Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 29 I would rather be a zombie

"Qin Feng, the zombies are chasing us." Chen Qiaoying said.

"Well, I know," Qin Feng said with a sigh, "These beasts."

Originally, the sound of the motorcycle alone would take a long time to attract the zombies, but these people had to throw down a bunch of things to attract the noise.

Now there are more zombies than in the prison, like wolves that have been hungry for three days and three nights, and they pounce on them hungrily when they see these two "lambs"!

Zombies are beyond common sense, and their speed is much faster than that of ordinary people.

And the zombies that keep pouring in from all directions create a scene, that is, no matter how fast Qin Feng drives, he can't completely get rid of these zombies.

Some even touched Chen Qiaoying behind him with their hands, and Chen Qiaoying could only stick to Qin Feng and hug him tighter.

The intersection of the two knives behind Qin Feng happened to be stuck between Chen Qiaoying's two circles, and all the curves that should be felt were felt.

But Qin Feng had no time to take care of these, time was running out, and the strength potion was one minute less than the return time.

If he couldn't guarantee his safety at this moment, Gu would have to experience the pain of being bitten by zombies again.

Coming to the city, Qin Feng really saw all kinds of human nature.

The zombies were chasing them down below, and the people upstairs were whistling and cheering for the zombies, even though they couldn't understand.

Qin Feng accelerated to full speed, as if the surrounding scenes were connected into a line, the wind was whistling, and Chen Qiaoying had already hidden her head behind Qin Feng.

With Qin Feng's superb driving skills, the two of them continued to accelerate to escape from the zombies behind them and avoid the zombies rushing in front of them.

With a bang, they jumped out of the zombie circle and sped towards the other end of the bridge.

The zombies followed them onto the bridge with hoarse roars, and followed them onto the bridge.

The bridge deck was obviously very wide, but the zombies behind them were constantly squeezed off the bridge and splashed into the water because of the crowd.

Rumble, rumble, the whole bridge was shaking.

On this bridge, they finally got rid of the zombies for a distance. The motorcycle ran out of gas at the end of the bridge because of the extremely high speed.

Qin Feng looked at the lighthouse which was still a long way away and couldn't help but say "rely".

"Let's go!" Qin Feng said.

Chen Qiaoying's footsteps softened and she knelt on the ground.

Qin Feng turned around and saw that the poor piece of cloth on Chen Qiaoying's arm had already slipped off, and the gunshot wound was exposed to the air.

Blood was constantly flowing out.

Anemia, this is.

"Qin Feng, I may not be able to leave," Chen Qiaoying said, "You go first."

Qin Feng frowned and said, "What are you talking about? I promised you that I would send you to a safe place, so don't talk too much."

"No," Chen Qiaoying shook her head with a pale face, saying, "I am injured and my movements are restricted. Even if I leave, where can I stay here?"

Chen Qiaoying raised her head, her big eyes like a deer were soaked with tears, and said, "The most important thing is, where can I go without you?"

Qin Feng's heart moved. Did this woman like him?

Chen Qiaoying lowered her head and said, "Why don't you take me away? Am I not good enough?"

Qin Feng sighed, turned around, carried Chen Qiaoying on his back, and ran forward with his legs kicked.

Said, "No, I can only take away the corpses of zombies."

Qin Feng's words made Chen Qiaoying stunned for a moment, and she remembered what happened when Qin Feng was killing people in prison before.

Humans are dead, and the corpses are piled all over the ground, and Qin Feng doesn't even look at them.

And obviously there were so many zombies rushing over, Qin Feng could harvest them, but the corpses of the zombies disappeared.

Now she could roughly guess that a capable person like Qin Feng might not be an ordinary person.

He came to this end of the world to harvest zombies, and he could take away the corpses of zombies.

Chen Qiaoying leaned her head on Qin Feng's neck, tears welling up in her eyes and said, "If I can't go with you, I would rather become a zombie."

In this way, I can protect myself without you.

In this way, I will kill others instead of waiting to die.

In this way, I will have no heart and will not miss you.

Qin Feng's heart trembled, his face remained calm, and he did not answer, but he accelerated his feet and quickly brought Chen Qiaoying to the lighthouse.

Put Chen Qiaoying down, looked at her arm, and the bleeding had stopped.

But she looked in good spirits.

There was only one straight ladder on the lighthouse network, and you had to climb up directly.

At this time, the zombie army also arrived not far away. They searched for a while and found Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying, and ran towards this side like crazy again.

Qin Feng quickly pushed Chen Qiaoying up the ladder, patted her on the buttocks, and said, "Hurry up."

Chen Qiaoying's face flushed, but she had no time to be shy, so she had to climb up at full speed, of course, it was also a snail's pace.

After all, her own physical strength was like that, and with the injury, it was even slower.

[Ding! Remind the host, 30 minutes remaining]

Half an hour, tsk!

Qin Feng looked at the enthusiastic zombie army, took a deep breath, and followed Chen Qiaoying to climb up.

Chen Qiaoying was too slow, so Qin Feng reached out and held her buttocks and pushed up.

Feeling where the big hand was, Chen Qiaoying climbed up shyly and fearfully, and unknowingly became faster.

And when they climbed to the center, the zombies followed behind and climbed up.

Boom, boom, the whole lighthouse trembled instantly, and the thin climbing pole was afraid that it could not withstand such a strong shaking.

"Ah!" Suddenly there was a shake, Chen Qiaoying's hand slipped and she almost fell down, but fortunately Qin Feng's hand was always holding her down.

"Focus on going up." Qin Feng said.

He had to hold Chen Qiaoying with one hand, help climb up with the other hand, and find time to kill the zombies that climbed up, so he didn't have time to care about so much.

Finally, before the zombies pounced on her, Chen Qiaoying had climbed up to the lighthouse, where there was a tower keeper's workshop.

It was safe to go in.

Chen Qiaoying went to open the door of the room, and Qin Feng was behind to deal with the zombies that climbed up.

One, two, three, the zombies kept climbing up, and Qin Feng kept killing them.

The zombie fell down, but disappeared in mid-air, and was wrapped in space and put into the bag.

And now not only the remaining time, but also the strength potion disappeared at this time.

The internal injuries in the body were returned to him in the first generation.

With a puff, Qin Feng had already spurted out a mouthful of blood.

[Ding! Remind the host, 15 minutes remaining. 】

Qin Feng roared and took out the corpse hunter pistol from his side. This time, both pistols can be used at the same time.

Shoot at the zombies climbing up at the same time.

The green flames ten times larger than the original turned into a huge fire dragon with the bullets flying, swallowing all the zombies climbing up the lighthouse.

[Ding, 149 zombie corpses collected]

[Ding, remind the host, ten minutes remaining]



At this moment, Chen Qiaoying's scream came from the tower keeper's room behind him, and a very clear sound of zombies biting flesh.

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