Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 183 Announce to the World

Chu Rou dissected the corpse of the white brain and extracted brain tissue, connective tissue, membrane tissue, etc. from it.

Section observation, component testing, etc.

These are what she often does in her genetic research experiments, as a daily routine.

And at that time, she was dissecting zombies whose bodies were full of black blood and pus, so she simply didn't take it seriously.

Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying are used to killing zombies and people.

There was no feeling when watching such a bloody scene. The two of them even brought something to eat from the storage room. You ate it one bite at a time and I watched Chu Rou dissect it.

Finally, three hours later, Chu Rou took a piece of copy paper from the experimental equipment, with all the data she wrote on it.

"The analysis is out, take a look." She handed it to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng took it and then:

"Do you think I can understand your genetic code numbers?" Qin Feng had a bunch of black lines on his head. No matter how knowledgeable he was, he couldn't understand everything.

Chu Rou oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, took the reply paper and said, "It means that the mutated gene of this mutant can be copied. Using his tissue cells and cultivating them, it can become a piece of tissue."

"If the petri dish is big enough, the tissue is big enough."

"But this tissue is a large piece of unconscious meat. If you want to transplant it into humans, mutants or zombies, you need to start cultivating it from bone marrow.

It's just a genetic drug injected into the bone marrow, and the transformation is completed in about 12 days, which is quite fast. "

Qin Feng was a little dazed by Chu Rou, and he asked: "Does that mean this corpse can possibly breed zombies or mutants that also have control consciousness?"

"Well," Chu Rou had a troubled expression on her face, "but there is no transformation device or injection device here."

"It was the jar containing zombies in my laboratory when you first met me."

Qin Feng thought of those green jars, and the zombies inside were covered with thick needles.

Qin Feng asked the system in his mind: "System, if this body is buried, can it produce any abilities such as mind control?"

This ability is similar to Chen Qiaoying's commanding skills against zombies in zombie state.

Qin Feng has no grudge against zombies. The purpose of zombies is very simple, which is to eat people.

Their ideas are simple and can be controlled with commander skills.

But people, or mutants, are different.

The thoughts of human beings and mutants are complex and changeable, and people's hearts are so far apart that it's impossible to guess.

Controlling their thinking requires very strong mental power and control.

[Answer the host, yes]

[In addition, the host can now be directly upgraded to a level five tomb to improve burial efficiency]

[Another reminder, one giant zombie is equivalent to 500 ordinary zombies, and has been integrated into the cemetery for the host]

Qin Feng nodded, this system finally did a few things that can be seen.

So, Qin Feng said: "That's no need. I'll bury this body."

Chu Rou said: "Okay."

Chen Qiaoying smiled and stepped forward to help Chu Rou clean up the messy bodies on the ground.

On the other side, the news that more than a dozen helicopters coming from the nearby area were wiped out and encountered a bunch of mutants quickly spread to all investors in Ark Spiral.

Almost everyone looked shocked.

"Is this cemetery really invincible?"

"So many people were sent, so many teams were sent, and all failed?"

"There are actually mutants. What happened to those mutants?"

"Could it be that the first-generation mutant also established a mutant research base?"

"No, are they the mutants created by Ark Helix and the others?"

In fact, this was the first time for these people to see mutants. The initial purpose of sending them there was just like a sweep, to loot the cemetery.

Another purpose is to capture the first-generation mutant, Qin Feng.

Take it and study it.

But they didn't expect that the cemetery's magnetic field would affect their navigation, positioning and other systems.

As a result, we could only land outside.

Then I met a bunch of mutants.

But not long after we went down, the helicopters were all shot down by a woman on the roof with a cannon.

How much effort did they put in to get there, but they didn't expect to catch anything, but they were directly wiped out by the entire army?

But the mutants were okay. As for the first-generation mutant and the two women who were the first-generation mutant, the fighting power of the three of them was terrible.

"I don't know how Ark Spiral will deal with this first generation of mutants."

"Oh, it's so powerful, just catch it!"

"Look, how many times have we failed to catch him."

"I think it was just those mutants who helped. Humph, you can't even see what the first-generation mutants were doing!"

"Anyway, we Yanni won't take this risk. I would rather develop the underground city obediently."

"I asked you guys to stop being so cowardly."

While everyone was arguing, the exclusive indicator light of Ark Spiral came on.

This indicator light is proof that Ark Spiral Company is going to wire in.

To speak.

They quickly stopped arguing. They also wanted to see what explanation the Ark Spiral had for what happened during this operation.

However, when the call came in, it was not the voice of the Ark Spiral correspondent they were familiar with at all.

But a sweet female voice.

"Hey, hey, hey? Is this this world? I am the representative of the zombie cemetery. You don't need to know anything."

"What I want to tell you is that we are now building a zombie cemetery dungeon."

"This dungeon is much better than all the shitty dungeons in Ark Spiral."

"However, to join the dungeon, you must be a mutant with superpowers. Moreover, we have conditions for entering the dungeon."

"One thousand zombie corpses per person, these zombie corpses can be mutant zombies in addition to ordinary zombies."

"Unlimited, repeat one sentence, unlimited."

"Repeat it."

The person who broadcasted was Chu Rou. Qin Feng asked her to connect to the network of Ark Spiral Company to make this broadcast.

In addition to appearing in the broadcasts of Ark Spiral and Ark Spiral's cooperative areas, this broadcast will also appear in the broadcasts of survivors in various places.

He just wants to announce to the world that he wants to build this cemetery dungeon.

People with superpowers are invited, ordinary people are not, and they must have a thousand zombies or more before they can come.

This will save him a lot of effort.

The more zombies there are, the better the dungeon that grows out of the cemetery.

There is no need to worry about supplies, but there are not enough zombies.

Moreover, the more mutants there are, the more mutant gene codes he will have, and the safer his cemetery will be.

Qin Feng's calculations are very accurate.

Of course, this broadcast also attracted the attention of the headquarters. Listening to the broadcast, Li Ruohan's face was as black as coal.

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