quiet afternoon.

Dingling, very loud.

Qin Feng took a deep breath and asked in his mind: "System, can I reverse the zombies into humans again?"

[The probability of zombies turning back into humans is 0.0018%, which is almost impossible]

[The system found that the human world is studying how to reverse zombies, but the result was a failure]

"Then are there any tools in the system mall that can be reversed?" Qin Feng continued to ask.

[Waiting for the host to discover]

Generally, there is no unlocked page, and the system does not filter according to the needs.

Qin Feng took a deep breath, and a dull pain spread in his chest.

He looked at Chen Qiaoying, and the changes in Chen Qiaoying in front of him were becoming more and more obvious.

She was shaking violently, and her originally plump lips had turned purple, and her eyes were deeply sunken.

The beautiful black pupils began to turn grayish white, and purple blood vessels gradually appeared on both sides of the cheeks.

Does he want to possess her?

I want to.

Does he want to take her away?

I want to.

Qin Feng took the black gold knife and asked, "Chen Qiaoying, do you really want me to kill you?"

"Kill me, kill me." Chen Qiaoying began to speak intermittently, and her consciousness was disappearing.

Qin Feng hugged Chen Qiaoying, and the blade was under her heart.

"Do it," Chen Qiaoying trembled, "Do it Qin Feng."

"I really, really want to be with you."

"I want to be buried next to you even if I die, I die."

"I can't bear to leave you."

Using all her strength, Chen Qiaoying finished what she wanted to say before her consciousness disappeared, and the whole space returned to silence.

On the tall lighthouse, the wind was whistling, and Qin Feng was holding Chen Qiaoying and waiting.

The sound disappeared for about ten seconds, and the person in his arms suddenly moved, and a familiar roar sounded in his ears.

Qin Feng embraced the still slender waist with human tenderness, and exerted force in his hands.

With a sound of puff.

The black gold knife pierced through Chen Qiaoying, oh no, it should be said that the heart of the zombie that Chen Qiaoying turned into.

The zombie died under Qin Feng's knife before he could move too much.

People who have just turned into zombies still rely on their hearts to live.

[Ding, reminding the host that there is one minute left to return]

[Ding, reminding the host that the effect of the strength potion has disappeared]

Qin Feng lost his strength as if the last muscle in his body was taken away in an instant, and fell to the ground, leaning against the wall and panting.

With two buzzing sounds, the space package detected that there were still two zombies here, and they were all taken in at once.

Qin Feng's ears were still echoing with Chen Qiaoying's words: "I want to be buried next to you even if I die."

It lasted for a long time.

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