Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 180: Mind Control

"This, this is." Big Steel Teeth was about to speak.

The two black flames that passed through his shoulders actually turned in the air and pierced into Big Steel Teeth's flesh.

Severe pain instantly swept through Big Steel Teeth's body, and his steel spikes floated all over his body. Cold sweat oozed out of his skin that was almost poreless and like the armor of a cold-blooded animal.

"Weightless weapons," Qin Feng said, "black flames, cutting iron like mud, can enter the unmanned area. Nickname, spider legs."

Qin Feng likes to disgust people the most when he speaks.

Especially for those who provoke him, he not only wants physical torture, but also mental oppression.

After hearing this, Big Steel Teeth's heart pressure doubled.

His shoulder is now tightly held by the black flame. He wants to pull it out but can't touch it, and he will be burned by the black flame if he reaches out.

"What are you doing?" Big Steel Teeth shouted at his two companions, "Kill him! Quick, what are you doing?"

White Brain and No Face, both of them suddenly woke up.

After coming back to their senses from the slightly shocked fear, the two of them looked at each other and hesitated for a moment.

They rushed towards Qin Feng with a scream.

Big Steel Teeth was covered with steel spikes and had hundreds of teeth in his mouth, with super combat power.

He was usually the first one among the three of them to charge into battle, killing zombies and people, even the same mutants.

Big Steel Teeth was like playing.

White Brain was more like the team brain, commanding.

And Wu Wuguan, his combat power was the same as Big Steel Teeth, but slightly inferior.

There was not much judgment about the situation where Big Steel Teeth was directly killed by Qin Feng's two black flames, and he still felt that he could beat Qin Feng.

Even though Qin Feng made this move, he did not move at all, and it was purely the mind that controlled the black fire to attack.

"Hiss hiss hiss"

The two mutants made a hissing sound in their mouths, and rushed towards Qin Feng from the left and right.

Qin Feng snorted coldly, and did not move at all, and controlled the four black flames to rush towards the two people with his mind.

Sharp, weightless, almost no resistance.

So it was flying very fast, just like a bullet.

On the right, the mutant without facial features opened his pitiful small mouth full of fangs.

His white muscles swelled up, without a single blood vessel, but it was full and full.

He was also quite flexible, and dodged the first impact when the black flame rushed over.

He had a smug look on his face: "Hehe."

However, the black flame would turn. It passed through the five-faced mutant, turned again, and turned back to pierce his muscles.

It was nailed into the ground instantly, leaving him no room for resistance.

"Ah!!" The five-faced mutant knelt on the ground, and like the big steel teeth, he was instantly killed by Qin Feng.

On the other side, a white brain covered with red blood was shaking.

The white brain rushed towards Qin Feng, and the sharpest hissing sound came from his mouth.

Qin Feng's two black flames rushed towards him.

However, just when everyone thought that the two black flames were about to rush towards the white brain, they suddenly turned back when they were a few inches away from the white brain!

Yes, turn back!

Black flames, Qin Feng's black flames, actually attacked Qin Feng directly.

Qin Feng actually couldn't control these two black flames.

Qin Feng hurriedly pulled Chen Qiaoying to hide aside immediately.

Bang, bang, two sounds.

The black flames pierced into the ground, immediately got up, and rushed towards Qin Feng again.

Qin Feng frowned, did not mobilize other black flames to attack, but continued to hide, bang, bang, the black flames pierced into the soil under Qin Feng's feet again.

"Hehehe." The eyes of the white brain, like small red beans, seemed to emit a mocking look.

Bloody, slightly wrinkled mouth like some kind of organ, triangular teeth rubbed, and the sound was extremely scratching the eardrum.

Except for Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying, everyone else at the scene covered their ears and fell to the ground uncontrollably, rolling in pain.

Qin Feng looked at the two black flames coming from his body, still desperately attacking him.

And the white brain running towards him with a miserable smile on his face.

In an instant, he understood a little bit that the mutation of the white brain was on his brain.

He seemed to be able to control people's consciousness through brain waves.

Qin Feng controlled the black flame with his mind.

In other words, the black flame could rush to wherever it wanted, turn and change into whatever shape it wanted.

It was just what Qin Feng thought about subconsciously.

But Qin Feng's consciousness had been practiced to perfection.

Controlling these two flames was the level of consciousness required for low-level reactions such as knee-jerk reflex.

The ability of the white brain was indeed able to control consciousness, and he controlled the two black flames of Qin Feng through his own ability.

So he dared to rush over rashly even though his combat power was insufficient.

Qin Feng was slightly surprised, but then he retracted his expression. This mutant was interesting.

Of course, Qin Feng was not the only one who was surprised.

Although the white brain laughed sarcastically, it also made a harsh hissing sound sarcastically.

But his heart was extremely shocked.

At first, they thought that Qin Feng was just an ordinary mutant.

They had seen people with fire on their bodies before.

But usually these people were almost killed by them instantly.

White Brain's ability was even to control people so that they couldn't move or even blink.

But he could control the flames on those people at will.

Two flames hit him, and he turned over in an instant, but Qin Feng was able to rush out with Chen Qiaoying.

Even when he increased his strength, Qin Feng was still able to jump away.

It seems that even Xianting is not panicked at all, and it is not difficult at all.

The white brain thought in his heart: Has my control disappeared?

No, it is impossible, my mind control is very powerful.

But this person can move at will, move at will.

Is it because the consciousness that controls the black flame is his very small consciousness?

If that is the case, it is easy to explain why I can't control his whole body.

In this way, this man is really terrifying.

But now the fight has started, if they don't continue to fight, the only ones who will die are them.

Look at Da Gangya and Wu Wuguan.

They were all killed instantly, and Da Gangya can't get up until now!

No, he can't fall down, he must stand up!

Must kill Qin Feng!

The white brain continued to scream, and the hissing sound was endless. The screams of the mutants who fell to the ground became more tragic and painful.

However, Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying did not even react much.

Finally, the black flames rushed towards Qin Feng like two black knives.

Qin Feng did not give way this time, but narrowed his eyes. The black flames instantly counterattacked and rushed towards the white brain.

The white brain did not expect that Qin Feng actually broke through his mental barrier and tried his best to avoid it, but it was too late.

The black flames came straight towards him!

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