Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 31 Return to the Cemetery

The final countdown is sixty seconds.


Qin Feng felt that not only his whole body was sore and weak as if his meridians were drained.

The internal injuries caused by a series of confrontations with two masters and a large number of zombies also broke out collectively at this moment, and blood was already flowing from the corners of his mouth.

"Chen Qiaoying, I will definitely resurrect you."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, the scene in front of him suddenly became distorted.

A point in the air twisted away, and a blue flame roared like an angry dragon, roaring towards Qin Feng.

With a whoosh, Qin Feng's whole body was ignited with blue flames.

The next second, the flames suddenly disappeared, and Qin Feng disappeared.

A siren sounded in the distance, and several helicopters flew over, making a rumbling hum.

The zombies in this city were still roaring on the ground, and the survivors who had thrown things to hit people before shouted "sos" waiting for rescue.

Zombie cemetery.

The door with prosperous and ancient patterns was originally silent.

Suddenly, a loud noise sounded from the door, and blue flames jumped on the door.

With a bang, the portal opened.

A blue flame surrounded the shape of a human.

The sound of the flame explosion was unusually loud in the cemetery.

The flame gradually disappeared, Qin Feng knelt on the ground, and the door slammed shut behind him.

The feeling of tingling, numbness, and burning spread throughout his body.

He knelt down, his hands on the ground, and blood kept dripping from his mouth and nose.

Every breath he took felt that his internal organs were burning, splitting, and turning into ashes.

Although he had protective clothing and strength potions, he was still a little overwhelmed by the two masters and hundreds of zombies rushing at him at the same time.

After resting on the ground in this posture for a long time, Qin Feng endured the severe pain in his body and climbed up and said: "Zombie space package, release the zombie."

The bag on his waist hummed a few times, and a zombie-like hill suddenly appeared in a large open space in front of him.

It was dark and there was no sun, as if there was no sun here.

The smelly corpses of zombies filled the front.

And Chen Qiaoying's corpse was right in front, lying quietly, motionless.

Qin Feng endured the severe pain and reached out to throw the twenty zombies into two second-level graves.

[Zombie corpses are being buried]

[The estimated burial time is two hours]

Qin Feng frowned. What's going on? Isn't it one hour and forty minutes? Why is it back to two hours?

The system discovered Qin Feng's question and replied:

[Answer the host, the grave is like limited land use, and the performance will continue to decline if it is used too much]

[Only by constantly upgrading the grave can the time, the number of attributes obtained, and the number of materials be guaranteed]

Qin Feng:.

Qin Feng covered his chest and lay on the ground somewhat reluctantly.

A huge sense of fatigue and pain swept over him in an instant, and Qin Feng's eyelids became heavier and heavier.

He slowly closed his eyes, looked at the sky above the dark cemetery, and fell asleep.

[Zombie burial completed]

[Obtain attribute bonus 3 points]

[Obtain level 2 supplies x 2]

[Obtain skill: God-level swordsmanship]

The electronic prompt sound of the system sounded in Qin Feng's mind, pulling his consciousness back to reality little by little.

Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, and a ray of white light seemed to flash before his eyes.

He was too familiar with the pain in his body caused by the sudden increase in attributes. Behind that pain was the pleasure of rapid growth of the body.

The new power was like a small snake piercing into the bones, touching the bone marrow meridians, and then it was integrated into the body.

About ten minutes later, Qin Feng had the strength to stand up.

He stood up slowly, and his body recovered a little, but the backlash from the strength potion was really a bit big.

"Double the rest time?" Qin Feng nodded, frowning.

After thinking for a while, Qin Feng said to the system: "System, open the system mall."

The interface similar to Taobao suddenly appeared in front of him. Qin Feng browsed it and asked: "Can I only build a level 2 tomb now?"

[Yes. 】

"How can we build a third-level or even stronger tomb?"

[The host can build it when the physical attribute is above 40 and all buildings on the system mall homepage are unlocked]

Qin Feng nodded and said, "Then build eight more second-level tombs." Now there are two second-level tombs. If he builds eight more, he can throw the corpses and sleep.

[Ding, you can only build five tombs of each level at most]

[By the way, remind the host that if the same level of tombs is used to the limit, the burial time will double]

Qin Feng: System, you are really troublesome.

But this is the rule of the system and must be followed.

Qin Feng had to build three more second-level tombs. He only heard a rumble, and three more tombs with green light appeared one after another.

Three hundred zombie coins disappeared.

Qin Feng filled each zombie tomb, and the zombie hill became smaller all of a sudden.

[Zombies are being buried]

[Estimated time 3 hours and 20 minutes]

Sure enough, it doubled. Alas, this system is really hard to figure out.

After finishing his work, Qin Feng turned around and looked at Chen Qiaoying's body lying quietly on the ground.

She had just turned into a zombie, and her whole body was still relatively plump, and her skin and flesh looked elastic.

Qin Feng squatted next to her and said, "You have turned into a zombie, how come you are still so beautiful?"

"Yes, I am praising you, you heard it right."

"Among us, you are the tallest when lying down, right?"

Qin Feng sighed, well, there is no point in teasing a zombie.

Qin Feng sat next to her and opened the system mall.

Scroll down the page to browse other things.

[Zombie Cross Coffin: The host can rest in the cross coffin, one hour is equivalent to ten hours outside, and can quickly restore all physical strength and performance. Price 1000 zombie coins,]

This is just right for him, the backlash time of the strength potion of the corpse hunter is too long.

With the cross coffin, he can recover quickly by lying in it.

Just when Qin Feng was about to buy it, he slid to a product of the system mall next to him [Zombie Crystal Coffin].

Looking at the introduction, he was stunned.

It is twice as expensive as the cross coffin that can restore his physical strength.

This time when he came back, he earned more than 4,000 zombie coins by killing zombies, and he just bought a second-level tomb to spend some.

Now buying things, his pockets are probably empty again.

However, Qin Feng only looked at the introduction and bought it without hesitation.

As soon as the order was placed, a muffled sound of water rang out in the air, accompanied by the sound of Buddhist chanting.

A huge, transparent crystal coffin appeared in the open space in front of him.

The whole body was transparent, like ice.

Pure and bright.

Qin Feng's Adam's apple moved, and he looked back at Chen Qiaoying's body, thinking: Such a beautiful coffin is just right for her.

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