Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 178 Winning over the people

"There are three types of people that my cemetery doesn't accept."

"Ordinary idlers."

"People with ulterior motives."

"The last type is people with no ability, like you now."

Qin Feng is very good at piercing people's hearts. He simply put forward three conditions, plus the previous words, and pierced thousands of arrows into the hearts of these mutants.

The mutants were furious when they heard it.

They are mutants!

More than three months after the outbreak of this doomsday, countless human survivors have been buried again in the hands of zombies or their own people.

It's all because humans are too weak.

But now they are mutants.

Killing zombies with bare hands, several zombies are afraid.

Now the tomb owner actually compared them to ordinary people with no ability, and these people are naturally unhappy.

"So," Qin Feng said, "If you want to stay, kill them. Of course, if you can't do it, I won't force you to do anything."

"Let's go."

The black flames behind Qin Feng once again stood up like spider silk, looking like they were carrying black lava magma.

Like a silent monster.

The soldiers who came down from the helicopter quickly came over with guns. Looking at the group of strange-looking people in front of them, they instinctively felt scared.

But holding guns, relying on the power of numbers, they shouted "Stop" and "Don't move" in various regional languages ​​to the mutants in front of them.

Countless black gun muzzles were pointed at these people.

The mutants huddled together back to back, with vigilant and fierce expressions on their strange faces.

The people who were mutated into lizards spit out long tongues.

Ace and Li Qiao were pushed to the front. They had no skin, and the remaining flesh and blood looked rotten like mud.

But in fact, it was as hard as iron sheets, and ordinary blades could not cut it.

All kinds of mutants were on guard at this time.

And the soldiers surrounding them spoke different languages, babble, and no one could understand.

The mutants agreed not to go to war with these people.

The soldiers had guns in their hands, and they were of various types, with different firepower.

It was true that they could tear zombies apart, but they could not tear weapons apart. Wouldn't they be finished if these bullets and artillery were fired at them?

After mutation, everyone had some animal nature.

So now they opened their mouths and made squeaking roars, trying to scare off these soldiers.

These soldiers were very afraid of mutants at first, but gradually, they found that mutants were not scary.

Except for their strange appearance.

So, some bold soldiers began to tease the mutants with guns, with sarcastic smiles on their faces.

"Hehe, # ¥%¥¥ # ..." speaking in a language that people could not understand.

However, it was like watching monkeys playing in a circus, with ridicule in their words and expressions.

"So you still won't resist?" Qin Feng's voice came at this time, "You still don't move, what are you afraid of?"

"Are you afraid that they will kill you, or are you afraid that you will break the law?"

"People have bullied you to the point of being bullied, why don't you do it?"

Qin Feng's words were light and a bit disdainful.

It was uncomfortable to listen to, but if you tasted it carefully, you could find that Qin Feng was just provoking them.

Looking at Qin Feng's eyes again, indifferent, cold, and completely inhumane.

But he didn't look at them like an animal at all.

The black flames behind Qin Feng burst out one by one and floated in the air: "It's your business to kill or not, I don't care so much."

Qin Feng rushed towards the crowd, and the purple blood vessels on Chen Qiaoying's body stretched again and swelled.

She followed Qin Feng without hesitation and rushed towards the crowd.

At the same time, Chu Rou fired in the cemetery and aimed at the helicopter.

One aim and one hit, the war, the smoke, continued.

The mutants looked at each other, hesitant.

Only Ace and Li Qiao looked at each other and detected each other's thoughts.

The tomb owner and the people around him were all strong. They had different abilities, but they were all amazingly strong.

In the doomsday, no one said that they had the obligation to take anyone in.

What's more, they were people who had become monsters?

So, Qin Feng was testing their abilities and asked them to win the "entrance ticket" to the cemetery.

If they can, then pass.

If they can't, then get out.

But if they don't go, Qin Feng will definitely not take them in.

One or two, with superpowers, but also with different hearts.

Taking them in, isn't it equivalent to placing a time bomb around them?

But Ace and Li Qiao really want to follow Qin Feng.

Such a strong person, only by following him can they survive in the doomsday.

Moreover, they can also be convinced.

So, Ace and Li Qiao looked at each other, their eyes full of determination.

The two blood men roared, with crazy expressions on their faces, and rushed into the crowd first.

Bloody man action.

Other mutants looked at each other, hesitated for a few times, and more and more people joined the battle.

Those soldiers were first disrupted by Qin Feng and others, and then rushed in by the violent mutants.

Da da da da.

Da da da da.

In the chaotic shooting.

This time the weapons are really good, and the firepower is very strong.

Whether it is close combat or long-range attack, it can make up for the firepower, so the entire battle line is filled with dazzling flames.

Qin Feng took advantage of the chaos and pulled Chen Qiaoying to the safe area at the edge of the battle.

Jumped onto a tree that was not knocked down.

"What, what happened?" Chen Qiaoying slowly retracted the purple blood vessels, and the blue-white eye sockets gradually emerged with human pupils, "Aren't you going to fight?"

"These shrimp soldiers and crab generals, leave them to fight," Qin Feng said, "We will just watch."

"Uh, we won't fight?" Chen Qiaoying pouted a little dissatisfied, "I'm ready to kill."

Chen Qiaoying was fine except for the blood on her hands.

Because of the intense exercise, her chest was throbbing.

Qin Feng looked at the chaos below and said, "Anyway, no one will pay attention to us. What about such a high tree? What to do?"

Chen Qiaoying blushed and said, "Will this be bad?"

"I haven't had that for several days, right?" Qin Feng asked.

The last time I did that with Chen Qiaoying was when we were fighting martial arts masters and flying up to the sky.

Chen Qiaoying nodded, took the initiative to sit on Qin Feng's legs, and said, "Well, then hurry up, I feel that those soldiers are not enough for them to kill. Soon, it will be over, right?"

"I'm quick?" Qin Feng made some movements, and his mouth was not idle, "This is impossible."

The branches were shaking, and Chen Qiaoying, as a human, was still sweet and soft.

The people below were fighting fiercely, the mutants were very strong, but the soldiers' firepower was also fierce.

There were very few mutants who could survive after rushing up.

The fight was stalemate, cough cough, it would probably take another half an hour.

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