Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 28: Leaving Prison (2)

Qin Feng was stunned for a moment, the smoke spread in front of him, and a zombie that was about to bite him fell to the ground behind him.

Chen Qiaoying trembled and let go of her hand, and the pistol fell to the ground with a click.

She took a deep breath, trying to calm her breath, her chest heaving: "Are you okay?"

Qin Feng looked at the fallen zombie behind him, it should have just changed, he didn't react.

Chen Qiaoying, helped him.

Qin Feng grinned, Chen Qiaoying was worth saving.

Qin Feng leaned forward, clasped Chen Qiaoying's beautiful back of the head with one hand, and kissed her.

"Hmm!" Chen Qiaoying was stunned and softened all of a sudden.

"Puff," Chen Qiaoying breathed harder, "Why did you kiss me suddenly?"

The ups and downs of her chest reminded Qin Feng of a poem: "The shocking waves return to the sky, and the whirlpools turn into the deep valley."

"I want to kiss you, right?" Qin Feng looked at her, his eyes became deep.

Really, we have to send her to a safe place before we can leave, so hurry up.

Qin Feng pulled Chen Qiaoying away and pointed his knife at the iron net. The iron net here is not like the one inside, probably just used to restrict human travel.

Qin Feng felt that his strength had recovered a little, holding the knife and shouting: "Ha!" He chopped the iron net hard.

The black gold knife was very hard, and with a few clangs, sparks were drawn on the iron net.

The sizzling sparks flashed in the air, like bursting molten iron, one by one, making people dazzled.

Clang! With a sound, Qin Feng's ears and Chen Qiaoying's ears were buzzing.

Finally, the door was split open.

Qin Feng raised his foot and kicked there a few times to enlarge the opening, turned around and pulled Chen Qiaoying over and said: "Let's go."

Chen Qiaoying nodded, shook Qin Feng's big hand, and followed him out.

The scene outside would be quite scary if it were placed in peacetime.

The prisoners transformed this place into a cone-shaped iron mesh circle with several motorcycles parked in the middle.

There were irregular protruding steel spikes in the iron mesh circle, and there were zombie corpses and human corpses on these steel spikes.

Red blood and black blood were mixed together.

There were dried internal organs and flying flies everywhere, and maggots all over the ground.

Chen Qiaoying couldn't help but vomit. The little girl had been locked up underground for more than two months. Although she had seen many scenes of killing people and zombies on the spot.

But this kind of scene was the first time she had seen it.

"Are these people playing with humans and zombies?" Chen Qiaoying murmured.

Qin Feng nodded and pulled Chen Qiaoying over those things and went down to get the motorcycle.

It should be that those people let the zombies and humans in, watched them chase each other, and then rode motorcycles with guns and knives to chase them behind.

Kill one and stick the head on the protruding steel spikes as a trophy.

These criminals are really good at playing, capable, and cruel.

Qin Feng didn't have time to dwell on these special phenomena of the doomsday. He only had a little more than an hour left. If he didn't help Chen Qiaoying find a suitable place, it would be difficult for her to survive.

The motorcycles were basically half full of oil, as Chen Qiaoying said.

It was still a few kilometers from here to the lighthouse port, and this amount of oil was enough.

Qin Feng sat astride the motorcycle, and Chen Qiaoying sat behind him, holding his waist firmly.

Twisting the armrest, the buzzing sound of the motorcycle was more obvious in the quiet place.

Qin Feng drove the motorcycle and rushed out of the prison with Chen Qiaoying.

With a bang, they broke through the barbed wire and finally came to the streets of the doomsday.

There were messed up cars everywhere, countless broken arms and limbs on the ground, and one or two rotten corpses were hung on some cars.

It can be imagined what kind of horror this city had experienced before.

"Live map," Qin Feng felt the tension of the people behind him and said, "How to go."

Chen Qiaoying whispered in Qin Feng's ear. Qin Feng drove very fast. The wind was so strong that she was afraid that he couldn't hear her: "Drive straight for five kilometers, turn left and then go up the viaduct, pass the Nanding Bay Wharf, and cross a bridge to arrive."

Qin Feng: This road is so complicated, uh uh uh, okay, I have a poor sense of direction.

Can Chen Qiaoying be placed in a nearby organization? Most people are a bit saintly, and they will definitely be willing to save one person.

Qin Feng accelerated again and rushed over with a whoosh. By the way, observe the side to see if there are any surviving human organizations.

On weekdays, the sound of this motorcycle will definitely attract attention.

What's more, this is the end of the world when the streets have been cleared of zombies, and the sound is even more obvious.

"It seems that zombies will be attracted again," Qin Feng thought, "Fortunately, the space package still has the capacity of more than a hundred corpses, which is enough for an hour."

However, just as the two ran towards the lighthouse at full speed

A whistle sounded from a floor not far away, and suddenly some people cheered maliciously from the air.

"Oh, doomsday with a girl?"

"Heroes are awesome!"

"Great, brother, it seems you are not afraid of zombies!"

"Come on, I'll make the game more difficult for you!"

People from several buildings came out to watch the fun.

They didn't have guns, but they dropped a lot of things from the sky.

For example, now there is no electricity in these places outside, so TVs and computers are useless and they are thrown down one after another.

Bang, bang, bang, they hit the places where Qin Feng and his friends passed by, beside them, and where they were about to go.

"Ah!" A TV slammed down beside Chen Qiaoying, and the fragments splashed out, at high speed, separated the exposed skin of Chen Qiaoying's arm, "What are they doing?"

Qin Feng snorted coldly, accelerated and took Chen Qiaoying forward at full speed!

This world is in chaos only two months after the end of the world. These people who threw things down just want to attract zombies and see what it's like when they are chased by zombies.

Haha, what's the difference between them and those people in prison?

Qin Feng understood that this is the human nature exposed without legal and moral constraints in the end of the world.

It would be great if I could bring living humans over, but it's a pity.

[Ding, remind the host, 59 minutes remaining]

Oh no, less than an hour.

Bang, bang, bang, the sound of things falling down is endless, and the mocking laughter of those people resounds through the sky.

Sure enough, with the sound and the target, the zombies wandering in other corners of the city rushed over.

One, two, five, six, ten, eleven. Gradually, a whole army of zombies followed behind them.

And if you look down from above, the zombies in the whole city are rushing here, rushing towards the two people who appeared on the street without any reservation.

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