Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 182 No Good Intentions

The zombie cemetery underground city, this design concept Qin Feng had asked the system last time.

Whether it can be built, how to build it, and how much it costs.

The system also gave a clear answer.

To build the [Zombie Cemetery Underground City] based on the zombie cemetery, several conditions are required.

The first one is the Luchen Cemetery, which can reach a depth of about 100 meters.

But it requires 10,000 zombie coins, and Qin Feng now has more than 10,000 zombie coins.

As long as you find a suitable place, the Luchen Cemetery, you can directly forge a huge deep pit of about 100 meters underground.

The second is the underground city facilities, such as the city body.

It requires a large number of corpses to be integrated into the cemetery, and grow directly from the cemetery to build a huge underground world.

Previously, 10,000 zombies have been integrated into the cemetery, so now, about 100,000 zombies are needed to build a fully equipped underground city.

These 100,000 zombies are easy to find, just kill them while finding the address.


Qin Feng had thought of a plan, which was to gather mutants and use zombies to make contributions.

One thousand heads per person, a hundred people would be enough.

However, what the zombie cemetery underground city will become in the end, we have to wait until Lu Chen knows.

When Qin Feng finished talking about this, the mutants present were stunned.

Zombie cemetery, underground city?

What does this mean?

Ace asked: "Brother, the tomb owner, does it mean that we also have to live in the underground city?"

Qin Feng nodded and said: "The underground city is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the cemetery underground city has first-class defense capabilities. Unless I want to destroy it, it will not be invaded by outsiders and zombies."

Qin Feng's words are very convincing.

He said that it will not be invaded by outsiders, and it will not be.

"But, of course, not everyone can come to my cemetery dungeon. You need to make contributions," Qin Feng said. "Contributions determine whether you can enter the dungeon."

"As for what the contribution is, it means that one person kills a thousand zombies and carries the zombies to get the pass to the dungeon."

The mutants looked at each other and nodded.

What Qin Feng said was actually a blank check, but Qin Feng did not

Li Qiao asked: "Brother, the tomb owner, where is the zombie cemetery dungeon?"

"Yes, yes! We will go to that place and kill zombies nearby. One thousand zombies is very simple. It will be done in half a month!"

"Will the dungeon be right under us? Under our feet now?"

Everyone also looked at the ground, looking around.

Qin Feng shook his head and said: "No need to look for it. I haven't built this dungeon yet."

The mutants:.

In the end, the mutants went to fight zombies, and there were already more than 200 mutants here.

Qin Feng not only planned to save these mutants, but also let Chu Rou spread the news to various places.

These zombies still need to make supplies, the more the better.

Qin Feng killed the three stupid mutants on the spot, including Big Steel Teeth and Wu Wuguan who fell to the ground as soon as he appeared.

When he died, Big Steel Teeth wanted to speak, but unfortunately, his mouth was sewn shut and he couldn't say a word.

As for the body of White Brain, Qin Feng transported it back to the cemetery.

It was placed in the center of the hall of the bloody villa, and the black flame had been pulled out of the body of White Brain.

If you lift the clothes of his body at this time, you will see the dense wounds like pinholes.

"Take it back," Chu Rou asked, "Do you want me to study it? This person looks so scary."

A large piece of white brain was exposed, with red blood vessels crawling on it like earthworms.

And the wrinkled mouth like an abalone, and triangular teeth.

Qin Feng nodded and said, "Well, the mutations of these mutants should be random. I just took a look and found that the mutations of all the mutants are very unique."

"But this mutant's ability surprised me."

Chen Qiaoying looked at Qin Feng for a while and continued, "Is it because of the black flame that attacked you?"

Qin Feng nodded and smiled and tapped Chen Qiaoying's nose.

"When I used the black flame to attack, I used very little mental control. This is similar to the mental control you use when you blink, and I almost didn't notice anything."

"This person directly controlled my low-end mental power and directly changed the path of the two black flames."

"Mental control," Chu Rou continued, "It seems that this mutant is still very strong. If you can be controlled a little, then ordinary people will not be killed by his glare and unable to move?"

Qin Feng nodded.

Chu Rou exclaimed, "That guy is really stupid. How can I, a living human being, not control him? I am still concentrating on shooting down the helicopter."

Qin Feng smiled and leaned on the cross coffin on the side.

He said, "It's not that he doesn't want to control, but his mutation is indeed limited. Therefore, both the control ability and the control range are very small. Therefore, when he started to attack, he kept running towards us."

Chen Qiaoying, who was in the same position, basically understood this principle and listened to the two people in silence.

"So, what do you want me to study?" Chu Rou asked.

"You are studying mutant zombies," Qin Feng said, "see if there is a way for us to mass-produce mutants without recruiting them from outside."

"People's hearts are always unpredictable. Even though they all look very respectful to me now, they were all human beings."

"And the people I can't trust the most are those people of all kinds."

Qin Feng is not so kind that he would take them in just because of these mutants.

He has learned so much about the human nature of the doomsday, how could he trust anyone? Chu Rou is a human being, and Chen Qiaoying is a former human being.

As for the others, they are not as tempting to Qin Feng as zombies.

He has a purpose.

Chen Qiaoying, who has been silent all the time, showed an expression of sudden enlightenment: "Wow, I was wondering why you would want to take in mutants. So, this is what you are thinking."

"Of course." Qin Feng is essentially cold-blooded and does not plan to save anyone.

The greatest patience he has for humans is probably the gun he gave to Wang Lang and the others that night.

For the others, one word, get out.

So, it is okay if the mutants are loyal to him, otherwise, he will destroy their will.

This mutant who can control thoughts is just right for him to study how to destroy will.

And Chu Rou's research can just create a large number of unconscious tools for him.

Chu Rou laughed and said, "I was originally thinking, how can I get along with those mutants when they come!"

"I don't like getting along with strangers the most."

Chen Qiaoying also nodded in agreement. She was originally half human and half zombie, and she didn't like getting along with humans.

"Then I'll start right away," Chu Rou went to the storage room to get the experimental tools, which Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying got these days, "Let's see what's in this person's mind."

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