Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 126 The Virgin Mary is not suitable for this era

Qin Feng would notice any movement from Chen Qiaoying, even if she just opened her eyes.

His perception was already very sharp.

"She's awake," Qin Feng suddenly said.

Chu Rou was stunned for a moment, and the two looked into the crystal coffin at the same time.

In the crystal coffin, Chen Qiaoying moved a little, and she got up with difficulty.

She was originally a queen, and she was very beautiful. Now she was resurrected with a little coldness.

But she was beautiful, and she had recovered.

Sitting up, she slowly turned her head, and there was no trace of blood on her face. Her lips opened slightly: "Qin Feng."

This was the first sentence she said after officially returning to the human world.

In the afternoon, the cemetery had a slightly warm color.

Qin Feng sat on the grave, holding a small apple and chewing a few bites of beef jerky.

Chu Rou followed Chen Qiaoying, whose limbs were stiff, out of curiosity.

On the one hand, she wanted to observe how Chen Qiaoying, who was half human and half zombie, would act, and on the other hand, she wanted to prevent Chen Qiaoying from hitting her face on the ground like Xiaotong.

After all, Chen Qiaoying had been dead for quite some time. Her meridians and muscles were all in a state of stiffness, and she could hardly speak.

She could only say his name, and other words like "hello", "I am", etc. She couldn't even pronounce her own name "Chen Qiaoying".

But now she is gradually recovering.

While eating, Qin Feng asked the system: "Is she still a zombie king in her current state? This, I guess she will fall down if she is touched."

[It's just in the initial adaptation stage, but the zombie state does not need to adapt]

[The host can try to stimulate and stimulate Chen Qiaoying's zombie state]

[The host is now at its best and should be able to resist her]

Qin Feng:. As if he didn't ask that question.

He coughed twice and continued to ask: "Does she remember me? She has died once."

[Human memories are stored in the mind and will not change much]

[She is gradually recovering her memory]

Qin Feng nodded and looked over. The two had already walked a little ahead of him.

Chen Qiaoying's ability to adapt was very fast. After walking around, her limbs were no longer so stiff.

Chu Rou ran to Qin Feng excitedly and said, "Wow, she can walk without holding on to the tree trunk. Isn't it awesome? This rehabilitation effect is amazing."

Qin Feng nodded, stood up, picked up a small apple and walked to Chen Qiaoying.

"How do you feel?" Qin Feng asked.

"Not bad." Chen Qiaoying spoke slowly, but it was much clearer.

Qin Feng looked at her in front of him and was amazed.

Qin Feng's keen perception of things, even though Chen Qiaoying was still in a state of "hemiplegia" and had such stiff limbs.

Qin Feng could feel the changes in Chen Qiaoying's strength.

She could become a strong woman by his side.

"Little apple," Qin Feng handed the apple to Chen Qiaoying, "Do you want to eat it?"

Chu Rou leaned over from behind Qin Feng, looked at Chen Qiaoying with curious eyes, and said, "Not only apples, but also bananas, grapes and watermelons."

"And it's amazing, it won't rot even if it's placed in the villa, it's delicious."

This is Chu Rou's way of expressing friendliness.

Chen Qiaoying stood there stiffly, without moving for a long time.

Qin Feng stretched out his hand and waved it in front of her, and asked, "Can you think now? Do you remember who I am?"

Chen Qiaoying raised her head and looked at Qin Feng with big eyes, and Qin Feng's shadow was reflected in her black pupils.

The brain was originally like a static liquid, nothing.

And at the moment of this eye contact, scenes of memory recalled in the mind.

Underground cell, tall man.

"Uh, your skin is really big, um no, your breasts are really good, no no no, it's your figure."

In the water tank.

"The thing you caught is commonly known as a vulture."

"I'm not not coming back, why are you so reluctant to let me go?"

The tall man with a sharp black knife and bloody hands in the zombie group.

And the knife that stabbed into the chest in the end, which fell into complete darkness.

Chen Qiaoying's memory gradually recovered, and she looked at Qin Feng and said, "Qin Feng, I remember you."

Tears fell, tenderness like water.

For Chen Qiaoying, Qin Feng can't say that he has too many feelings.

A lone ranger in the doomsday, unless they can fight side by side, tenderness like water is an illusion.

Qin Feng is still very calm.

Qin Feng listened to Chen Qiaoying's murmur, and his heart moved for only a second, and he said, "It's good to come back, don't cry, now that you can think, let's talk about business."

In the doomsday survival, every minute and every second is precious.

Qin Feng gave Chen Qiaoying enough buffer time. It's been a whole morning, and he and Chu Rou have been with Chen Qiaoying.

Now it's time to show your cards.

Chen Qiaoying was stunned and held back her tears.

She looked at Qin Feng, her heart thumping, but with a hint of timidity.

"This is where I used to live," Qin Feng said, "It's called the Zombie Cemetery. As long as there are zombie corpses, the resources here are inexhaustible."

"But don't look at my large place, it can accommodate very few people. I don't accept idle people, let alone the elderly, weak and disabled."

"If you want to stay here, I have conditions."

"If you can't meet the conditions, we'll talk about it."

Chen Qiaoying recovered quickly. Hearing this, she opened her mouth and said slowly: "I want to be by your side. Not necessarily here, in the tomb."

She thought for a while, then asked: "What. Conditions?"

"Stay with me, you can," Qin Feng said, "but you must use your ability well, kill zombies, kill people."

Chen Qiaoying's ability is not inferior to his current ability. How can she not use such a great ability well?

"Murder?" Chen Qiaoying hesitated.

She has completely recovered her memory at this time. This world may continue for a long time after her death.

But for her at this time, it should be like the next day when she just came out of prison and woke up with her eyes open.

Mental state is still in the state of being oppressed and imprisoned by prisoners in prison.

There is also some sense of justice brought by peacetime. She has not adapted to the zombie world.

Qin Feng nodded: "Everyone will come to compete for resources in order to survive in the doomsday. Such a Feng Shui treasure land has long been targeted by people."

"If they come to rob, kill them."

Qin Feng's words were cold, but his intention was obvious.

Whoever comes to rob will be killed.

"In the end of the world, shouldn't we support each other?" Chen Qiaoying spoke slowly, but her words were clear. "It's okay to kill zombies, but I can't kill people."

She wants to protect the people, how could she kill people?

Qin Feng's face turned cold in an instant, and he said, "Well, then you are not suitable to live here."

"The end of the world does not allow kindness to survive, and the Virgin Mary is not suitable for this era."

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