Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 125 Rescue Chen Qiaoying (2)

Qin Feng's physical strength is much higher than that of ordinary people.

Chu Rou is already the best among ordinary human women in terms of physical strength, but Qin Feng still has to lower his strength to avoid hurting her.

How to describe the feeling of having sex with Chen Qiaoying?

Equally matched.

Although Chen Qiaoying has turned into a corpse, her body is still in the crystal coffin, so she is no different from an ordinary woman.

It's just this strength, it's too strong.

Qin Feng could hold it once and twice.

But the third time, Chen Qiaoying kept trying to run out of the coffin, and her strength rushed all over, and Qin Feng almost lost his grip.

Fortunately, this skill of using a little force to move a thousand pounds is also real.

Easily dissolve the force and continue.

The whole scene is like a fight between martial arts masters.

Chu Rou didn't dare to look at it after a look. There was no beauty at all. After all, Chen Qiaoying is also a girl with such a good figure.

But it was violent, absolutely violent!

She felt pain just looking at it.

Finally, after three times, this kind of burst was gone.

Chen Qiaoying began to relax, the zombies' low roars disappeared, and her eyes were no longer unfocused.

Ho-ho-ho, the zombies' low roars of "uh-uh-uh" turned into a woman's voice.

Sure enough, three times won't work, four times are needed.

In a dizzy state, Chen Qiaoying's lips trembled, and she said two words with difficulty: "Qin Feng."

She is back.

[Host rescued successfully]

[Chen Qiaoying's zombie bloodline has been controlled]

The system prompt sounded, and Qin Feng came out.

It was hearty.

After putting on his clothes, Qin Feng took a look in the coffin and sighed.

This amount of activity is too much.

Chu Rou pushed the door in at this time and said, "Is it over?"

Chu Rou came in at this time, holding a bunch of fruits in her arms, which she brought from the supply room.

"Take a break," Chu Rou handed an orange to Qin Feng, "replenish some energy."

Qin Feng smiled and took the orange from Chu Rou's hand, peeled it and ate it himself.

However, Chu Rou still stared at Qin Feng.

After being stared at for a long time, Qin Feng couldn't help it and asked, "What do you want to say?"

"You, are you okay?" Chu Rou asked.

Qin Feng exhaled helplessly: "I'm fine, I'm not weak, can I still believe you now?"

Chu Rou smiled and said, "I believe you. It's just that the earth was shaking so badly just now, and you two are too fierce."

Qin Feng shook his head helplessly.

"When you did that to me, were you holding back?" Chu Rou asked, "It feels like we are not at the same level of strength."

Qin Feng looked at her and nodded after a while.

"Oh, I'm so weak!" Chu Rou said, "It would be better if I were stronger."

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Don't worry, you will become stronger in the future."

With him around, Chu Rou will be weak?

Chu Rou smiled, this is true.

Chu Rou thought for a moment and asked, "Is she okay now?"

"Yes," Qin Feng said, "She accidentally awakened some zombie bloodline, and now she should be half human and half zombie."

"Wow, so magical," Chu Rou looked at Chen Qiaoying lying in the crystal coffin, "Chen Qiaoying is now half human and half zombie, so does she have the power of zombies and won't be eaten by zombies?"

"Probably," Qin Feng said, "I don't know."

Chu Rou walked around the crystal coffin and looked at Chen Qiaoying carefully, amazed.

At the same time, Qin Feng asked in his mind: "System, is Chen Qiaoying a zombie or a human? Does she have any abilities like this?"

[Chen Qiaoying, dual form]

[Zombie form: Zombie King level, super strength, super speed, super five senses, small chance to trigger commander skills, can control zombies within a certain range]

[Human form: 5 times the attributes of ordinary people, with deterrence skills, short-term control of humans (excluding the host)]

Qin Feng listened to what the system said and imagined it.

In human form, Chen Qiaoying can intimidate and control human soldiers.

The rest of the time, he and Chu Rou can harvest them.

As for the zombie form.

Damn, if she is thrown into a pile of zombies, it will probably be the zombies that die.

Compared with her previous weak and fragile state, it is a hundred times better.

If she is so strong, it is not a problem for her to stay, and I don’t have to find a safe place to put her.

"Is she so strong?" Qin Feng was a little surprised, "Suddenly, I also want to be bitten by the zombies."

[Host, don’t envy. Theoretically, Chen Qiaoying has no room for improvement. But the host has unlimited potential. ]

[As for how much the host will improve, this system cannot predict]

Qin Feng nodded and asked, "Then can she switch between these two states at will?"

[This point should remind the host that Chen Qiaoying is currently unable to control her ability because it is too different from her previous state]

[If it is not controlled well, it will be harmful to the host and must be killed]

Qin Feng's face suddenly became serious. This time the system said to kill

Maybe he really killed her.

Then he must help Chen Qiaoying control her condition.

If Chen Qiaoying stays by his side, his fighting power will be infinite.

One is Chu Rou, a scientific brain with a deep understanding of firearms, who can handle all kinds of guns without pressure.

The other is Chen Qiaoying, the female zombie king with superb skills who can face zombies directly.

He doesn't even need to take action.

But this is also a joke. Qin Feng himself knows that there are still many forces in this world that they cannot resist now.

There are people beyond people, and there are mountains beyond mountains.

Only by becoming stronger and stronger can we face any enemy who wants to invade.

Qin Feng's conversation with the system ended here.

Chu Rou just came back from a circle around the crystal coffin, still curiously looking at Chen Qiaoying in the crystal coffin.

The night was quiet, and the whole cemetery was floating in a chill.

The next morning, Qin Feng and Chu Rou woke up in the cross coffin on the other side.

Even though they had consumed a lot of physical strength the day before, Qin Feng and Chu Rou could recover their physical strength through the cross coffin.

Pushing open the coffin lid, a faint light with little temperature shone in from the windowsill of the villa.

Qin Feng sat up, and the first thing he did was to turn his head and look at the crystal coffin on the side.

Chen Qiaoying still closed her eyes, but the difference was that it was different from the silent silence before.

Now her chest rose and fell, and she was breathing, she was a living person.

The purple blood vessels on the shoulder bitten by the zombies contracted at this time, looking like a beautiful tattoo.

This breathing, Qin Feng felt particularly powerful when he listened to it next to him.

"Oh, this coffin is comfortable to sleep in," Chu Rou slowly climbed up from behind, "It's more comfortable than my Simmons mattress."

"Good morning," Chu Rou kissed Qin Feng, "Has she not woken up yet?"

"No," Qin Feng said, "It will probably take quite a while."

"She has been dead for so long, and suddenly came back to life," Chu Rou asked in confusion, "Does she still remember you?"

Qin Feng thought about it and hesitated, "I don't know either."

He remembered that Chen Qiaoying called his name before fainting yesterday, right? But the pronunciation was too vague to hear clearly.

"Oh," Chu Rou said, "It's good to remember, otherwise you will be a little painful."

Qin Feng reached out and touched Chu Rou's head.

And at this moment, Chen Qiaoying in the crystal coffin quietly opened her eyes, and her eyes, which had been silent for a long time, began to focus slowly.

Until she saw everything in front of her clearly.

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