Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 179 Big Steel Teeth Provocation

The abilities of mutants are much higher than humans.

However, the firepower of these soldiers was even higher than before.

The two sides fought fiercely and were bloody and bloody.

It was unclear whether the things that exploded were the stump of a human arm or the tentacles or tentacles of a mutant.

Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying took a rest. Chen Qiaoying got off Qin Feng and sat aside.

"You have become the zombie king," Chen Qiaoying panted, "Why are my legs still weak?"

"I can even defeat you in your zombie state," Qin Feng said, "let alone now."

Chen Qiaoying's face turned slightly rosy, but she didn't answer the question.

Their attention extended from the two of them to the crowd of mutants.

The killing below was fierce and blood flowed all over the ground, but as the number of people decreased, the battle situation gradually became clearer.

Mutants and human soldiers suffered more than half of their casualties.

Due to their backward congenital conditions, most of the human soldiers were torn to pieces, while the remaining small number continued to resist tenaciously.

However, the innate advantages were still highlighted, and soon, the mutants tore all the human soldiers into pieces.

The remaining mutants stood there panting, covered in blood, and their eyes were filled with seriousness.

Qin Feng looked at those people, jumped up and jumped down.

The black flame stretched out the black flame tentacles, easing his falling tendency a little, and the whole person descended perfectly.

Qin Feng reached out and clapped, and the crackling sound reached the ears of the remaining mutants.

Due to the inertia of the battle, those mutants wanted to rush over, but they stopped when they saw Qin Feng.

"Not bad," Qin Feng said, "I defeated so many people with my bare hands."

Qin Feng looked around at the crowd of mutants and found among them the two bloody men who first took the lead in rushing into the crowd.

Ace and Li Qiao.

The two of them looked at Qin Feng with a look that was begging for recognition.

They, the mutants, lost about half, and the rest were mostly the strong ones here.

Ace gasped and stepped forward and asked: "Brother the owner of the tomb, can we, can we enter the cemetery?"

Qin Feng smiled and was about to speak.

An arc across the sky rushed directly towards him, the figure was fast and swift.

Qin Feng jumped back with quick eyes and hands.

With a bang, a mutant with a body full of steel thorns and a mouth full of barbed teeth half-knelt down where he was standing.

Qin Feng narrowed his eyes.

"Hehehehe," Da Gangya sneered and said, "What is going on? Is it a contest to recognize your father? Whoever kills more people can recognize you as a human father?"

With just one sentence, everyone was on guard.

The one who comes is not good.

Qin Feng relaxed his expression and said, "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Big Steel Teeth twisted his neck and made a grunge sound, with scarlet eyes and a wide smile on his lips that were split behind his ears.

"Me?" Da Gang Ya glanced up and down at Qin Feng, "It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that I know who you are."

Qin Feng frowned.

At this time, two more mutants came from the side, with white brains and no facial features.

The white brain laughed, wrinkles appeared on the small mouth, and the triangular barb teeth supported the mouth and opened and closed: "You appeared in the dungeon, and you left a big impression on us."

Wu Wugan also looked at Qin Feng mockingly.

Da Gang Ya answered: "You are the man who appeared at my wedding. Although I don't remember your appearance, I remember your body shape."

"I still remember," Da Gang Ya stretched out his finger and pointed at Qin Feng unceremoniously and said, "Your flames that look like spider legs are really disgusting."

Chen Qiaoying also jumped down from the tree at this time, and the purple blood vessels on her body began to swell. Although she only had blue-white eye whites, the terrifying aura bursting out of her eyes was fully visible.

Standing next to Qin Feng is also another kind of intimidation different from Qin Feng.

"Yo yo yo," Da Gangya didn't look afraid at all, "Little black pants, this is your son, right? Why, if you can't beat me, do you want your son to go first?"

"She looks pretty good on the outside, and has a good figure, especially these two lumps of meat."

"This is a zombie, right? Do you have the habit of getting on corpses? Hahaha, the little black pants are heavy-duty."

Extremely mocking.

Da Gangya felt that he had crawled out of the abyss of the sea of ​​fire and had acquired special abilities.

Along the way, you kill zombies, people, and mutants.

There was an unknown amount of blood on his body and hands.

He also discovered his hobby of cannibalism. Human flesh is so delicious.

Therefore, with these experiences and hobbies, Da Gangya felt that he was really awesome and invincible.

He no longer had any impression of the shocking feeling that Qin Feng brought to him at the beginning. In his eyes, Qin Feng was now just a little black pantser.

This was the first time Qin Feng heard someone speak so arrogantly about him.

There was a flash of danger in his eyes, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he uttered a single syllable: "Oh?"

With this single word, anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Qin Feng was angry and wanted to teach him how to behave.

Chen Qiaoying took a step forward, as if she wanted to rush forward.

Moreover, the mutated people who had seen Qin Feng deal with giant zombies trembled unconsciously and took a step back subconsciously.

But Big Gangya, including his companion White Brain, who had no facial features, all looked down upon Qin Feng.

Big Steel Ya snorted, then turned to the mutants and said, "Sisters, brothers and compatriots, look at this little black panty, how silly he is."

"Isn't it just a cemetery? I'll kill him and take you in later."

"Obey me, women go to bed and men go to work."

"Otherwise, I'll kill you like I killed Little Black Pants, hahahaha."

Just when Big Steel Teeth was still arrogant, there was a rustling sound of wind behind him.

As a mutant, Big Steel Teeth was very alert and turned around to hide.

But the thing was extremely fast with the sound of wind, almost coming through the wind, and it pierced through Big Steel Teeth's shoulder, which was as hard as armor.

With a sound of "Puff", it penetrated the skin and flesh.

In addition to the pain of piercing bones, there was also a burning sensation.

Big Steel Teeth couldn't help but scream in pain, and when he looked out of the corner of his eye, he saw a black thing.

He wanted to reach out and pull it out, but when his hand touched it, it actually passed through the black thing.

His hand was also burned badly, so he quickly retracted it.

"What is this?" Big Steel Teeth shouted.

The two companions in front of Da Gangya stared at the back of Da Gangya with their eyes wide open.

Da Gangya wanted to turn back, but the next second, a flash of fire came again.

With a pop, it pierced through his other shoulder.

"Ah!!!!" Da Gangya shouted, "What the hell is this?"

Qin Feng smiled coldly behind him and said, "Does it hurt? This is the spider spirit's leg."

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