Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 184 Obtaining the attribute of spiritual power

"General Manager," the assistant behind Li Ruohan asked tremblingly, "What should we do now?"

Li Ruohan's eyes and mind flashed with the figure of Qin Feng.

After a while, she took a deep breath and said, "Nothing to do! Isn't this man going to recruit mutants? That's perfect, we'll take advantage of him recruiting mutants and rob them halfway."

"We may not be as effective as his one word, and the mutants will go to him."

"It just so happens that the mutants are carrying zombies!"

"We just don't provoke him," Li Ruohan said, "If we don't provoke him, he has no reason or excuse to say anything."

Zombie cemetery.

When Qin Feng left the green fog wall of the cemetery, the giant zombies outside really merged into the cemetery.

The cemetery now not only has the power of ten thousand corpses, but is also accumulating corpses.

After that, the more corpses there are, the more complete the underground city construction will be.

If it is a hundred meters, then build a seven or eight-story one. He is too lazy to raise them in layers, so he can just enjoy the good things himself.

Qin Feng put the corpse of the white brain on the willow tree for transformation. The willow tree was wrapped around the corpse, and hundreds of small mouths bit the corpse at the same time.

The dissected corpse of the white brain was pulled apart, and the organs inside were connected by the pitiful flesh line.

Hanging upside down, hanging in the air.

But when Qin Feng was about to turn around and go to the cemetery to sort out the weapons he took from Mr. Guo’s underground cave, the prompt sound in his mind suddenly sounded.

[The mutant corpse has been transformed and can be buried directly]

Qin Feng paused and turned around with a little surprise: "Fuck, is it so fast this time?"

The black branches of the willow tree extended, wrapped around the corpse and slowly sent it down.

The red flower sea branches stretched out, and the petals were like slowly extending vines, accepting the corpse sent down by the willow tree.

The corpse maintained a peaceful posture and was slowly placed.

When the breeze blew, the red petals floated.

On it, it was full of bloody smell.

"System," Qin Feng stepped forward to check the corpse of the white brain, "Is this all? You must have taken Viagra this time, so fast!"


"Ahem," Qin Feng coughed twice and said, "Is it fast because it is a mutant's corpse?"

[Yes, the mutant's corpse can be transformed instantly]

Qin Feng used his feet to touch the corpse of the white brain, and the white brain now turned purple.

Stiff, kicking it feels like the tension of the purple rubber of zombies.

Qin Feng picked up the corpse of the white brain with satisfaction and turned to the cemetery.

Before this, Qin Feng had upgraded to the fifth-level tomb.

Each fifth-level tomb is twice as large as the fourth-level tomb.

It's as if the original two tombs were combined into one tomb, and one after another large tombs continued to be opened up next to it.

Five fifth-level tombs, which are twice the area of ​​the original fourth-level tombs, are arranged together, deeper and larger, and seem to be able to accommodate a large number of zombie corpses.

[Level 5 tomb: can accommodate 400 zombies, burying attribute points efficiency +10%, can obtain level 5 materials (advanced items), obtain skills, equipment random rate +20%]

The performance is much better than the level 4 tomb, but Qin Feng still has something to worry about.

Before this, Qin Feng's abilities were ten times that of ordinary people, which is enough in this doomsday.

Add black flames, blood curtains, and this set of equipment.

Enough to kill many people in seconds.

"If I improve the killing rate, I won't even feel the pleasure of killing zombies," Qin Feng said, "These people, even mutants, are too weak. I don't need to improve my physical attributes for the time being."

[The host's idea is wrong]

[It has been more than three months since the outbreak of the zombie virus. Because of the blockage of information, the host is actually unaware of the changes that have occurred in many places]

[But as a system, it can remind the host]

[The road ahead will only be more difficult, and the enemy will become stronger and stronger]

Qin Feng blinked his eyes, it is true.

In the past peaceful times, what happened in a corner of the earth.

Through the Internet, it will quickly let everyone know.

But now Qin Feng really hasn't seen this world for a long time.

Qin Feng thought about it, bent down, took the corpse and threw it into the tomb.

In an instant, several rotten corpse arms suddenly stretched out from the tomb. There were only hands and arms, so long that the body could not be seen at all.

They grabbed the corpse in an instant and locked it tightly in the tomb.

More and more arms broke out, grabbed the corpse, and gradually covered the corpse, forming a coffin.

The burial time of the fifth-level tomb only takes one hour, and it takes one hour for four hundred zombie corpses and one corpse.

Qin Feng was waiting by the side.

Meditate and use Tai Chi's breathing method to adjust and control your state of mind.

After learning Tai Chi, Qin Feng's breathing and so on have become smooth and steady.

Sitting there motionless, like a sculpture.

The arms in the tomb pressed the zombie into the cemetery little by little, and the sound of grating, I don't know if it was made by the joints.

Or, it was the sound of bones being crushed.

Just like Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, it flows slowly and has a unique sense of music.

Qin Feng's heart became more peaceful after listening to it. At this moment, he seemed to be floating on a cold sea of ​​corpses.

The breath was full of blood, but it was like a drug, once you get addicted, you can't leave it.

An hour finally passed, and a reminder sound rang in my mind.

However, this time the prompt sound was not like before, various items, various attributes were improved.

This time Qin Feng only heard one sentence.

[Ding, the host gains the mental power attribute, the mental control power point is 12 points, and the normal person is 1 point]

Qin Feng thought for a while and said: "Mental power attribute? I have mental control now?"

[Answer the host yes]

"Then how to explain this, the normal person has 1 point, I have 12 points. Does it mean that I am more mental than others?"

[The mental control power of ordinary humans is usually only 1 point, that is, they can only control themselves]

[The host's mental control power is 12 times that of ordinary people, which means that at present, at most 12 humans or mutants can be controlled]

Qin Feng nodded, so that's it: "Then if I want to improve the mental power attribute, do I need to bury this bunch of brain-like mutants?"

[Yes, there are quite a few mentally mutants in this world]

The system's slightly cold and emotionless words, but it set off a little wave in Qin Feng's heart.

The mutants who came before were all mutants who were transformed by the poison gas leak in the underground city of Yueli City.

But now, according to the system, there are mutants appearing all over the world, and they should be mutated naturally.

"Then Chu Rou broadcasted to the whole world this time," Qin Feng smiled, "it can attract more mutants, and they are definitely something I have never seen or expected."

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