Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 124 Rescue Chen Qiaoying (1)

Life essence and the like are easy to deal with.

Upgrading means burying a zombie, and then upgrading again, which means you can save Chen Qiaoying next time.

You have to do it three times or more.

But the problem is that once the crystal coffin lid is opened, Chen Qiaoying will gain a breath.

Once she gains a breath, she will go berserk.

In addition, once she leaves the crystal coffin, her body will begin to become like a zombie.

Thinking of Xiaotong and the things that Xiaotong dropped when she just became a puppet, Qin Feng felt a little annoyed.

It means that he must keep Chen Qiaoying in the crystal coffin and not let her out.

This is really a big test for his skills.

Chu Rou nodded after listening to Qin Feng's description, but did not speak.

"What do you think?" Qin Feng asked.

"I was thinking," Chu Rou asked, "Do you need me to hold her down for you, but I still can't."

"Oh?" Qin Feng was a little interested, Chu Rou was not jealous, "Why?"

"First, you can't hold her down, let alone me," Chu Rou said, "Second, if I have to witness it three times, I can't stand it and want it. Wouldn't it be more tiring for you, how about this?"

Chu Rou came to the crystal coffin and gestured, saying: "I put a board here, okay? Can it block it?"

"Probably not." Qin Feng said almost decisively.

A board, iron or wood.

Don't say that his strength, which is six times that of an ordinary person, will break at the touch, Chen Qiaoying's strength is no worse than his.

She can even knock open the lid of this crystal coffin, if she really jumps out, I dare not imagine it.

Chu Rou covered her head in distress: "What should I do?"

Qin Feng sighed and said, "I should be able to suppress her."

There are two waves of zombies buried outside now. One wave is the zombies in the mutant zombie tomb, which can enhance the essence of life.

The other wave is the ordinary tomb. After that batch, Qin Feng should be able to reach seven times the strength of ordinary people.

In addition, he is wearing the [Extreme Power Gloves], and his skills are at least eight times that of ordinary people.

No matter what, he can suppress it.

"Yeah," Chu Rou clenched his fists and cheered, "You must succeed. Thank you for your hard work."

Qin Feng looked at Chu Rou and couldn't help laughing.

He said, "I thought you would be jealous."

In the previous life, there were girls who chased Qin Feng.

As the saying goes, three women make a play, and when there are too many women, it is easy to get into trouble.

What he hates most is the drama of women secretly scheming against each other.

What's the point of performing palace fighting dramas every day?

Chu Rou hummed, as if thinking, and said: "It's impossible to say that I'm not sad, but as long as you are happy, I don't mind other women."

"Well, to be precise, I like what you like, and I hate what you hate."

Qin Feng raised his hand and touched Chu Rou's hair.

Chu Rou said: "Then I can't help you this time, Qin Feng, you have to do it yourself."

"I understand." Qin Feng said.

Qin Feng didn't know what he was feeling, just looking at Chu Rou.

Chu Rou smiled like a kitten and said: "But I have an immature suggestion, I don't know if I can mention it."

"You mention it." Qin Feng said.

"I want to watch," Chu Rou said, "Just watch for a while, I just want to know how humans and zombies do it, will it be exciting."

". It's up to you." Qin Feng said.

"Mua!" Chu Rou kissed Qin Feng, "But I'll just take a look, so I won't be able to help but get involved."

Time passed quickly, and the ordinary zombies were buried first.

Four attribute values ​​were loaded onto Qin Feng, and now each of his attribute values ​​is around 68.

And what’s more important is that Mr. Guo’s body was also buried in this zombie burial.

Qin Feng obtained another skill [Advanced Tai Chi], not mastery, but advancement.

Mastery does not require Qin Feng to practice, and using this skill alone is already at the top level.

For example, Jeet Kune Do, Qin Feng has been able to use it freely from the beginning, and can even be directly linked to swordsmanship.

And advancement requires gradual proficiency.

Qin Feng also understands that Tai Chi is a traditional Chinese martial art, which is profound and extensive.

Although it seems simple, it is actually more laborious to use than Jeet Kune Do.

Look at Mr. Guo, a Tai Chi master, his body turned into a zombie and still feels like a martial arts master.

And the most important thing about learning Tai Chi is that you can use four ounces to move a thousand pounds.

With soft, flexible and tough skills, facing opponents who are several times stronger than yourself.

This time, whether Chen Qiaoying can be suppressed depends on whether this [Advanced Tai Chi] can work.

Qin Feng took advantage of the time to practice.

However, after [Advanced Tai Chi] appeared in the attribute list, countless Tai Chi moves and Tai Chi routines appeared in Qin Feng's mind like a movie.

Qin Feng took a deep breath and started practicing Tai Chi in the cemetery.

Move by move, from nothing to something, and then from something to nothing.

Flowing like clouds and water, soft and powerful.

Chu Rou, who was standing by, was stunned. This move was really beautiful, and Qin Feng looked even better when he practiced.

After an hour, Qin Feng retracted his moves and stood still.

He took a long breath, and his forehead and body were covered with fine sweat.

After practicing a set of Tai Chi, the amount of exercise was greater than that of running dozens of kilometers.

Qin Feng looked at his hands and felt that he had more control over this body.

"Awesome," Chu Rou stood up and applauded, "You were a bit of a fairy just now."

Qin Feng smiled.

Now we just have to wait for the mutant zombies to be buried, there are still a few hours.

Practice a few more times, this kind of gentle force, but it feels really good to move thousands of pounds.

The more he practiced, the more proficient he became, and Qin Feng felt that his body was getting lighter.

Time is up, the mutant zombies are buried, and Qin Feng chose to increase his life essence without hesitation.

A huge impulse rushed out of his lower abdomen. If Qin Feng hadn't just finished the activity, he might have gone crazy.

He half-squatted on the ground, but it was still obvious.

"Wow," Chu Rou swallowed, "This, this is too good for me!"

Qin Feng paused for a while, then slowly stood up: "Next time it's your turn, I'm going."

"Come on!" Chu Rou said, "Triumphant, Qin Feng!"

Qin Feng:.

Qin Feng walked into the villa, and the wind was still gusting.

The ceiling lamp emitted a cold light, and the crystal coffin still looked cold.

Qin Feng looked at Chen Qiaoying inside, and his heart suddenly started beating wildly.

[Remind the host that there are still 5 hours and 46 minutes before the crystal coffin suppression time ends]

[The host must do it three times or more for it to be effective]

"I understand," Qin Feng swallowed, "Then let's start."

He took a deep breath, put his hand on the cold crystal coffin, and pushed it open.

The air gradually flowed into the crystal coffin, and Chen Qiaoying's body began to move again.


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